My Quotes.1

“Life is a medley of contradictions from which you compose your opus.”

“From the alpha to the omega is a plethora of golf, grief, and growth.”

“If there’s a way of living an entirely joyous and successful life, it would be in love.”

“Any attempt to control life will be met with resistance.”

“Be kind, remember the kiss of death is upon all our lips.”

“Trust is only a one-way path, can you walk it.”

“You will know truth by its gift of infinite love and remember your participation in the divine cerebration.”

“You can not love others without loving yourself.”
“You can not harm others without harming yourself.”

“It is impossible to control your own life while attempting to control the lives of others.”

“When guilt darkens your day, turn on the light of forgiveness.”

“If you want truth: Listen carefully without offering solutions or devising judgments.”

“You have the choice within,
carefully think it over,
for only you can begin,
to turn dirt into clover.”

“If you can’t find truth, you are not looking within the source — yourself.”

“Real skeptics hold no beliefs, they live entirely in a world of possibilities.”

“Like prodigal sons and daughters we desire to pleasure life instead of acquiring the knowledge accessible to us.”

“Seek the greatest truth, eschew the geeing and hawing.”

“Assume the best in others, but question everything. Time will sort out truth, you sort out reality.”

“Accumulating wealth, attaining notable fame, or amassing great power may seem desirable to those unaware of life’s meaning.”

“Think with care and compassion about the choices you make in life. They will assuredly incur future knowledge for you.”

“If you go to church and hear the words ‘Fear God.’ Find another church. God is unconditional love.”

“Those who besmirch others are guilty of evasiveness. They are unaware of the true knowledge of anything.”

“Those who believe
they are superior,
are actually holding
thoughts inferior.”

“Holding grudges burdens your soul. Releasing them through forgiveness frees your soul.”

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