
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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My Quotes.3

“From the viewpoint of the Greater Reality you are an angel of Light wrapped in your own self-judgment, bemoaning the lack of freedom that you have denied yourself.”

“Neither are you a physical body. Nor your thoughts. Nor your emotions. Nor your beliefs. Nor your possessions. Now, having eliminated everything you previously thought you were: ‘Who are you?'”

“You are an eternal being created in unconditional Love. You lack nothing. Everything you will ever need, you already possess. You are perfect, whole, and invincible. You are safe and secure at all times.”

“Whatsoever you do unto others; you do likewise to yourself.”

“Our home is the spiritual world. We came here by choice to learn about ourselves and to train for our spiritual future.”

“When love enters, fear exits.”

“Miracles are expressions of Love that cause changes in perception, which in turn alters the temporal order of events.”

“It’s possible to live beyond good and evil; happy and sad; truth and lies. Where you’ll find peace of mind, self knowledge, and abundant freedom.”

“Be Who You Are.”

“Our Creator is not limited by the beliefs of any person, religion, organization, country, or universe. His awesome power creates them all. And that creative power is Love.”

“The Love force is utilized by consciousness to create and hold form. Everything is formed by conscious thought, and its curiosity explores, experiments, and gains knowledge of itself.”

“I forgive you world, for all the wrongs, I believe you have done to me.”

“We journey into the physical as a child wandering into class. The experience is a grand school, an education in higher consciousness known as spiritual growth.”

“The Creator wrote His sacred word on the hearts of all mankind. That word is LOVE.”

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