The Meaning of Life


Learn from the physical what the meaning of life really entails. We are here for a purpose, the learn the lesson of love.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Everything is energy, E=mc2. All energy is sentient, conscious. All consciousness is sentient energy. All configurations of consciousness are held together by an attractive force called Love. The sum total of everything, is the Creator, sometimes called God. God is therefore conscious love. God is Love. The tools of consciousness used in creation are thoughts impelled by emotions.

Because God is conscious love, all of God’s creations are conscious love, created in the likeness of God. Everything in the spiritual, and physical planes, are conscious love. The Universe, the earth, and all the parts and elements thereof are conscious. All creation is a holograph. Where the whole contains the parts, and the parts contain the whole. We live within God as God lives within us.

Creation is top-down. First becoming in the spirit world and moving down into the physical world. All things being spiritual first, we are created spiritually, then when our time comes, given the opportunity to incarnate into the physical for further growth.

We are created in the spiritual world as a “spark” of consciousness. Our task is to grow our vernal consciousness into a wise spiritual “Being” capable of helping to expand the perimeters of the spiritual world, pushing back the darkness (void) with light, and co-creating with God as part of the Oneness of all things.

Now if you are reading this you have incarnated into the physical world for further growth. You have free will to choose the path you will follow. You will use the tools of your consciousness, namely your thoughts and emotions.

There are only two paths, but the ramifications of each path number in the trillions. The paths are love and fear. The love path is positive, full of kindness, caring, and compassion. The fear path is negative, full of anxiety, anger, and suffering.

Most walk a bit in both paths, usually favoring one over the other. The physical world is a classroom for learning about using your thoughts and emotions to choose events beneficial to yourself and others. You get feedback in the form of peace and calm for the positive path; worry and turmoil for the negative path.

The idea is to become who you already are, thereby knowing yourself. You are the invisible “I am” consciousness inhabiting a physical body. A spiritual Being having a physical experience. You are also part of the Oneness of all things. This means others are also a part of the Oneness. To harm another is to harm yourself. That is the reason for the golden rule. “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

In order to grow spiritually one must treat others honestly, and kindly all the time. This requires control of thoughts and emotions. Not suppressing them, but understanding them, you can’t fake spiritual growth, just doesn’t work.

Read the master teachers, read self-help books, do affirmations, make friends with others on the spiritual path. But most of all understand you are creating your own reality everyday with your thoughts and emotions. If you don’t like your present reality then change your thoughts and emotions, and wait for your reality to change with them.

© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Think of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth.

Walking the path of unconditional Love.

Why? To become more like the Father, our Creator, to share His love and light with others, which in itself is the greatest reward we can ever receive. God is unconditional love. We walk the spiritual path to learn how to love unconditionally as He does. It is not an easy path, many times we must decide for love against our feelings of anger, jealousy, or self-righteousness. But the more we do choose love, the easier it will become. Our task is to forgive, return good for evil, and to go the second mile. Every small task of kindness we give is noticed by the One who cares the most. Learn to love more today.

“Lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved
only through persistent exercise of real love.”

M. Scott Peck

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Spiritual Growth, Non-Judging

This spiritual element is a willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others. Tolerance and respect are the key words here. We live in a country of great diversity, it is what makes this country strong. A non-judging attitude avoids condemning others because they don’t think like we do, act like we do, look like we do, or belong to the same organizations as we do. Respecting others beliefs will lead to them respecting your beliefs. Tolerance of the rights of others is what this country is about.

One of the perks of non-judging is not having to forgive. If you don’t condemn others for being different, you won’t need to forgive yourself as often. The opposite of non-judging are “control freaks,” those who think everyone should act and think as they do. Control freaks are the ones that believe their way is the only way. There is no one right way, no one right path, and no one with all the answers to all the questions. All paths eventually lead to unconditional love, some loop, and fork, others go straight, but all lead to God. Treat all others with respect, all the time.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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