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Free Encouragement

On the evening news were college students carrying signs reading “free compliments.” They were shouting compliments to passersby as they walked down the street. “You look great today, your hat is beautiful, your hair is perfect.” I thought this was a good gesture for them to be doing. I remember other signs saying “perform a random act of kindness.” These positive statements in our generally negative society are like a breath of fresh air.

We need to show positive attitudes more than we do. It is important to offer encouragement to those who need it, and also to those who don’t. I remember how a school teacher killed my interest in drawing by telling me a picture I drew looked “horrible.” I never tried to draw again. She could have as easily encouraged me to do better.

People come in all levels of sensitivity. Some can take nasty remarks and keep going because they are not sensitive to them, while others are destroyed by them. This sensitivity will not be known until it is to late to retract the remarks.

Regrettably, there are negative people who add snarky remarks to almost everything that comes out of their mouth. Linda was wearing a new dress: “She probably pinched it.” John got a great job: “He probably knew someone high up in the company.” Sammy won the writing contest: “I’m sure his mother wrote the paper.” Television programs are full of these nasty afterthoughts as if they were necessary to the plot, or to show the “toughness” of the character. Just stop doing it. Pay attention to your remarks and make them positive statements instead of negative ones. You will feel better for it and so will others.

There is far to much competition in our society, and not enough cooperation. In competition someone loses and someone wins. In cooperation all win. We have taken this competition thing to the extreme. So keep it “friendly.” Don’t compare yourself with others. Measure your progress against yourself. Each day do a little better than you did the day before. Compete only with yourself. You will be able to see your growth and benefit from it. Enjoy life.

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1 comment to Free Encouragement

  • K

    Your website is positive a breath of fresh air. It’s a reason why I enjoy following it.

    A lot of tv shows today are negative and snarky, especially shows that are targeted at adults. I generally find that shows targeted at kids to be less snarky and more wholesome.

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