Reality and Reincarnation

When I was going through the beginnings of my spiritual journey I wanted to know about how reincarnation worked. This is what I learned. It is real. It is a choice, you can choose to come into the physical or not, but once you made that choice you have to finish no matter how many times you reincarnate.

The physical is a kind of accelerated school of spiritual growth. Here we are presented with the challenges of choosing Love or Not Love. That seems simple, but we have forgotten who we are/were before we came which makes the physical seem very real.

The physical is really a grand illusion. We all play a part and through our free will, will play the part of our own choice. We are continually presented with problems, tragedies, even catastrophic losses which contain elements of Love and Not Love. Slowly we learn to choose Love in even the most horrible of circumstances. The “you reap whatsoever you sow” principle is also real. If you keep choosing to Not Love you will fall deeper and deeper into the “hole” you dug until it becomes unbearable.

If you commit suicide, yes you will be sent back to finish your studies. I have a NDE that shows what can happen in suicide. In the end everyone learns to choose love and finishes. There is no hell, no judgments, no punishments for mistakes.

I will not say I know exactly how it all works because I don’t. I was told this is my 59th reincarnation. I was shocked to be such a slow learner. My greatest gift was a heart attack at 49. I experienced myself separated from my body. I got it!. From that moment on it became better and better. I used affirmations, and self-help books. I hope this post will help others. Like all spiritual questions there are many answers. Love and God Bless .

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Circle of Love

Everyone has a circle of love. In this circle are the people they are willing to love. Some circles are small and contain only a few, other circles are large, containing many. God has the widest circle of all; He loves everyone. Our goal in life is to widen our circles of love until they reach God’s circle. The circles below start with average and grow wider as more people are added. Give some thought to your circle of love today.

Average circle: Immediate family, other relatives, close friends and co-workers. People who believe like we do; belong to the same organizations, etc.

Good circle: Add those of different beliefs, different nationalities, and different customs. Good people, but with habits unfamiliar to us.

Better circle: Then add the homeless, alcoholics, thieves, drug addicts, con men, and others who have fallen from the grace of our society.

Best circle: Further add your enemies. Those who hate you and would spitefully use you. Even those who would bring harm to you.

God’s circle: All of the above and anyone else not mentioned here. Everyone.

It is not necessary to approve of, or judge someone’s behavior in order to love them.

It takes a lot of courage to love that which seems unlovable, but the reward is worth it.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Heard It Before?

How many times have you heard this little verse.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.”

It is not true, words can be harmful, not only to the receiver, but also to the giver. There are few people so devoid of emotion that can’t be hurt by name calling. Most are hurt and express that hurt in anger at the one who insulted them.

Those with very little self-esteem routinely use name calling to hurt others. They don’t understand what they say to others reflects back on themselves. They lose trust, and people just quit listening to them. They also tend to be avoided socially.

Confronting them only increases the level of insults, and two wrongs don’t make a right. The best method is to treat them kindly with respect. In time, they will come to realize how they hurt themselves, and attempt to gain self-knowledge by growing spiritually.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Walking Through Illusion

Walking Through Illusion
Walking Through Illusion features a series of short stories about Biblical people who either knew Jesus or knew of Him, and were influenced by Him in one way or another. It is about people who lived long before Christianity began. The author believes that we don’t take our beliefs with us when we leave here; we take the love we found from having them.

Each chapter focuses on the growth of a particular person and each chapter is complete within itself with a specific theme. The end of each chapter has a work sheet with questions designed to bring the ideas from the book into the reader’s everyday life in a meaningful way.

This book is an excellent way to learn spiritual principles. It brings out in easy to understand language the main points on the path of spiritual growth. I highly recommend reading and rereading this book, completing the work sheets and walking through the illusion into enlightenment.

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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