Fear of Stuttering

In my lifetime, I have overcome many fears. The first I remember started in Kindergarten. I went in the afternoon for three hours. The teacher was Mrs. Pascal. She was a kind teacher and we kids loved her. We learned our alphabet and then began to say a few words in front of the class.

But I was fearful of speaking in front of the class because of a stutter in my voice. When I got nervous I stammered. I could not control it. I really wanted to do well, I liked the teacher and going to school. Mrs. Pascal wanted us to stand up and say:

“How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck, if a wood chuck, could chuck wood.”

Knowing my turn would come soon I began to say the “Wood Chuck” over and over again at home and play until it came out perfect.

When my turn came I recited it with only one small hesitation. It gave me confidence that lasted into the first and second grades where I managed to rid myself of stuttering and actually enjoy reading in front of the class.

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