My Quotes.2

“You are an intrinsic part of the divine creation.”

“Your prejudges are dark points in the brightness of your spirit.”

“Most of our ‘knowledge’ is based on assumptions.”

“Spirituality has no limits, there is nothing ‘out-of-bounds’ to spirit. Everything you see, and touch is spirituality. It is what you are.”

“Thoughts are the beginning and end of all motion, emotion, ideas, concepts, and belief systems. They are responsible for bringing order, or chaos, into our lives; and we are responsible for our thoughts.”

“Physical life was designed for spiritual growth; spiritual growth is the process of taming, training and focusing our thoughts into desired outcomes.”

“We create our own reality, and thoughts are the tools. They are the basis of choices we make daily, and the cause of the consequences of those choices.”

“The ‘true believer’ and the ‘true skeptic’ are positions of fear. Fear of letting-go past limitations.”

“Those who use the Bible as a tool to manipulate, exploit, or control others should be ignored.“

“Live without fear; because fear causes hate; hate causes anger; and anger causes suffering. Your suffering.”

“The greater the diversity of thought, the quicker truth becomes apparent to its seeker.”

“The Near Death Experience is an intense personal happening uniquely presented for the benefit of the individual. A teaching/learning communication between consciousnesses. Man and his Creator.”

“Being a Near Death Experiencer is not easy.”

“Truth, integrity, compassion, caring, and helping others is the path of love.”
“Hypocrisy, dishonesty, guilt, pain, and suffering is the path of fear.”

“We didn’t come into physical life to build widgets, and pile up money. We came to build our understanding of ourselves and our Creator.”

“Our Maker doesn’t speak in rolling thunder or shaking earth, but in the quiet whispers of your calm mind.”

“Death is many things, but never an end.”

“Everyone holds the light of love within. It is man’s nature. We have to be taught to fear. When will we stop teaching fear.”

“When truth is found: live it. Walk in truth. Speak in truth. Act in truth. If you do this, more truth will appear; it is the way of truth to expand with use.”

“Every day, people stumble over truth in their lives, but most just pick themselves up, and keep going in the same direction as before.”

“The role of religion is simple: teach love. Should a religious organization encounter doctrines that inhibit or prevent the teaching of love in all areas, then that doctrine should be thrown out.”

“’Like Attracts Like’ will happen to us all, great or small.”

“Prejudices are an onus to your soul.”

© 2019 – 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.