My 22 Minutes in the Light

At age 8 my father took me and my 2 brothers (ages 10 and 11) to go fishing in a river called (Rio Guaiba) In Porto Alegre- Brazil. It was a hot day and very sunny. When we got there my father was setting up camp when we ask him if we could walk up river a little bit. At first he said no, but after we begged a little bit and he agreed, but told us not to go in the water, he said that a few times.

We started to walk near the water and we got to this bush that was half in the land and half on the water. I don’t remember which one of us had the idea to go in the water grabbing the bush to get to the other side.

My brother Marco age 10 went first, He took a few steps and I don’t remember well how he lost his footing, but he did, he went under, then my older brother Carlon tried to help him and went under also, I don’t know why but I went after them, note (we didn’t know how to swim).

I started to panic, I was really scared, I remember trying to breath but I couldn’t, water was going in instead, there was no more oxygen, I remember moving my arms and legs frantically trying to save my life. I remember my body hitting things under water. I don’t know what was hitting me but it was very painful. This river moves very fast from west to east towards the ocean. I don’t know how much time went by but I couldn’t move any more, I remember just floating under water then I hit bottom. The water was brown and I couldn’t see anything. I knew I was dying and I screamed PLEASE GOD HELP ME! (My mom used to take me to church so I knew about Him). I don’t know how but I knew that God was the only one that could help me.

That was when I felt my life fading, then I heard the most pleasing voice telling me to relax and that everything was going to be o.k. I then felt these arms embracing me, I knew it was a man and he was very kind and gentle. I was so happy and confused at the same time. We were floating in mid air. I then realize that I was not dead, not yet anyway. I sensed we were going up very fast. All my pains were gone and I could breath again. My body was not solid anymore, I could see right through it, but I could feel me.

Then I saw that we going towards this light. When we got close to the light, the light just engulf me. It was brighter than the sun but didn’t hurt my eyes. The angel that was with me said “tchau” and faded away. I was floating there for a moment thinking, “what’s happening?” I felt connected to everything and everything was connected to me. (hard to explain) Then I felt I was not alone anymore. I could see this shape of a man coming closer. When he got close enough, I felt the most beautiful feeling of love and belonging, there’s no words my human mind can said to describe this feelings (sorry). Imagine yourself in an airplane and the airplane blows up! Then you wake-up (just a dream). Kind of like that. I was so happy I wasn’t dead for real, but where am I? (that place felt more real than this one).

This angel (I call them angels) came closer to my right side and spoke to me, but his lips was not moving. He was talking to my mind. I could hear him through my mind, being, and my soul. He told me he was there to help me with my questions (and boy did I have questions) but first he started to show me my life like a movie (hard to explain). My life was going backwards. I remember thinking “How bad can this be, I’m only 8 years old.” The first image I saw was something bad that I did (I used a key to scratch a car). I could feel the pain that I caused because of my actions. Then I remember thinking “Oooh no! I’m in trouble!” My angel surprised me by saying “don’t worry, these are just lessons.” I remember thinking “Oh crap, he can read my mind too.” He heard that too and gave me this lovely, beautiful smile. This movie was showing, second by second my entire life; everything I saw I could feel the results of it. Like, everything I did had a life of its own. Like when I felt the owner of the car feelings and thoughts, then he told his wife about it and I could feel her pain too, and on and on and on. (not a good feeling).

He didn’t show me just the bad things I did, he show me the things I did out of love too. He showed me the time I took this homeless boy I become friends with. I took him home with me, we shower together, we eat together and I give him some of my clothes too. I could feel how happy I made my angel feel. He told me that those are the things that really matter, those where the things that will make a difference in the world for the better. As my life was going backwards I saw me as a baby inside my mother, then just a molecule of life, really really small but alive. Today when I see women having an abortion I want to cry. They don’t understand that God give them this child for a reason, that she was chosen by that life (child). Don’t know how I know that, I just do!

Then the movie stop and he said two words and Everything I wanted to know was answer by it. (like a package deal). All my questions was answered in an instant. Then I started to miss my life as I knew it. I started to think about my mother and I could feel her pain when she heard the news that all her sons died. I knew my angel was showing me this because it wasn’t my time, my mission wasn’t done. What mission? I still don’t know. I don’t know how long all of this took, I didn’t have the sense of time anymore. (but if I try, it will take years to show and tell everything.) Anyway, I was missing my life and I want to go back. I had flashbacks about playing soccer with my friend, being hugged by my mom, the sun, the rain, things that made me happy. I also knew my angel did this for a reason because any sane person would not want to go back.

I also realize for the first time how beautiful and fragile Earth really is. I could sense the earth breathing like it was alive. I could see a light around everything that was alive, trees, flowers, grass, animals, volcanoes and humans. I sense that humans were in control over other living things, I have the word (aura) stamped in mind ever since. Don’t know why but the angel told me not tell anyone and that time will revealed itself. I said “What”? But then I felt a jolt in my soul, a feeling that I was back in my body. Next thing I know, I was being held by another angel. He was pushing me out of the water. It was then that I realize that I was human again and back in my body. Oh my god, what a feeling! I wish I could make everyone feel that feeling. being human is a beautiful gift.

Then I felt like I was drunk, the first thing I saw was this beautiful blue sky and I could breath again. Then I realize, “Where are my brothers?” I Look to my right and there they were, walking out of the water with me! OH MY GOD! THANK-YOU! THANK-YOU! THANK-YOU! I have tear in my eyes thinking about it. Our God and father is so good to us. Then I saw people rushing towards us, some were crying, some were smiling and hugging each other. They felt as happy as I did! Why? Then this police officer was talking on his radio he said, “I found them, I found the kids!” He told the others to come up river, the other officers were looking for us down river were they thought we were. After couple of minutes they got there and said, “This can’t be them! They couldn’t survive 22 minutes underwater and talk about it! The medical personal that was there agreed with them, and they all went back down river. I was trying to tell what happened but I couldn’t speak. I mean my mouth was moving but no sound. I look up in the sky and said “Please give me my voice back, I won’t tell anyone!’ Slowly I got my voice back!

I got a stutter today but I don’t care about that. I’m alive! For all I know they still looking for us. I don’t know which is better, being back here or having the knowledge that we never die. Today, I take things as they came and I try to do everything with love. But that sometimes is really hard because we live in a world of uncertainty. People don’t know who God really is. Some make it really hard for me to love them as I should, but I forgive them and love them on the inside, even though I don’t show them sometimes. God knows what I mean.

My brother’s and I never talked about this till Christmas of 2007 (38 years later).

I ask my brother Marco if he remember anything, he told me that an angel ask him not talk about it. A week went by and I ask Carlon what happened. He said that we died and that an angel saved us. He said he also saw the movie. I don’t know why but we never got too deep on this conversation. I think we are scared that something would happen, because we were ask not to. If you guys don’t hear from me you know why. As I get older I have the urge to tell the world that God and heaven is very real. I have to be very responsible when talking about this. I don’t feel that I am the one writing this, but my soul.

I pray that one day the human race, the sons and daughters of God will live on Earth with that Love and Peace that I felt, and come to the realization that we are one.


© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Body and Soul

Your parents and their lineage created your body. It is a good body, but some bodies have imperfections. We humans are constantly trying to improve our bodies with cosmetics, diets, and exercise.

The Creator formed you from His energy, and you reside within your body. You are perfect in every way, just like Mary Poppins. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes. You, your soul, strives to be loving and compassionate, just like the One that created it. You are not your body,

Often a conflict arises between the body and soul. The soul wants to share, but the body doesn’t. The body wants to do drugs, but the soul doesn’t. The soul wants to forgive, but the body doesn’t. The body wants to cheat, but the soul doesn’t. You get the idea. Sometimes we call this our conscious guiding or warning us.

Spiritual growth is the real reason you are in a body. The more you (your soul) wins the conflict the more you grow spiritually. It is a simple way to teach. You are confronted with decisions and you make choices. Spiritual growth is the goal of this life. Keep your thoughts on the goal and grow spiritually. It is not the best way, it is the only way to happiness and fulfillment.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Questioning My Religion

When I was young, I had no choice. I went to Sunday School and Church. I belonged to a protestant church, in a small neighborhood. Even at an early age I began to question the doctrine. Questioning the doctrine of “The Trinity” got me sent to the pastor. After some discussion I was told to simply “believe it, or end up in hell.”

The doctrine of salvation was another big question. How could believing Jesus was God and, He died for our sins save me from eternal hell? Didn’t I have to do something, feel something. It was easy to say “yes, I believe,” however that didn’t make me feel any different than before. I was missing something, but no one seemed to have the answer that worked for me.

Religion made me plenty afraid of going to hell. So afraid I had nightmares and would wake up crying and shaking. I had given my heart to God dozens of times by going down to the front. It didn’t help, the fear got worse.

I went to different churches, and studied different religions. This did help me with the fear. I learned not all churches, or religions believed in hell. But the nagging fear remained. When I returned to college I took “Religion” as a minor. “Old Testament,” “New Testament,” “Comparative Religions,” “Religion Founders,” are some of the classes I attended. Here I lost most of my fear, but what about spirituality. I still didn’t know what to believe about an afterlife, if there was such a thing.

Further studied revealed that most people do believe in an afterlife. But there was no consensus on what this afterlife might be. Some believed in God, and some not so much. From many different people I learned many different things about how the afterlife was supposed to work. But most just said “I don’t know.” I was confused. But I never gave up studying the question of spirituality and the afterlife.

Then the answer to this question came to me in the form of a heart attack. I was 49-years-old at the time, this heart attack and subsequent “Near Death Experience” started a spiritual journey that continues to this day. I found out what I was supposed to learn in church, and to do with my life. When I did it I felt the results of my efforts.

What I had missed going to church was now evident, bright and bold in my mind. It was Jesus, not believing Him to be God, or not God. Rather believing and following His teachings. It was very important to heed and do what He preached. Jesus knew about spirituality, He knew about the afterlife, and He knew exactly how our Creator wanted us to live our life.

Jesus’ basic teaching is Love. Love your enemies, your neighbors, those that hate you, those that use you, cheat you, just love everyone. Serve those in need. Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and those in prison, give to those that ask of you do not turn them away. That is exactly the kind of unconditional love that surrounded me and held me in my near death experience. It is exactly the kind of unconditional love thousands of other near death experiencers also feel. It is the love our Creator feels for us, and the love we are to feel for each other.

I called myself a Christian for years. All you had to do was join the church and you were a Christian. Now the word Christian means “a follower of Jesus” to me. This set the bar a lot higher, and over the years I have tried to reach those heights on a daily basis. No more judging, ridiculing, or belittling others. No more exaggerating, or overstating my deeds, only the simple truth will do. Choosing carefully to support leaders who are truthful in their words.

After my experience I worked in Hospice care, and attended spiritual groups where I helped others. Eventually I started a website on near death experiences and a blog. These sites are my contribution to mankind. I know they helped others because they tell me.

So if you want a happy and joy fulfilled life then follow the teachings of Jesus. You will be amazed at how well it works.

If you had a spiritual experience I would really like to hear about it. You can type your NDE or other spiritual experience here. If you would like to read more near death experiences. Some NDE are not positive if you wish to know about them.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Going Home

Now when I lay me down to die,
give no pity, feel no sorrow.
There is no need for one to crycause I won’t be here tomorrow.

I’ve lived life for a long, long time,
learning to do what’s good and right.
I’ve made me mark, written me rhyme,
I'm set to take that final flight.

I’ve touched the hem of death before,
by heart attack I ceased to be.
I’ve seen another distant shore,
through me face-to-face NDE¹.

The spirit world is golden light, 
filled with care, compassionate love.
Its total blessing hugs you tight,
leaving no doubt you’re part thereof.

The Park² has opulent green grass,
dotted with brilliant rainbow flowers,
tables, and chairs like polished brass
a place to couch for endless hours.

Deep blue water flows in small stream,
ponds with fountains create a breeze.
Around The Park’s utmost extreme,
are dwellings built for all to please.

Crystal buildings house libraries,
for the pursuit of all knowledge.
Rooms of learned commentaries,
more than any earthly college.

A Hall of Records³ contains the past,
the deeds of all souls ever been,
for us to know, from first to last,
a worthy work kept safe therein.

Museums, mansions, field for games,
schools for keeping me reverent.
"Like earth it seems to be the same,
yet it is very different¹¹.”

I could be someone's spirit guide²²,
to help them navigate their life.
I might play watcher³³ on the side,
helping the gifted with their strife.

Many, many roles to choose from,
much work of love to carry through.
I could pose an effort outcome,
and then relax, let love accrue.

Everywhere light, the source of love,
permeating bright through and through.
Bringing compassion from above,
love and caring for me and you.

Naught to serve, everywhere to serve,
naught to learn, everything to learn,
freedom of choice that all deserve,
the greatest gift of life to earn.

So when I lay me down to die,
grieve for thyself, I will not roam,
we shall meet again, in the bye, 
not to worry,  I’m going home. 

¹Near Death Experience.
²Mentioned in multiple NDEs.
³Akashic Records.
¹¹Emmanuel Quote
²²Each person in the physical has
   a spirit guide helper.
³³Watchers look for the gifted
   and help them.

The near death experience information
 in this poem taken from my experience
 as well as hundreds of other NDEs.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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