Religion and/or Spirit

There is an immense difference between religion, and spirit. Religion preaches a set of rules, commandments, rituals, and procedures. How, where, when and what to worship, as well as, what to wear, and eat while you are doing it. All enforced by the interpretation of sacred literature. Is this bad? No, of course not, there is room in this world for all religions, and each presents its uniqueness as a learning experience.

Spirit is what/who you are. Some are born knowing about their spiritual nature, others discover spirit during their life time, and still others are unable to discover spirit due to their narrow belief systems. Spirit has no limits, everything you see, and touch is spirit. No sacred literature, all things are sacred, it is what we are.

Most religions do teach the path to spirit, but this path has become overgrown with obstacles of compliance to the religion. The rules, and rituals have covered the path. Jesus taught spirit, and following His teachings will lead to discovery of spirit. He taught unconditional love, and that is the path to spirit.

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Don’t You Let Go

Everyone, everywhere. All languages, races, religions, nationalities, this is for you. Personally just for you. You are not forgotten, you are not forsaken, you are not abandoned. You are always and forever held safe, and secure in the embrace of Love. God’s Love is with you eternally. No matter how bad the circumstances of life may seem. You are worthy of His Love. You will always overcome.


The religious version of this music is so inspiring I wanted to list it also. While this blog is more spiritual than religious, learning to Love is the core belief of them both. Enjoy the music.

© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Our Light

Light is the key. Vibration. Pure vibration. The higher the frequency the more subtle the manifestation. Mediums speak of vibratory rates and the coarser vibrations correspond to the worlds and individuals residing in them who are closer to earthly existence in their vibratory being.

The beings of light who appear the brightest to those who encounter them are the more evolved and loving types. Also the most knowledgeable. Where did they get their knowledge? Why it’s free. Free for the asking. However, one who seeks this knowledge must comply with the dictates of decency. Being a good person is the requirement. What’s to be done with the knowledge once it’s been acquired? Will it be used for the benefit of all or to the detriment of others?

Ground rules have been laid. Treat those whom you meet with the same respect you would have them treat you. Be always kind and loving. Try to understand what others are going through. Never deny a request for help unless acquiescing will cause the more harm. Be perfect in the way you conduct yourself as best you can given your limited knowledge.

Consider that we are all equal in our need for respect. Consider even though it might not seem proper now to our earthy temporal sense, we should hold a murderer in the same esteem as the most loving among us. Yes, he deserves the same respect; yet how we show it is important. Treating a murderer so that she would continue to behave in the same way she had been would not be very respectful of her needs. She needs to grow in understanding to come closer to perfection as do we all. The most ignorant among us generally do not understand the harm they do to others when they act out of this ignorance. And when they do understand the harm they do its usual cause is a desire for personal gain. (They fail to understand that harm to others is harm to them.)

Let us imagine, since we must (we don’t yet see it for real), how we will appear to each other in our perfected form as we exist in the future. Our future as companions of God. In our imagination we are all obviously equal in our worth as beings of light. Since we are equal in perfection for an eternity, the eternity which transcends this temporal world, that is infinitely larger than the finite time we spend as mortal beings. So in any comparison between us we would naturally ignore that mortal time span. HOWEVER LONG IT MAY TAKE EACH OF US INDIVIDUALLY TO REACH THAT STATE OF PERFECTION!


© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Vote for America

Life is not always fair and equal. People are born with diverse skills. We in America follow the rule of law as set forth by the Constitution. But bullies and ego driven people don’t always follow the laws of our land. The bullies want to change our laws to get what they want and not what is good for the American people. Sometimes they tell their lies long and strong enough to convince others they are right. “Me First” is their slogan. “What I decide is the best for all Americans.”

History tells us different. Would be dictators and their party have always come to disastrous results for the whole of their country. The poor suffer the most, the rich gain the most, and the dictator is always among the rich.

For America’s sake hold dear to the rule of law, honor the Constitution, our forefathers knew what they were about. Please let the bullies know you disapprove and always vote for the rule of law. Stop the would be dictator now.

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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