I had a bad day. I was depressed about my health, business and everything else that came to mind so I went to bed early, thinking the sleep would help me forget. I was wrong.
About 2:00 a.m. I awoke feeling very strange. I couldn’t see anything, but felt an energy or electric-like current running all through me. Also felt someone close to my right shoulder. I thought this was my wife, but soon determined the bed, with my wife in it, was far below me, and to my left. Wanting to find out who this presence was at my shoulder I tried to turn around. A voice said: “Please go back to sleep.” It was a male voice that seemed to originate within my thoughts or mind.
I wasn’t afraid, and I still wanted to know what was happening, so, I tried to turn again. The voice said: “Do you wish to continue here or would you like to go on?” After considering this question only a few seconds, I replied: “I want to continue, of course.” My reply was given as a thought.
As soon as I had answered, the energy surrounding me began to grow in intensity. The stronger it became the more I felt loved and supported by it. I became aware of (or remembered) my spiritual nature, and also, my purpose for being here. (I felt as if I had always known these things, but had somehow forgotten them.) I further knew that all people share this love and support. That everyone is held safe and secure and loved unconditionally by the Creator.
The intense energy lasted about 15 minutes (estimate). During this time, I felt total love, support, belonging, and an expanded knowledge of many things. I never wanted to leave this beautiful state of being; but finally the energy subsided and the voice said: “Please go back to sleep.” In the next moment, I was back in bed, with my wife next to me. The adventure, however, was far from over.
In the months following, the energy remained, though not as intense. I had many lucid/out-of-body dreams (dreams where you are aware of, and active in, the dream state) teaching me how to overcome my limitations and fears. My health improved, in about 18 months I was released from all medical care. In another 18 months, my business was sold and I found employment. Life was looking good again.
Currently, the story continues. I can still feel the energy. I am still learning about, and improving myself daily. I can’t remember every detail the intense energy allowed me to understand, but I know the most important thing is to teach, practice and live in Love.
Read more of my experiences here.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
It was another dreadfully cold and snowy Monday in Indianapolis; a town far away from home and a place I truly despised. I did not have family near by and I was in a terrible marriage. On that November 15, 1993, the fear of cancer was added to my already, unsettled life and the only option was surgery.
As I woke up in the recovery room, I heard a voice telling me that there was no cancer. Shortly thereafter, I realized something was very wrong. There were many alarmed voices and fast moving bodies huddling over me. I was crying out, “WHAT IS WRONG?,” yet no one would answer. I reached for someone, but my arms would not move. My vision failed me and I could only hear faint voices, the most prominent one stating, “Her blood pressure is dropping, oh my God, we are losing her, get the ventilator!” Panic began to overcome me and I screamed, “PLEASE, HELP ME!”
A beautiful, luminous light appeared. It was so pretty and peaceful looking. As I slowly walked towards the light, I could feel a glorious warmth on my face. It made me feel content and happy for the first time in years and I wanted to stay there forever. However, I heard many noises behind me and turned back. I could see the doctors and nurses working on my lifeless body. At this point, going towards the light was so easy compared to my complicated life.
Once again, I turned to walk into the light and this time I heard some familiar voices behind me. As I turned to look, I could hear my children crying, “Mommy, please don’t leave us!” Both of them were reaching out for me. There was a beautiful light on one side and my children on the other, what to do?
The next thing I remember was opening my eyes and the light was replaced with a green wall. The voice I heard was a nurse telling me, “welcome back.” I had been in a coma for three days.
This experience changed my life. I made many changes and now my children and I are very happy. Sometimes, I can not believe I had to think about the choice of the light or my children, but I am thankful for the choice I made.
Has anyone else ever had to make such a choice during their NDE? Was this a voluntary return or just not my time yet? –T.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
The Christian religion is based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Jesus the Christ, Son of God is the only reason there are over a billion Christians in the world today divided into thousands of different denominations of faith.
Now, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, Adam and Eve committed the first sin, and thereby created what is known as original sin. Through the ages this weighed heavily upon some Christian faiths. They felt it necessary to harm themselves in order to atone for this original sin. They felt the need to suffer as Jesus did to wash away their transgressions and “get right” with God.
Thus began to the practice of flagellation. They made whips of bamboo and struck themselves until their backs were raw and bloody. With sharp metal objects they would pierce their tongues and other body parts. A few were known to die during these rituals.
Today, most accept Jesus as the Son of God, our Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. Those who believe are saved, and rewarded with Heaven at the end of their life. Thus we are saved from original sin, and otherwise, by faith, and not by works.
Yet, Jesus’ teachings are about a loving, forgiving God. A God that does not judge His children. Instead, God surrounds them with unconditional love. This is the God Near Death Experiencers are finding to be true when they have a NDE. I believe we need to follow Jesus by honoring His teachings.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Sigmund Freud wrote many books. I found “Totem and Taboo” in a used book store and quickly purchased it. It was the last of his books that I hadn’t read. When I got home, I found an old, yellowed newspaper clipping in the back. The clipping was an interview of Dr. Freud by one of the staff reporters.
Now, Freud was very popular, and the “in” crowd of socialites would often quote and discuss his work at their parties. They were called Freudians. Sometimes these discussions would make the local newspapers, or radio, because of the controversial nature of Freud’s theories.
The newspaper reporter, in the clipping, asked Dr. Freud what he thought of the “Freudians” who quoted his works in the media.
Freud replied: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar; me, I am not a Freudian, and I would rather be quoted by my critics, than by my friends, because they quote me more accurately; however, these ideas and concepts of mine are merely the tools of my trade, it is really love that heals.”
I returned the book, unread, to the used book store. I had learned the truth of Sigmund Freud’s life work. There was no need to probe further.
© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.