Letters 05, compliment

(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).
Thanks for the excellent videos on suicide. I’m a psychologist, I did lose one client to suicide. It was horrifying, all those attempts she made, all those calls at all hours, all that agony. Her life was pain. Period.

I felt incompetent and inept, which I surely was. I know you cannot stop someone who is DETERMINED to kill him/herself, but if you are a therapist, you hope you can, oh, I don’t know. I guess it’s a fantasy of power, keeping someone from suicide.

Her suicide was 3 years ago, if I correctly recall, after I quit seeing her, and tried to refer her to someone more experienced. I was an intern and wasn’t even a doctor yet. As I gained my understanding of how little I could do, I felt more and more helpless. And yes, frustrated. I had SUCH a passion to help this lovely, intelligent, good-hearted young woman. I believed I could help her, when many before me had failed. Finally, my supervisor told me I had to refer her to someone else. It was painful and a relief. And THAT made me feel guilty.

In fact, I will never stop feeling guilty about it. I go through periods where I think about her and think, if only I had ______. I had told her about NDEs and how people say if you have a successful suicide, you have to go back and finish your life. She said she believed this because of her religion.

I’m rambling. I apologize. I do wish to tell you that your videos about suicide were helpful to me. I look forward to my own death, I have a selfish need to see her again and learn from her experience.

Be well.

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2 comments to Letters 05, compliment

  • Andrew

    Thanks for the posting. As someone who suffers from major depression disorder and suicidal ideation, I tend to wonder what therapists think/feel about their patients whose depression never ceases. There are times I feel like I am burdening my therapist when I discuss my minds desire to end things…like if I do, how will that affect him and his ability to treat patients.

    • Hi Andrew
      Thanks for your comment, as someone who tries to help others, it does affect me if I can’t get through to them with what they need. Depression is wide spread in our society for many reasons, but it can be cured with the right material. If you would like to talk go to the “contact” page of this blog and write me. Love

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