
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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The Curse

“Be careful what you believe, some beliefs can be deadly.”

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Suicide Sadness

How do we stop people from killing themselves? I believe negative thoughts held by troubled people may finally overwhelm them and turn into suicidal action. They need help to change those negative thoughts into positive ones.

There must a million reasons why people become potential suicides. Sickness, style of life, acculturation, bullying, isolation, alienation, etc., etc. But, it is far more important to ameliorate the condition than to study it.

Thoughts are the path to human activity. We think first and then we act, even if sometimes that seems impossible when noting the outcome of some of our actions. Thoughts are powerful inducements for action. If you never consider suicide you will never commit suicide.

If you connect with a thought often enough it will become a belief. Beliefs are frozen thought. Then beliefs become the knowledge which forms our outlook on life. Whether thoughts, beliefs, or knowledge are true or false is our take on them. I suspect everyone has some knowledge that is true and some false, without knowing which is which.

Changing negative thoughts into positive ones will, over time, create new beliefs with a more positive outlook on life. This process will allow you to cope with the problems of life. Life is neither negative nor positive by nature. We make it negative or positive through our attitudes. How we choose to react to a given problem shapes that problem into a minor annoyance or a major crises.

The most common way to change negative thought patterns is to do affirmations on a daily basis. The idea is to develop trust and confidence in yourself and others. It will sometimes be necessary to do affirmations that you believe are false. Here you consider the positive value of the affirmation as opposed to your negative belief, and choose your path. That path will determine the outcome.

Another method that may help is reading about “Near Death Experiences.” Between ten and twelve million Americans have experienced NDEs. These experiences have the ability to change lives overnight. Reading them will increase your knowledge of what happens after death.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Why God is Love

Spirituality is connected with love, and love while being normally thought of as an emotion is much more than that in reality. Love is a state of consciousness, that empowers the individual to an awareness, and knowledge they wouldn’t have without it. Love is also a force, or creative power that changes lives and creates the desires and wishes of the individual’s beliefs, and thought patterns. Love holds things together, without it things fall apart. Love is the spiritual path, and those who walk it have a decided advantage over those who don’t. We are in the physical to learn those facts and test them. Some do quickly, and others may take hundreds of years to do so. It is only a matter of choice. That is why God is Love.

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Beliefs, Thoughts, and Emotions

You, I, and all other individuals are like drops of consciousness living in an ocean of consciousness. We are within the whole, and the whole is within us. Consciousness has no beginning and no end. Just exactly what consciousness is may best be answered by the word “life.” Consciousness is life, self-awareness, understanding the “I am” of our existence.

We exist in many dimensions, but we will consider only the spiritual and physical dimensions for this writing. We are “created” in the spiritual dimension, and then later decide whether or not to be born into the physical dimension for purposes of learning about ourselves.

In both dimensions the tools of our consciousness’ are beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. In the spiritual dimension there are no limitations on us, or these tools of consciousness we use, however, while in the physical dimension there are many limitations on us and our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. These limitations are the result of the limited physical body in which we find ourselves. Our bodies shield us from the Oneness of all things, causing us to perceive ourselves as the bodies we inhabit and control. Instead of perceiving ourselves, and others as part of the whole, we see ourselves as separated from others. This is for the purpose of learning about ourselves and others. All others are like mirrors in which we will eventually see and understand ourselves.


Beliefs are clusters of thoughts held together by a predominant idea or concept. We can use the concept of “God” as a good example. Each of us has some idea, or belief of what God is, and whether we choose to believe in God or not. The number of thoughts we hold about God could be huge, containing many uncertainties, and contradictions. While a smaller concept, like “Santa” would probably contain fewer thoughts with scant or no contradictions. The beliefs we hold about God, and the beliefs we hold about Santa are just examples of how belief systems are constructed and held within our consciousness. Beliefs can be large and complicated, or small and fairly simple. Some beliefs will be held on faith only, while others only after much research. The important thing about beliefs is they change with our experiences, as we gain more knowledge of the physical world we live within. Beliefs are always chosen by us, even if others in authority teach them to us, so be careful of what you choose to believe. Beliefs can be beneficial for us, or they can inhibit our spiritual growth and worldly knowledge.


Thoughts are the tools of living, without thought there could be no living of life. Thoughts change static life into dynamic living. The diversities of thought are many. There is “rational” thought, “logical” thought, “literal” thought, “conceptual” thought, etc., however these qualifying words tacked in front of the word “thought” are only concerned with the perceived value of that thought, not the thought itself. So thoughts are commonly judged in this manner. We are concerned for the moment with only the thought itself. However, thoughts can be beneficial to us, or detrimental to us, a group of bundled beneficial thoughts constitutes a good belief, while a bundle of detrimental thoughts constitutes an inhibiting belief.


Emotions are our natural morality system. They are our teachers of right from wrong. How we “feel” about events or actions we are involved in are very important to our well-being. There are basically only two emotions, and from them all others can be expressed. Love or fear, are the two basic emotions. Emotions can be very strong or hardly noticed, but they are always there. They come automatically attached to our deeds, thoughts, and therefor to our beliefs. Emotions are the color of life.

Spiritual Dimension

In the spiritual dimension we are pure energy, without form, unless we choose to have form. Many take on a human form from their last incarnation. This is called an astral, ethereal, or celestial body depending upon who you are asking. In the spiritual dimension thoughts are used to communicate with others, to move from place to place, to explore new horizons, and to create form. If you wish to know something, the minute your question is formulated the answer appears. Near death experiencers tell us this happens to them during their experience, they had only to think of something, and the answer was there immediately within their consciousness, or to think of a place, and they were transported to that place instantly. In the spiritual dimension one is not limited, those entering feel the love, caring, and compassion the moment they arrive. This too is evidenced by the writings of numerous near death experiencers.

I am aware of those who believe only in a materialistic universe, and think all events can be explained using materialistic explanations. They are only half right, what we call matter is energy, nothing solid about what we perceive as matter. Quantum physics, and atomic structure has shown us Einstein’s formula was accurate — E=mc². Now as for all events being explained using materialistic explanations, this is true, as long as you don’t care whether the explanation has any semblance of accuracy or reality. Any event anywhere could be given any number of explanations or causes. It is not explanations that we seek, it is truth.

Less than 10% of the world’s population are strickly materialists. I don’t see how their numbers can grow very much, because millions of people keep having spiritual experiences on a daily basis.

Physical Dimension

In the physical dimension we take on physical rules and limitations for the purpose of learning who we are. The spiritual dimension is Oneness, while the physical dimension is duality. Here we must choose our path through a world of love or fear. Beliefs, thoughts, and emotions all have important roles to play in the physical realm.

We begin to build our belief systems from the day we are born as we experience the world we live in. Our parents, teachers, peers, all contribute to what we believe about the reality of ourselves. We come to believe we are bodies, controlled by brains, and forget about our spiritual nature. Thoughts become unimportant because we have a language, and a voice to communicate with others. We have arms and legs to get from place to place, and with the help of others, we build our environment from what we perceive as matter.

However, our spiritual nature has not left us. Inside each of us it resides, waiting to be discovered, and used for our benefit in the physical dimension. Our thoughts still create our future, but in a slower fashion determined by the emotional intensity of them. Our beliefs may still contain many uncertainties, and contradictions. While our emotions still show us the right path as distinguished from the wrong path. We are well equipped to handle physical life. Why then is there so much unhappiness in this world?

Mainly because we don’t examine our lives carefully, we assume we know the answers when we don’t, and we are ready to believe what others tell us instead of experiencing it ourselves. Without experience there is no knowledge. We can read about the experiences of others, and assume we understand, or we can experience what we read about and know whether we understand or not. This is called reality testing.

Reality test all your beliefs to see if you can find uncertainties or contradictions in them. Look at your negative beliefs first. For years I disliked spinach, wouldn’t eat it, looked like grass to me. But, then I had never tasted it, not once. After my near death experience I began to examine my negative beliefs, and try to change them into positive beliefs. So I tried spinach at the local cafeteria where I worked. It had been cooked with butter, and I found it good eating, ordered it often after that first experience. I found that to be true with many things I didn’t like, as well as prejudices I had held for years. Start examining what you believe and why you believe it. List the things you feel negative about and ask why. Then reality test the “whys” to see if they are valid. Start with the small beliefs and work up to the big ones. Even small fears can add stress to your life. Read articles or books about what you fear, it will help reduce that fear, and make life more comfortable.

Most people are unhappy because of what they think, and believe about themselves. If you are thinking negative thoughts about yourself, and whining about how much bad luck you have, then changing those negative thoughts into positive ones will change your whole life for you. Only you can change yourself, no one can do it for you. It does take some effort, but not as much as you think, just 20 minutes a day saying affirmations will help you change your thinking about yourself.

Now you are not controlled by your brain, genes, or your past life. You have not been created by your brain, genes, etc., you are the one that created them. You are a spiritual being having a physical life for the purpose of learning about yourself. You can control what you will believe, your thoughts are completely under your control. Thoughts arise from your beliefs and your experiences. If you believe you are inferior or unworthy, so shall you be, but if you believe you are capable and worthy, then so shall you be. Remember thoughts can be dark and foreboding. Thoughts can also be bright and joyous. They pass through your mind like clouds pass though the sky. They are temporary, and you can choose which thoughts you will allow in your sky (mind).

Emotions or feelings are a great help in directing our paths through the physical dimension. Harming others in any way, such as lying, stealing, cheating, gossiping, or misleading them for the purposes of profit will always trigger negative emotions and make one’s life miserable. A person may gain great fortunes, but they will lose their joy, peace, and happiness. Crooks are always looking over their shoulder to see if someone is watching to catch them in their foul deeds. Haunted by their past they lose the real meaning of life. On the other hand those who help others whenever they can will experience positive emotions. Being honest, trustworthy, and kind will lead you to a life of peace, and joy. Pay attention to what your emotions are telling you, and choose the right path of love, and compassion for others.

The physical dimension is for the purpose of learning who you are. A spiritual being, eternal, with great potential in creating your own future. You are more powerful than you imagine, and you are loved unconditionally by your Creator. You are in a win win situation, and have yet to discover your birthright.

There are many ways to discover your spirituality. Meditation, affirmations, emotions, loving kindness, awareness, enlightenment, are a few methods of uncovering your spirituality. The way I discovered my spirituality was through a near death experience. People have been learning about their spirituality through near death experiences, out of body experiences, visions, lucid dreams, and other forms of spiritual experiences for centuries. Simply relaxing and being grateful for everything you have may show you many spiritual insights.

Our bodies do a good job of shielding us from the spiritual beings that we are, and our brains act as the interface between the spiritual and physical dimensions. When our bodies die, we return to the spiritual dimension which is our real home. Occasionally anomalies happen to the brain through congenital disorder or accidental damage that allows a tiny part of the spiritual dimension to show through into the physical. Uri Geller, George Anderson and other psychics discovered their abilities only after receiving damage to their brains. Geller fell from a ladder injuring his brain, while Anderson sustained brain damage through an illness when he was very young. Near death experiencers who have been brain dead for a few minutes to several hours also show an increased psychic ability, and feel more aware of themselves and the world. Some near death experiencers develop healing energy, and the ability to foresee the future.

However the most dramatic cases are those of congenital disorder. Here the individual seems to be living on the cusp between spiritual and physical dimensions. Living in the physical while demonstrating skills found only in the spiritual realms. Some of them are labeled autistic savants.

The savant skills are often called splinter skills. Kim Peek for example, on whom the film Rain Man was based, has a photographic memory. Several recognized artists could be termed idiot savant. These include Richard Wawro, Alonzo Clemens, and Stephen Wiltshire. Several people with idiot savant skills are recognized for their musical gifts, including Matt Savage, an incredibly gifted jazz pianist and composer, and Hikari Oe, a skilled composer.

The skills these remarkable people possess are not learned in the physical, they are just there, within the individual indicating inter or spiritual sources. This is totally counter to contemporary thought that says skills must be learned. There are no medical or physical explanations for these skills. Some savants will tell you when they need the information it just appears in their consciousness. This is the same thing near death experiencers say happens during their experience. I have the videos on Kim Peek and Daniel Tammet. I hope you will also investigate the other savants listed in the quote above. This is very important knowledge. The fact that some individuals born with congenital brain disorders can out perform our brightest scholars with seemingly supernatural skills from beyond the physical dimension.

We are spiritual beings, with skills and knowledge beyond what we can learn in the physical, and will return to the spiritual dimension when this physical life is over. Learn about your spirituality, while being grateful for your physical life. Learn about yourself by seeing yourself in others, and learn to love yourself as well as all others.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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