Don’t You Let Go

Everyone, everywhere. All languages, races, religions, nationalities, this is for you. Personally just for you. You are not forgotten, you are not forsaken, you are not abandoned. You are always and forever held safe, and secure in the embrace of Love. God’s Love is with you eternally. No matter how bad the circumstances of life may seem. You are worthy of His Love. You will always overcome.


The religious version of this music is so inspiring I wanted to list it also. While this blog is more spiritual than religious, learning to Love is the core belief of them both. Enjoy the music.

© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Does God Know Who I Am?

For some of you, you know that God exists, but do you know that he is concerned with all the small details of your life also? You are not just an object taking up space, you have meaning and worth. My name is Britney, and I wrote this essay, “Does God Know Who I Am,” because he felt far away and it didn’t seem he was receiving my prayers and cries for help. You are not just a social security number or just an ordinary person. You are a child of God, so always remember that. I hope that this essay will encourage you, like it has for me.

Do 6 billion people all have equal access to God and his love? Is an orphan really fatherless? Do my prayers only hit the ceiling? Is God asleep or on vacation like the god Baal in the Bible? If you get down to it, God must certainly be trying to keep His image up, because there is an angry mob knocking on heaven’s door, trying to get Him to answer their requests.

I felt as though if there were an inner circle where God was, I would never fit in. In school we have so many different groups and clicks. At church we have youth groups. In sports we have teams. The good part about being in God’s inner circle is that everyone qualifies. “Jesus loves all the children of the world,” is a great song to describe this. The only requirement to be in God’s inner circle is that you are human, so unless you are an alien, (which I hope you are not) you automatically have rights as being a child of God.

I am interceding for the world, “God please save us all! Not just me, we all are crying out for something real, some of just don’t know it yet.” I’ve gotten to the point where I’d rather God help everyone else first, there’s lots of people out there who are suffering a great deal more than me. But if He has a spare moment, an angel who is in between assignments let’s say, who has time off, (angels sure keep busy) happens to be in the area, and has nothing better to do, then please go right ahead and come to me. I’ll accept any sort of divine intervention there is! When you start to think of your fellow humans as brothers and sisters, you will care about their well-being and not try to keep God all for yourself.

I sometimes wonder if God remembers me. It’s as though I feel since He has to keep track of so many names, He must have trouble keeping up with it. If you think about facebook and how many other people have the same first and last name, you’ll get what I am saying. (Although, I haven’t found anyone with exactly my name!) It seems as though there is an identity crisis right now in the world. People don’t know their true nature and are seeking to only be what other people around them keep telling them they are. People who get told they are a certain way all their life will naturally stay that way. But God says you are pure love, always have and always will be. The state of your spirit is always constantly love; like the state of matter which in science says stays the same, it just changes form. God’s love really does stay the same and it does come in different forms. If God named the stars, knows how many hairs are in our heads, and knows how many grains of sand there are as the Bible verse says, what makes you think that God would have a memory problem now? There is a song that goes, “He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls and he hears me when I call,” Tommy Walker.

Does God give each of us equal attention? If God created the universe He can certainly listen to everyone at once. Everyone is His favorite and He loves us each of us the same. He holds everyone on his lap, just as Jesus held the little children in his arms and said, “Let the little children come onto me.” Become like a little child again and let him pick you up and rock you to sleep, feeling completely safe and secure again, as He tells you the great love He has for you.

If you consider for a moment, how many people occupy planet earth, now and ever has been, you may think you are unimportant or that no one will notice if you are gone. There is a song by Kutless that says, “I am not just a man, vastly lost in this world, lost in a sea of faces….” God has his eye on you, He watches every sparrow, and you can never ever be out of hearing or seeing range of God. Even if you are not an influential person, you are still important. Everyone has a part to play. He is always listening, always trying to speak to you, but are you listening back?

I wonder if God and his angels ever discuss our progress and our lives with a council meeting in heaven. Does He think some of us are too difficult and wish He never created us? Does He say, “This person is a flop, she/he is not going to do anything great with her life, hopefully the next person we choose for this mission will be better.” Or, “Get rid of this one, it’s not useful anymore.” Of course not. He would not send us to a dumpster, just because we stopped working. No, God loves us all the time, never wavering. He doesn’t decide to love us only on our good days. He is not a boss on earth who expects his employees to perform perfect all the time. He is the one encouraging us and working right besides us, like a partnership. So step right into His office, and plan on being treated with mercy and grace.

I thought if I fell off the edge of the earth, even then God wouldn’t find me. Even though that is physically impossible and irrational thinking, (I learned that gravity is always pulling us toward the center of the earth) I felt as though God has something against me, because He wasn’t helping me the way I wanted him to. But you got to accept help in whatever form it is, because any help at all is better than nothing! Life is more fun with surprises and that keeps life interesting. There is a Bible verse that says, “You shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart…” Keep on seeking God, sooner or later, you will get His return signal. There is another verse, “God rewards those who diligently seek Him.” I know this from firsthand experience. God can’t say no or turn away someone who is earnestly looking for Him.

We are all just visitors to planet earth in a way, just passing through, sharing our experiences as we walk the path together. God says today (as mentioned in Howards NDE), “I accept you. You belong here. I don’t make mistakes.” Remember these words as you navigate through life, (from one of my poems) “Nothing is ever lost. You are always found. Nothing ever slips out of God’s sight; you are always safe and sound.”

Listen to these two songs:
He Knows My Name
Sea of Faces

© 2010 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.