
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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About Near Death Experiences

Going to bring forward a few near death experiences so they will get read. There are some things about NDEs that are not readily understood.

Most near death experiencers report the following components:

  • Notice they are out of their body.
  • Seeing a bright golden Light.
  • Feeling surrounded by love and compassion.
  • Having access to great knowledge.
  • Seeing and talking to deceased relatives.
  • Seeing and talking to a Light Being.
  • The Light Being sending them back into their body.

The Light can be brighter than the Sun, but it doesn’t hurt their eyes to look at it. Some say the Light is Love and permeates everything including them. Some believe the Light is God. A few feel the Light shows the Oneness of all things which is God.

Experiencers have many questions, and they are answered as quickly as they think of them. All communication happens in the mind. It is a thought process.

Many experiencers see deceased relatives and talk to them. Some relatives they meet in the Light may not be known to them. Great grandfathers, and such.

Light Beings are seen by experiencers through the knowledge acquired in the physical. I attended a spiritual session on forgiveness through lucid dreaming. I saw the Light Being teacher as Jesus, but quickly realized by the questions being asked that others saw Him as God, Allah, Buddha, or Moses. They saw Him through the religion they practiced.

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Suicide Sadness

How do we stop people from killing themselves? I believe negative thoughts held by troubled people may finally overwhelm them and turn into suicidal action. They need help to change those negative thoughts into positive ones.

There must a million reasons why people become potential suicides. Sickness, style of life, acculturation, bullying, isolation, alienation, etc., etc. But, it is far more important to ameliorate the condition than to study it.

Thoughts are the path to human activity. We think first and then we act, even if sometimes that seems impossible when noting the outcome of some of our actions. Thoughts are powerful inducements for action. If you never consider suicide you will never commit suicide.

If you connect with a thought often enough it will become a belief. Beliefs are frozen thought. Then beliefs become the knowledge which forms our outlook on life. Whether thoughts, beliefs, or knowledge are true or false is our take on them. I suspect everyone has some knowledge that is true and some false, without knowing which is which.

Changing negative thoughts into positive ones will, over time, create new beliefs with a more positive outlook on life. This process will allow you to cope with the problems of life. Life is neither negative nor positive by nature. We make it negative or positive through our attitudes. How we choose to react to a given problem shapes that problem into a minor annoyance or a major crises.

The most common way to change negative thought patterns is to do affirmations on a daily basis. The idea is to develop trust and confidence in yourself and others. It will sometimes be necessary to do affirmations that you believe are false. Here you consider the positive value of the affirmation as opposed to your negative belief, and choose your path. That path will determine the outcome.

Another method that may help is reading about “Near Death Experiences.” Between ten and twelve million Americans have experienced NDEs. These experiences have the ability to change lives overnight. Reading them will increase your knowledge of what happens after death.

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Received another letter last week from an individual who’s loved one committed suicide. I get this kind of letter all too often. Mostly, they want to know if the loved one will be punished. Suicides have tripled in the last 20 years. Lots of reasons for the increase: stressful society, competition for colleges, employment, and dependencies account for many deaths. People get hooked on drugs, alcohol, and heavy gambling debt. Drug addicts frequently die from an accidental overdose that is a questionable suicide.

In the opposite direction there’s a decrease in spiritual training. People don’t get involved in spiritual pursuits as often today. These letters sadden me, and there’s nothing to do but comfort the author. I hope every potential suicide would read about near death experiences.

Near death experiences teach us a lot about the spirit world, and what happens when we cross over. I am not an expert on the subject, but did ask a lot of questions and remember much of what I saw there. The spirit world considers suicide a selfish act. The person who commits suicide has to face their problems, and work them out, whether in the physical or spiritual world. So suicide gains the individual nothing. Meanwhile loved ones left behind are emotionally devastated.

Reading near death experiences may help prevent suicides. Studies have shown persons with suicidal tendencies are less likely to attempt suicide after reading a number of near death experiences. Especially suicide near death experiences. NDEs may give them the options needed to work through their problems.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Near death experiences: What are they?

Sherryjane Cooke
Near Death Experiences Examiner

We are all interested in what lies beyond this life. NDE’s or near death experiences are caused by many different, reasonably explained reasons, and they change people. We can have reasons for these being caused by many scientific or spiritual reasons.

In these articles, I will research the opinions, reality and/or debunking or proving these experiences. Do these NDE’s show an insight into what lies ahead of death? I only know what I experienced, have researched and discussed with ministers, doctors, nurses, spiritualists and friends who have gone through such a mind-changing experience.

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