
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Suicide and NDEs

What might happen when suicide is attempted.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Physical Life

Who has not asked:
“What am I doing here?”
In a moment of quiet despair
who has not wondered “why me?”

No one knows how life began. Many theories abound, but facts are scarce. Religion, science, even aliens are used to explain creation. However, if theories were facts they would not be theories. We can only look at the wonders of this world speculating how they came into being. We can only guess how the Universe was born, and by what power it was thrust into reality.

It is simplistic to believe creation was chance and mankind only a fluke of fate. It is more logical to assume a “Higher Intelligence” put this world together. Religion attempts to describe this “Higher Intelligence” with many contradictory behaviors. One cannot rationally believe these man-made explanations.

From the beginning of recorded history man has believed in life after death. Paintings on cave walls reveal cavemen believed. Where did this idea/belief come from, how did mankind start to believe in life after death? It is possible they experienced themselves outside their body. Today, due to traumatic events folks have found themselves out of body and still very much alive. These experiences are called “Near Death Experiences.” It is estimated eight million people living in the U.S. have experienced this out-of-body phenomenon.

What is within the human body that still exists after death? Is it conscious energy given by a Higher Intelligence? Is this conscious energy the real you — your personality, thoughts, beliefs and memory? We humans do not create this energy, nor can we destroy it. It is eternal. For simplicity we will call this energy “consciousness.” A married couple can’t create consciousness. They only create the mortal coil, or body in which it exists here on planet earth. If the body becomes unable to sustain consciousness, it returns to the non-physical.

We come into the physical to grow into emotional maturity. We have to work at it every day. Watching our words and actions to insure we harm no one. The methods have been taught by Master Teachers. Jesus, Confucius, Krishna, and Buddha to name a few. The methods are: love your enemies, forgive those who use and/or exploit you, return good for evil, and help those in need. Your wealth or position in the physical matters not one whit. If you’re like most, you’ll not feel the value until after you try. It is infinitely worthwhile.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Help from Near Death Experiences

Shakespeare wrote: “the world is a stage and we all play a part in it.” There are people who don’t like the part they’re playing in this life, and want to abandon it. They feel alone, isolated, and unloved. They had a brutal past, were abused, and abandoned, they see no future for themselves. They just don’t seem agreeable, find it hard to make friends, and easy to lose them. Can’t hold a job, or hate their job. They feel victimized and bullied, even by those they love. The pain is hard for them to endure, so they want desperately to leave this world.

What they don’t realize is the part they’re playing in this world can simply be altered or changed. Instead of playing a victim, full of emotional pain, they can play a victor instead. We humans are created by the same source, and contain within the tools we need to live a happy, joyous, and prosperous physical life. We have the power to change direction at any time by changing our perception.

In order to connect with a better life you need to understand the “Law of Attraction.” This is a law that brings complete equality into the physical world. You may know it better as “whatever you sow, so shall you reap,” or “what goes around, comes around.” This law works the same for everyone at all times. Whatever you feel at this moment you will attract into your life. This means if you’re negative you’ll attract negativity. If you’re unhappy you’ll attract unhappiness, and if you’re sad you’ll attract sadness. So if you’re unsatisfied with life, right now you can use the “Law of Attraction” to change.

The path is easy, but the time may become extended. Study Near Death Experiences. Do daily affirmations. Read positive self-help books. Learn to accept yourself and others. Building self-confidence is the goal that will make you happy, and successful. You learn by practicing.

While you are walking this new path chosen for yourself, remember to accept and forgive those who would impair you, and develop a non-judgmental perception of life. Remember whatever you give you will receive, it is the “Law of Attraction.” No one is outside of this law, no one, whatever their rank, or circumstances.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



Received another letter last week from an individual who’s loved one committed suicide. I get this kind of letter all too often. Mostly, they want to know if the loved one will be punished. Suicides have tripled in the last 20 years. Lots of reasons for the increase: stressful society, competition for colleges, employment, and dependencies account for many deaths. People get hooked on drugs, alcohol, and heavy gambling debt. Drug addicts frequently die from an accidental overdose that is a questionable suicide.

In the opposite direction there’s a decrease in spiritual training. People don’t get involved in spiritual pursuits as often today. These letters sadden me, and there’s nothing to do but comfort the author. I hope every potential suicide would read about near death experiences.

Near death experiences teach us a lot about the spirit world, and what happens when we cross over. I am not an expert on the subject, but did ask a lot of questions and remember much of what I saw there. The spirit world considers suicide a selfish act. The person who commits suicide has to face their problems, and work them out, whether in the physical or spiritual world. So suicide gains the individual nothing. Meanwhile loved ones left behind are emotionally devastated.

Reading near death experiences may help prevent suicides. Studies have shown persons with suicidal tendencies are less likely to attempt suicide after reading a number of near death experiences. Especially suicide near death experiences. NDEs may give them the options needed to work through their problems.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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