
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Circle of Love

Everyone has a circle of love. In this circle are the people they are willing to love. Some circles are small and contain only a few, other circles are large, containing many. God has the widest circle of all; He loves everyone. Our goal in life is to widen our circles of love until they reach God’s circle. The circles below start with average and grow wider as more people are added. Give some thought to your circle of love today.

Average circle: Immediate family, other relatives, close friends and co-workers. People who believe like we do; belong to the same organizations, etc.

Good circle: Add those of different beliefs, different nationalities, and different customs. Good people, but with habits unfamiliar to us.

Better circle: Then add the homeless, alcoholics, thieves, drug addicts, con men, and others who have fallen from the grace of our society.

Best circle: Further add your enemies. Those who hate you and would spitefully use you. Even those who would bring harm to you.

God’s circle: All of the above and anyone else not mentioned here. Everyone.

It is not necessary to approve of, or judge someone’s behavior in order to love them.

It takes a lot of courage to love that which seems unlovable, but the reward is worth it.

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