Feeding Fish

I go to the fountain to feed the fish
every morning, and when the goldfish
see me their activity increases in
contemplation of being fed.

Their fixed eyes seem to look up
at me, but I wonder if I am recognized.
Would they know me from another
or are they merely reacting to the
change of light above their small pond.

I would like to believe they know me from
others who may pass by, and understand
it’s I that feeds, and cares for them.

Wonder if God feels that way as He
looks kindly upon us, and loves us.

© 2018 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Email Exchange

It was one of those days when I couldn’t think of anything to post on the blog. A friend wrote me, and I replied with a letter I thought might interest others.

A friend asks:

“Back to our souls journey. I have asked you about your NDE before but please allow me to ask again. How does it manifest now. Is it a knowing that is as fresh as the instant you where with God. I have no doubt it is still with you but I am eager to hear details of your progression. Last time I asked I believe you said some things did fade a bit but I am assuming the imprint upon your soul is still as strong, otherwise you would still be struggling with some of the same problems as you had stated in your life story.”

My Reply:

Yes, I did get a big step up with my Near Death Experience, I like to call it my enlightenment. When I was in the Divine presence everything was real and perfect, all knowledge was there just for the asking, and the love and compassion were complete. It didn’t matter what I had done, left undone, or believed. The only thing that mattered was me. I could have stayed forever, but my family needed me so I asked to returned. Don’t have all the knowledge I experienced available now, nor the love, but I do know, without doubt, it will be available on my return.

I lost my fear of death, we are eternal. There’s plenty of time to learn and accomplish whatever we wish. I changed my belief system about this world. I learned that positive beliefs matter. You find out things through experience. There is little knowledge without experience. I try to learn as much as possible from what I experience.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

What I Learned

What I learned from my near death experience is that beliefs we hold are not reality nor truth. However, these beliefs are responsible for our happiness and joy, or our sadness and depression. It is very important to understand that what you believe can help or hurt you. The axiom of “you create your own reality,” is very true. If you think badly of yourself it reflects in all your thoughts and deeds prompting others to think badly of you also. Hopefully, you will think well of yourself and your ability.

I learned what unconditional love is like, and why it is important for me to learn to love in that manner. It is love that holds everything together. It is love that replaces fear and gives you self-confidence. It is love that brings peace and joy into your life. It is love that heals both physically and mentally. I am trying now to walk the path of love, forgiving my faults and shortcomings, and forgiving others theirs. I am using love to stop judging myself. No one said it would be easy, but it is rewarding beyond belief.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Two Teachers

Those who teach love and light are fulled with love and light. Those who teach fear and darkness are filled with fear and darkness. By teaching they expect to convince others to; believe as they believe; act as they act; vote as they vote; and teach as they teach. Which one appeals to you? This is a serious question only you can answer. Those walking in the light of love fear nothing. Those walking in fear and darkness are standing in a brilliantly lit room with their eyes tightly closed yelling for someone to turn on the lights.

© 2018 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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