I need answers

My name is S…. Was hoping this was a more active site. I need answers. I need others who have been through near death experiences.

In the year of 1971 I was hit by a city bus while riding a bike. Even though I don’t recall the accident, I do recall my body in the street laying there, I saw it as I peacefully was floating up on a cloud of light. My body soon vanished as it got smaller and smaller.

It was a few months after that I first even recognized being told a bus had hit me.

My family told me I had been in a hospital, and they had to stay with me being the staff didn’t have time to watch for me. I was considered to have brain damage, and kept trying to leave the hospital naked.

I had a head injury, fractured skull, broken shoulder and scapula.

My first actually memory was 3 months later. I woke up by the sound of yelling in my mom’s home. My sister and mom were fighting I guess. I screamed. They came in. Told me I was hit by a bus. This was my first memory from after the accident. I don’t know if they had told me before or not, but this is the first thing I can remember since.

I recall always speaking about the universe in such detail, but yet I didn’t know what was makiing me talk about this. I was in such knowledge, but yet didn’t understand it. I talked about another whole world to me, but yet now I don’t recall a clue of anything I said back then.

I wish it was recorded. I think it would of helped many who had near death experiences.

LOVE. Love becomes more important then ever before, or at least with me.

I feel I’m not really in this world, but standing outside of it looking in.

I feel everyone is a part of me. To love….to worry about .

I find excuses for behaviors of others. Of weaknesses, experience, etc., that make them what they are today.

I don’t want to see others hurt. I don’t want to see others struggle.

But most of all, I wish people knew their weaknesses and their strong points and what makes them who they are today.

I see so many afraid of themselves, surrounding themselves with walls. It stops them from knowing what LOVE is all about or even how to truely LOVE another.

You must be able to understand yourself to understand another.
You must be able to LOVE yourself to LOVE another.
You must love your flaws. You must be ok with exactly who you are.

But yet so many have no clue who they are.

Funny, if you don’t dress fancy or nice, if you don’t wear makeup or have your hair combed the way it’s expected, you are not happy with yourself. But who made that rule or observation?

That stuff is only important if you made it important.

Fancy cars don’t mean a thing to me, nor does putting on a dress.

I have a lot of emotional pain. But it is not about me, as it is how I see the people in this world.

So much stress. So much into only themselves. So much not able to step out of their shoes to put themselves in someone elses shoes.

Sure I would love things to be different with me, but not as far as who I am as a person. We as people are all unique with our own stories that make us who we are today.

I can honestly say I would never change a thing about me. I love who I am. I have lots of pain, I feel…I love…I hurt…I cry, I care. I even love all my mistakes I have made in life. That makes me who I am. Sure I have weaknesses, sure I can use change to better myself. But who I am I will never want to change. I LOVE me, I respect me.

I come here for answers, then I get carried away with blabbing.

I just want to fill in everything that I don’t have answers to. And to find out if others with NDE are struggling too. And feeling like they are not really in this world, but looking at it from the outside at times.

(Yes, other NDEers do struggle, and feel they are outside looking in. They also have a lot of knowledge they don’t know where it came from. You had a near death experience, and there are a lot of experiencers here to help answer your questions, so ask away.)

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Life Review

When you enter the spiritual world at the end of your physical life you will have a “life review.” Near death experiencers tell about a life review during their near death experience. This life review does not appear in all NDEs, but seems to happen mostly in those experiences where the individual was in a state of clinical death for more than a few minutes.

The life review is a kind of critique of what you accomplished during your lifetime. It serves as a teaching tool to let you know how well you lived the physical life you chose to live. Your journey through the physical is a school for learning about yourself and others, and the life review shows how well you did in learning to love yourself and others. It can be a happy, joyous reward or it can be emotionally painful and hard to endure depending upon your performance.

The review starts with your physical life passing before you like a movie on a screen. When it comes to a place in your life where you helped someone you get to feel that person’s appreciation and joy, when it comes to a place in your life where you have harmed someone you get to feel that person’s pain and suffering. It is like you become the person you helped or harmed and know exactly how your actions made that person feel at the time.

This life review is not a judgment, it is a teaching tool to let you know how your life on earth affected others. Intention is very important, if you intended to harm another the emotional pain can be intense and long-lasting, but if the harm was accidental, something unintended then the pain is considerable less. Nothing is overlooked, smart remarks, gossip, false witness, and even uncaring attitudes are considered. On the positive side smiles, small favors, and other caring attitudes are rewarded.

Life is for learning. It is not about hoarding money, seeking fame, or becoming powerful. These things are meaningless to the life review, all are treated equally whether you were a saint or a sinner. There are no chosen ones. The life review is effective and complete justice for everyone.

I believe if everyone knew they were eternal and would receive a life review at the end they would become kinder and gentler to others. The review is total truth, no opportunity for rationalizations or justifications of any kind. The deepest part of your feelings are known and considered. There are no secrets to the review.

But the life review is not the real reason to learn to love yourself and others. The real reason is your own well-being. When you walk the path of love you will be more successful, more peaceful, and free of fear. Life will be a joy to live, and happiness, and love will walk besides you always.

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.