Excellent video by a near death experiencer explaining his feelings while he was in the light. A very good example of what most see and feel.
© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
httpvhd:// Excellent video by a near death experiencer explaining his feelings while he was in the light. A very good example of what most see and feel. © 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Within the Near Death Experience are the seeds of Man’s understanding of the universe, of love and of Oneness. For it is in the Near Death Experience that man releases his preconceived opinions, and allows the facts to come forward and be seen. It is as though he pulls aside a curtain of his own misconception and sees for the first time a truth that has always existed, a truth that is so profound, so persuasive, so undeniable that the experiencer’s life can never be the same. The Truth of Oneness: that all men are part of the whole, not just six billion individuals, standing alone and apart, but six billion parts for making up the whole, the One, sharing and joining in the responsibility of life on this planet. Four billion people needing to work together, for the good of the world, not in opposition. We can accomplish our paradise on earth by cooperation, not by war, hate or deception. The Truth of Love: that Love is the greatest strength of all. For Love given is Life received. For Love creates an environment of Love, cooperation and trust. It is Love given, that turns hate and mistrust into mutual respect and beneficial cooperation. There are nations in the world that have that Love. The Love results in open borders, free trade, open, honest exchange between people. There are nations that practice hate. The newspapers are filled with their terror, killings, bombings. There are two choices that are ours, and we must make a decision. NDEer’s learn or “know” the power of Love, and their lives change. It is a lesson that the world desperately needs, for we have led ourselves to the brink of our own destructions, by our own practices of greed and distrust and our “me-first attitudes”. The Truth of Life: Death is not the end, but a transition to another Life. Think of the horror, the dread, that mankind has given itself, by believing that death is the end. How many millions of lives have been spent in grief for the “lost” loved ones, that have never been lost? Let us give our cooperation and support to these seeds that have been planted by the Near Death Experience. The experience is a gift. It is perhaps the beginning of a new life, not only for the Experiencer, but for our society and possibly the World. Jack Cuthrell, author of “Letters of the Soul.” © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. This spiritual element is a willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others. Tolerance and respect are the key words here. We live in a country of great diversity, it is what makes this country strong. A non-judging attitude avoids condemning others because they don’t think like we do, act like we do, look like we do, or belong to the same organizations as we do. Respecting others beliefs will lead to them respecting your beliefs. Tolerance of the rights of others is what this country is about. One of the perks of non-judging is not having to forgive. If you don’t condemn others for being different, you won’t need to forgive yourself as often. The opposite of non-judging are “control freaks,” those who think everyone should act and think as they do. Control freaks are the ones that believe their way is the only way. There is no one right way, no one right path, and no one with all the answers to all the questions. All paths eventually lead to unconditional love, some loop, and fork, others go straight, but all lead to God. Treat all others with respect, all the time. © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. here are many elements one can use in order to achieve spiritual growth. I am going to discuss the various elements, and their importance. Spiritual and/or emotional growth is beneficial to everyone. Makes no difference whether you are a spiritual person or not. It is a process of gaining emotional maturity in order to live a better and more fulfilled life in the physical world. The names of these elements are love, forgiveness, non-judging, integrity, and service. They may be divided into more, or condensed to fewer, but I will discuss them as they are shown. Love is the most important of all. Learning to love yourself and others is the purpose of life. It makes everything else meaningful. The best way to do this is though affirmations. It makes no difference what your past was, or how much trouble you have experienced. The only place you can live is in the present now. Start with the understanding that you will make mistakes and accept yourself as you are right now. Listen to yourself, what you say, and how it affects others. Was what you said loving, and kind. Think about how you can improve your thoughts, words, and feelings about others. Learn to accept others, mistakes and all. No person living in this world will make the right decision everytime. As you become less critical of others you will become less critical of yourself. Do affirmations on a regular basis daily. while it may seem boring, it is the best tool anyone has to change old habits and form new ones. It is the process of replacing old thoughts with new positive ones, and it does work over time. There is a section on affirmations on this site, but don’t feel limited by them. You can search the internet for more. Here below is a good definition of what love really is, it will teach you what real unconditional love is about.
In further writings on spiritual growth I will discuss the other elements one at a time. © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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