
These affirmations are beyond the normal physical world. They are universal, and transcendent in nature. Their use calls into being the divine essence of our spiritual nature. Use them only if you feel comfortable with them.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

I am that I am.

I am the light of the world.

I am the way, the path, and the truth.

I am the all in all.

I am unconditional love.

I am the peace that passes all understanding.

I am servant of all, in me they have abundant life.

I am the meaning of all things.

I am unchanging in my love for all.

I am the beginning of knowledge, I contain all wisdom.

I am the well of clear water for those that thirst.

I am love in all things, in all people.

I am flowers in your hair, sandals on your feet, the path you walk.

I am the sparrow, the deer, and the lion.

I am all there is, all that will ever be.

I am a gentle breeze, I am the whirlwind.

I am the foundation of all things.

I am trustworthy because I trust, faithful because I have faith.

I am the judge of no one.

I am the meadow, the stream and the mountain, live in me.

I am as close to you as your breath.

I am surrounding you with love at all times.

I am holding you always, safe and secure.

I am with you in the midst of your adversity.

I am the gentle touch of a father, the shield of legions.

I am patience, love and kindness.

I am more numerous than the stars, yet I am one.

I am the all in all, I am the oneness of all things.

I am the sun by day, the moon by night.

I am the fortress, all are safe within my house.

I stand at the open gate, bidding all to enter.

I am timeless, eternal, love is with me forever.

I am the healer.

I am the tree of life, all mankind my leaves.

I am the answer to all questions.

I am within all people, and all things, I am love.

I am the only thing you see, there is only me.

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