I had all knowledge

Hello! I just discovered this message board today.

I feel that I had a NDE after a car accident 2 years ago. It was like one minute all my questions were answered and when I woke up I could barely remember what I was told. I do remember asking if I would remember.

In my choice to live or die, the consequence of coming back was not having the knowledge and the open-mindedness. I tried to remember something anyway. I think all that I remember is that people waste so much energy on small issues that really have no purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, I hope this helps.


© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Quest for Truth

How It All Began

I was working for the Georgia Department of Corrections in 1982 as a Correctional Officer. I worked a constant seven day shift rotation and this week was on the 12:00am to 8:00am shift. It was in December on a cold brisk morning that I punched my time card and headed for home. I was looking forward to this morning, as I had planned a hunting trip on the ninety eight acre farm, bordering the Chattahoochee River, my family and I lived on.

I arrived home and gathered my gear trying to get as early a start as I could. My wife had already left for work as most people do who have normal working hours. I usually called her when I was going hunting, but being in a hurry on this particular morning I didn’t. I had about a two mile hike to my tree stand and arrived there around 10:15am.

My stand was about 20 feet high on the front side facing a thick patch of pines. The back side faced the river below and dropped off to huge boulders in the river below. I tied off my rifle to be pulled up after my climb to the top and began my upward ascent. I reached the top and positioned myself to pull my rifle up. Then without warning I heard a snap!

I would later return to this site many times to reflect on my life. On one visit with a friend I measured the distance from the top of the stand down to the boulder I landed on. Eighty feet! As I began my fall to the river below I could see the river coming up fast. I knew this was the end for me and although it was just seconds before impact, it was as though I was in slow motion!

So many thoughts raced through my mind. My wife, my daughter, my family, and no one knows where I am! Would I ever be found? Then, darkness! How long this darkness lasted I don’t know. Then something wonderful happened! I felt myself leaving my body! I was floating a few feet in the air above the river! I looked on my body with mixed feelings. I was bleeding from my mouth, nose, ears, and saw a trickle of blood underneath me on the boulder.

As I was reflecting on the state of my body I felt a pulling and began to rise very fast! I was traveling at a high rate of speed upwards through the atmosphere! As I left the atmosphere I looked back and could see the earth! Such a beautiful sight! It was so brilliantly lit! As I looked ahead I could see the planets! I thought to myself this cannot be! Where is Jesus? I was never told anything like this could or would happen when I died! Faster, and faster the speed was increasing!

I saw other star systems and galaxies as I raced onward! I entered what seemed to be a hole of some sort! It was long and dark. However around me I saw streaks of light made up of every color in the spectrum! I saw a faint light growing brighter and brighter in the distance up ahead. As I entered the light I felt it all through my being. I was not afraid anymore! Then all of a sudden I was standing before a massive set of steps! They led up to what seemed to be a bridge or walk of some kind.

In the distance I saw a sight so magnificent and astounding! A city made up of what seemed to be glass or crystal. The lights were of many colors that radiated from it. Never have I seen such a sight! I began walking toward the city in a daze of unbelief! So many questions raced through my mind. I had to know where I was. What was happening to me? I reached the front of the city and saw a double door that looked to be about thirty feet or so in height and width! It shined as if it was polished! As I stood there wandering the doors began to open. I took a step back and looked inside. I could see what appeared to be people walking about on the inside, much like they do in a mall here on earth. These people though were dressed very different! For one thing they all seemed to be dressed in some sort of robes with hoods! I entered through the doors in amazement at what I was seeing! The inside was massive! It seemed to be square in shape, with a balcony all around that led down to different levels! I walked up and looked downward over the balcony. It seemed to go on forever!

As I looked up, I saw many passing by me, yet no one seemed to notice me! Then as one was approaching me he suddenly stopped! He slowly raised his head and I could see his face! He appeared to be human form in every respect but one! His eyes! No pupils! Yet they seemed to change colors in shades of blue! His hair was snow white! I wanted to speak but before I could he turned and pointed to a long hallway! Though we never spoke I knew I was to go down this hallway.

Then as if nothing had ever happened, he continued on. I knew I had to as well. Something beckoning me forward. I walked a long walk down to the end of this hallway. I did not turn to the right or the left. I knew somehow that my questions were about to be answered! Again I saw before me a massive double door. It seemed to be of some type of metal whether gold or not I could not tell. Suddenly the doors opened! I heard a voice though not as we speak, but from inside of me it seemed, say enter!

I did as I was told and the doors shut suddenly behind me! I was afraid for the first time! Total darkness! Total silence! Then after a space of time the length of which I could not determine, a bright light began to glow in the room! Brighter and brighter it became! It was somewhat above me and in front of me. I tried to look but was almost blinded from it! I held my hands up in front of me and could make out the appearance of a figure setting on some type of seat!

Then without warning it happened! “What have you done with your life?” The voice penetrated my very being! I had no answer! Then to my right I saw what seemed to be like a movie, and I was in it! I saw my mother giving me birth, my childhood and friends! I saw everything from my youth up! I saw everything I had ever done before my eyes! As my life played out before my very eyes I tried to think of good things I had done. I was raised in church and had been very active in church functions, yet as I pondered on this I saw a man in his car that had ran out of gas. I had stopped and given him a lift to a local store about a year ago.

I had bought him some gas as he had no money and helped him get on his way! I thought to my self, why am I seeing this? The voice was loud and clear. You took no thought to help this soul and asked nothing in return! These actions are the essence of good! I saw all the people I had hurt as well and was shown how my actions had set in motion the actions of others! I was stunned! I had never thought of my life having an effect on the actions that friends, family, and others I had met would take! I saw the results of all I had done! I was not pleased at all!

I looked on until the events came to an end. Indeed I had done so little with my life! I had been selfish and cruel in so many ways! I was truly sorry I had done so little. Then again loud and clear I heard the voice speak again. “You must return!” I did not want to return though. I was content to stay and longed to stay even after the things I had seen and heard. I have so many questions, I replied, things I need to know I don’t understand.

“You must return and help others to change by changing your life! Physicians will want to perform surgery on you. Do not let this happen! If you do you will never walk again! You will be visited by one who will bring you answers to the questions you have. When I call you will come again! You will recover from all that has happened if you do these things. Look and see what lies ahead!”

I turned and saw the earth in a turmoil! Wars and death, terrible sights! Cities fell and new ones were built! I saw the United States and a volcano exploding covering many cities in darkness! I looked on and saw the collapse of our government as we know it. People killing for food and water, horrible sights! I saw what seemed to be a giant explosion in the earth’s atmosphere and much land was destroyed! I looked on and saw a new type of people, younger and of a peaceful nature. The cities were few that were left, but these people seemed to be content. It is time for you to go, I heard again! But I wanted to see more!

Then the doors opened and I felt myself almost being carried down the hallway. I passed through the doors of the city and felt myself shooting through this hole I had came through! Faster I went unable to stop! I entered the atmosphere of earth and saw the river below. I saw my body still lying there motionless! Then it was like an electric shock so tremendous I felt my body jump! I opened my eyes and saw the trees above and the skyline. Then Oh God the pain! I was struggling for every breath, choking on my own blood!

I managed to roll onto my stomach the pain was all I could bare! I looked at the sky and saw the sun was lower than I remembered. I looked at my watch. It was 5:30! My only thoughts were how could I get help. I noticed my rifle was not far from me, still attached to the rope I had tied around my waist. I began pulling it toward me. I managed to grab hold of the barrel and pulled it up to me. I fired a shot about every ten minutes hoping someone would come. It was getting late and I knew I would not make it much longer, so I began crawling on my stomach, pulling myself with the stock of my rifle.

I managed to crawl up a trail that ran down to the river. I crawled and crawled the pain was so great I passed out many times. Through thick brush and briar patches I crawled. I wanted to give up I was so tired and in so much pain. I knew though I had to make it at least to where I could be found I hoped! I looked out in front of me and saw the road I lived on through the trees. I could hear sounds in the distance! Yes thank you God I thought to myself! I finally found myself at the road and began a feeble cry for help. I was to exhausted though and just lay there in the road.

My father inlaw was returning from work and found me laying in the road! It’s all right I heard him say, help is on the way. That was the last I remembered until I saw the lights inside the ER. A doctor stood at my feet. Can you feel this he said? Feel what I asked? He had been sticking my feet and legs. I was paralyzed! We can not help you here son, he said. We are sending you by ambulance to a hospital that can handle your injuries. Whether from the pain or medication I was out like a light.

The next afternoon I awoke to find two doctors standing at the foot of my hospital bed. They introduced themselves as my attending physicians and proceeded to explain to me I must undergo surgery at once. The bones in my back that were broke, were putting pressure on my spinal nerve causing paralysis. Then I heard the warning I had heard before! “Do not let them perform surgery, or you will never walk again!” I understood completely, but knew they would not. I told them I must see my wife and daughter first! My wife arrived with my daughter shortly after the doctors visit. I told her what they had said.

She advised me I must realize they were doing what was necessary to help me! I did not know how to tell her what I had experienced! I tried to tell her it was my belief that I should not be operated on. Although she disagreed, she honored my wishes. When the doctors returned and I told them of my decision, they were very upset! I listened to lecture after lecture! OK, one of them said, if you never want to walk again that’s up to you! Then they left. That night I lay upon my bed and wept sorely. Was I insane? What was I doing? A light began to fill my room. “You will be well!” I heard a voice say. Then it was gone!

I composed myself and dosed off to sleep. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Then one morning I felt a tingling in my feet! I was over come with joy! I told the nurse I wanted to get up and walk! She stared at me and said, we’ll see, we’ll see. I knew I was healed without a doubt! The nurse put a call into my doctor and the next morning he stopped by. “So you think you can walk?” he said. “Yes,” I replied! “Well we will see.”

A few hours later I was taken down to the Physical Therapy room. They carried me by bed down and raised me up to a vertical position. The nurse helped me in front of a set of parallel bars. I gripped the bars and placed my feet firmly on the floor. One step! Two steps, “my God he’s walking” the nurse said to the nurse who had brought me down!

The next few days was hard. I took many trips to Physical Therapy, and had numerous x-rays done per my doctors orders! My wife and family were all amazed, yet I knew! I had been told! The rest had to be true as well! My doctor was more amazed when he found no bones pressing on my spinal nerve! I use his quote: “This is not normal!” “It seems a higher power has done for you what we were going to try and correct with surgery!” “I have never seen anything like this before!”

Since that day my life has changed and I have been able to help others in ways I never dreamed. I wanted to share this with all, as it is what has led me onward in My Quest for Truth!

Ricky D. Randolph

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

I need answers

My name is S…. Was hoping this was a more active site. I need answers. I need others who have been through near death experiences.

In the year of 1971 I was hit by a city bus while riding a bike. Even though I don’t recall the accident, I do recall my body in the street laying there, I saw it as I peacefully was floating up on a cloud of light. My body soon vanished as it got smaller and smaller.

It was a few months after that I first even recognized being told a bus had hit me.

My family told me I had been in a hospital, and they had to stay with me being the staff didn’t have time to watch for me. I was considered to have brain damage, and kept trying to leave the hospital naked.

I had a head injury, fractured skull, broken shoulder and scapula.

My first actually memory was 3 months later. I woke up by the sound of yelling in my mom’s home. My sister and mom were fighting I guess. I screamed. They came in. Told me I was hit by a bus. This was my first memory from after the accident. I don’t know if they had told me before or not, but this is the first thing I can remember since.

I recall always speaking about the universe in such detail, but yet I didn’t know what was makiing me talk about this. I was in such knowledge, but yet didn’t understand it. I talked about another whole world to me, but yet now I don’t recall a clue of anything I said back then.

I wish it was recorded. I think it would of helped many who had near death experiences.

LOVE. Love becomes more important then ever before, or at least with me.

I feel I’m not really in this world, but standing outside of it looking in.

I feel everyone is a part of me. To love….to worry about .

I find excuses for behaviors of others. Of weaknesses, experience, etc., that make them what they are today.

I don’t want to see others hurt. I don’t want to see others struggle.

But most of all, I wish people knew their weaknesses and their strong points and what makes them who they are today.

I see so many afraid of themselves, surrounding themselves with walls. It stops them from knowing what LOVE is all about or even how to truely LOVE another.

You must be able to understand yourself to understand another.
You must be able to LOVE yourself to LOVE another.
You must love your flaws. You must be ok with exactly who you are.

But yet so many have no clue who they are.

Funny, if you don’t dress fancy or nice, if you don’t wear makeup or have your hair combed the way it’s expected, you are not happy with yourself. But who made that rule or observation?

That stuff is only important if you made it important.

Fancy cars don’t mean a thing to me, nor does putting on a dress.

I have a lot of emotional pain. But it is not about me, as it is how I see the people in this world.

So much stress. So much into only themselves. So much not able to step out of their shoes to put themselves in someone elses shoes.

Sure I would love things to be different with me, but not as far as who I am as a person. We as people are all unique with our own stories that make us who we are today.

I can honestly say I would never change a thing about me. I love who I am. I have lots of pain, I feel…I love…I hurt…I cry, I care. I even love all my mistakes I have made in life. That makes me who I am. Sure I have weaknesses, sure I can use change to better myself. But who I am I will never want to change. I LOVE me, I respect me.

I come here for answers, then I get carried away with blabbing.

I just want to fill in everything that I don’t have answers to. And to find out if others with NDE are struggling too. And feeling like they are not really in this world, but looking at it from the outside at times.

(Yes, other NDEers do struggle, and feel they are outside looking in. They also have a lot of knowledge they don’t know where it came from. You had a near death experience, and there are a lot of experiencers here to help answer your questions, so ask away.)

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

A Pony Ride

As a child of three years of age, I was very expressive, vocal and confident. Often my family would exhibit this confidence by having me show others my childhood talents. “Sing for these nice people. Count to 20 for us.” My life was as normal as any child. So in this confidence, my family decided that I was ready to ride horses by myself, instead of sitting on saddles and being lead. To this day, my parents greatly appreciate horses.

My grandfather was the beginning of this family’s love for horses. He was a trainer and on occasion a horse trader. Most people, that I have known, have a very low opinion of horse traders. But in his case, an honest man, that went to great lengths to tell you exactly what you were getting . Many times Papaw refused to sell animals that he said were killers or lame or anything else.

I was an only grandchild at this time. And I was named after my father’s brother, Tony, who had died as a teen, years before my birth, in a car accident. On the day that I was born, the doctor handed me to my father, who later handed me to his mother. “Here’s your Tony back, Mama.” I won’t go into that, but to give you an idea of the love this family shares, and how any accident involving me might have been the breaking point emotionally. I do remember the day that I was born. That moment in my grandmother’s arms, I was happy and sad for her at the same time. As she embraced my newborn body, she began reminiscing about the Tony she lost years before. I could “feel” her thoughts. As an infant, I was still more spiritual than physical. I’m sure all or most baby’s are sensitive to emotions in this way. I would have loved to tell her I knew everything was all right.

When I was three years old, my grandfather had the idea to purchase a trailer load of ponies. He began the process of elimination and found a palomino pony with the qualities he wanted. He purchased a child’s saddle with the little stirrup covers, and placed me on my new pony’s back with some instructions. The pony and I were standing calmly in the hall of his barn, as I listened to Papaw’s directions.

We were standing there in the barn facing an open ten acre field. Papaw was about to take me off the pony. I was so small he decided to do it gradually, but I insisted that I was willing and that I understood his instructions. Papaw said, “Well, ask him to move out”, so I followed his directions with no reaction from the pony. My Grandfather then decided to help me out, so he made a clicking sound with his mouth and tried to nudge the pony into walking, but Sarge was obviously content with standing in exactly the spot we were in.

There was no obvious thoughts on his part about going anywhere. My grandfather tried with a little more force until finally, he slapped that pony on the behind and we took off at a run through the field. It’s all rather humorous now. My papaw didn’t think Sarge was ever going to move until that sudden burst of energy sent me on a run through the field. I was on this pony trying to hang on and screaming. I knew they were running behind me trying to catch up. I could hear my father yelling to me, “Pull the reins to stop!” So that’s what I did. The pony stopped as quickly as he started.

I flew over his head, directly in front of him, and hit my head on a rock. Then suddenly I saw myself. The view of my body began to slowly descend as my spirit floated upward. To a small child like myself the feeling made me think of sitting inside a helium balloon as it floated to the clouds. Or maybe it felt like I was a helium balloon floating gently upward. But I wasn’t frightened in the least bit. As I watched the whole thing from above, the questions began to enter my mind about what exactly was going on. “How could I be above myself looking at myself on the ground?” I thought. Keep in mind, I was three years old. This feeling seemed as normal and natural as much as it seemed unfamiliar and new. It was only three years before this that I had been in heaven with many friends and angels discussing this very thing that was happening to me at that moment.

But I had forgotten about those memories until I hung overhead at that very instant. That’s when I rediscovered many things I had known throughout eternity. As I hovered above the action of my parents and grandfather, I was re-reminded of many things I had known before birth. I was overhead about 50 feet as I saw my father reach down to grab my body from the ground. The shape of the hand on my back was all that I felt as I was instantaneously back in my body. However, I “felt” the urgency and quickness of the one behind me that pushed me back, before they actually did. (I’m assuming a Guardian Angel). I do not know who it was. I only knew that someone had swooped down from behind and above me to push me back into myself.

As I was instantly reunited with my flesh, I immediately began to cry. I was not hurting at all. There was no physical pain. I was not scared, but I was absolutely upset that I was pushed back into my body. I was just getting to like that few seconds of spiritual freedom. My father hugged me for a moment and then handed me to my mother as I continued crying. I was holding the back of my head, where I had hit the rock, but it wasn’t hurting at all. I thought if they knew I was not hurting, they would ask me why I was crying. And I did not want to wind up telling them about floating above my body. The sympathy I was getting was very comforting, so I left it at that.

For many months afterward, I thought about what had happened to my spirit as I hung overhead. It was like somebody had given me a slip of paper with a reminder note written on it. In that small moment above my body, I had the chance to think as a spirit, without the limits of my physical self. At that moment I could remember many things about my life as a spirit before I was born. And now that I was back in my body, I was thinking about them constantly.

I could very clearly see memories of standing at a large book in heaven, looking into the pages as I watched myself ride my pony and fall off. (I HAVE FOUND ONE OTHER PERSON NOW WHO REMEMBERS THE LIFE BOOK ALSO.) I wasn’t actually amazed at these memories at the age of three. I guess as children, we are more apt to accepting knowledge that is given to us. I had begun to forget about these memories of heaven at that age, although I still remembered the day I was born. But as I floated overhead, it seemed that my previously forgotten memories were now intensified in clarity and recall. It was as if they had happened yesterday. And what’s more, I could look at nearly any individual in my life and remember meeting them in heaven, long before they were even born. I saw flashes in my mind of what their life had been like since their arrival to earth, also.

I suppose some people will say, “That’s all you saw? No Gold? No pearly gates? Big deal!!” That is exactly the thought that began to bother me once I realized that these things had happened to other people. I was only three when it happened, and it did not amaze me that it happened at that age. “Why was it so simple? Why do other people say they got to see heaven, when I did not?” I later thought.

I’m now sure that God had no intentions of showing me heaven at that time. I probably would have insisted on staying. I did however, receive the blessing of different spiritual visits afterward. I got a big dose of earth life through those flashes I got of other peoples lives, that was not at all fun. I later begged God to remove those abilities because I was not prepared to deal with the things I could see about other people.

For some reason, many of my future spiritual visits happened right there at that very spot where I fell from my pony to the ground.

Toni A.

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