A loved one dies and we feel empty. A large part of our life has vanished, we worry if we could have done something more. Sometimes we feel guilty, depressed, and even angry. Nothing is the same anymore, and nothing can be changed. It is over.
Our loved one has returned to the spirit world. Everyone comes from there and returns to there when the body dies. There is no judgment to endure, no pearly gates, nor lakes of fire. There is only love, unconditional love. We are created in love and live in love and return to love when we pass.
It matters not who we were or what we accomplished. It matters not if we believed in God. All, every soul, returns to the spirit world surrounded by unconditional love. There they review their physical life. Any judgment comes from them, no one else.
We, who are left behind, suffer from grief and worry. Our task is to forgive. Forgive ourselves and all others of any mistakes we may think was made. To send our love to the deceased on their continued journey through life in the spiritual. They are safe and secure, we are safe and secure in the unconditional love of the Creator. Only time will diminish the grief and emptiness. Then, when it is time, we will rejoin our loved ones in the love that never ends.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
httpvhd://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXe8qBWCBO8″I made this video years ago, but it’s still accurate today. It tells how spirits come into the physical world. I love to quote Jesus because His teachings give us real spiritual knowledge. Jesus walked the path of love. Love is the main theme of all His teachings. Love others, love one another, love your enemies, love those that despise you, and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Simply said, we are not in the physical world to judge others. Only God can create the spirit that animates a physical body. Only God can terminate that spirit. We humans can not create life nor can we destroy it. Miscarriages only postpone the entry into physical life of a given spirit.
Below is an interesting experience that illustrates this fact.
Before Birth Communication.
After several months of trying and failing to conceive a child my husband and I were finally successful. We were both so happy. Our dream had finally come true. Unfortunately that dream was short lived.
Friday, October 13, started out like any other day. I went to work, ran errands, and came home. But then I started to have cramps. I called the doctor and was told to relax, put my feet up, and drink water.
I went to bed early convinced all I need was rest. In the middle of the night a little boy appeared to me and somehow in my heart I knew this was my son. I was so happy to see him, he was a beautiful boy, but he looked so sad.
I asked him: “why are you sad, what’s wrong?”
He told me that he was going to have to leave for awhile, that God had something very important for him to do. He promised that he would return someday. I was crying, begging him to stay, but he faded away.
I awoke with a start and felt pain like I had never felt before. I lost the baby within 30 minutes. Although it was difficult to lose this child, I felt at peace that he would keep his promise and return to me one day.
He returned the following year on December 3, looking just like the child I saw previously. He is a true gift from God.
Some people can remember their “birth” into the physical. I will show a couple of links where this happens.
Before Birth Experience.
Pre-Birth Remembrance.
I (Lekatt) also have memories. As a baby, when I started to crawl around the house, I could remember I came from somewhere I walked and ran. I kept looking for this place by crawling from doorway to doorway thinking it might be through the next door, but it never was.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
I go there every day
when I can get away,
a place for me to play.
The tall grass is always green.
Chilled water runs clear in stream,
a veiled place for me to dream.
It frames itself to what I need,
with my emotion it is keyed,
my every thought will it heed.
Here I build grand creations,
peace and love for all nations,
become truth at this location.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
is a vast difference between Religious beliefs and Spiritual reality.
The Greeks and Romans had many Gods. They erected statues and places
of worship. Gave sacrifices, wealth and great devotion to their Gods.
Now, the religions of this ancient time have faded into history. The
religions of today will also eventually fade out of favor and into
is an institution for expressing belief in a divine power. A set of
rites, rituals, practices, and protocol written and followed by
mankind. It is because religion is physical expression, it is doomed
to the fate of all physical constructs. They have a beginning, grow
into maturity, get older, out of date, and finally come to an end. We
read about them in history class.
on the other hand, remains unchanged. Spirit exists above and beyond
the discernment of mankind. Spirit created the physical world and all
things within. You are spiritual. You were created by Spirit and are
occupying a physical body in order to live, learn, and grow
spiritually within the physical world. When your body becomes
unsuitable for physical life you will return to the spirit world.
Like spirit, you are eternal.
we can not fully understand the nature of spirit, nor do we know how
spirit came into being. Some
humans have experienced a short
of the spiritual world through a
phenomenon called the
Death Experience.
It is through these experiences that we are able to understand some
realities of the spirit world.
is light, and the light is pure energy. All things have their
beginning in the light. You were created as a being
light, self-aware, and with
the characteristics of
unflagging curiosity, and
eternal life.
grow spiritually by expanding your awareness. The physical world
allows you to make choices, then
live through the consequences of those choices. The rule of spirit is
“like attracts like.” How you treat others determines how you are
you will learn to be nonjudgmental, kind and loving. Your
job is learn to
understand yourself and others. Accept others and yourself for what
you are and expand your love. The
more you learn the more you will understand.
honor yourself by honoring others.
forget you are the light of the Creator surrounded by unconditional
love. When life gets difficult seek the light within. It
is your birthright. Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will
find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.
© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.