
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Double Slit Experiment

Everything is energy, E=mc2. All energy is sentient, conscious. All consciousness is sentient energy. Therefore the electrons are conscious, and when the observer is added, they conform to the expectations of the observer illustrating our ability to change our reality through our expectations. We create our own reality. Our thoughts and beliefs change our reality. If you don’t like your reality expect better.

© 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



Everything is energy, E=mc2. All energy is sentient, conscious. All consciousness is sentient energy. All configurations of consciousness are held together by an attractive force called Love. The sum total of everything, is the Creator, sometimes called God. God is therefore conscious love. God is Love. The tools of consciousness used in creation are thoughts impelled by emotions.

Because God is conscious love, all of God’s creations are conscious love, created in the likeness of God. Everything in the spiritual, and physical planes, are conscious love. The Universe, the earth, and all the parts and elements thereof are conscious. All creation is a holograph. Where the whole contains the parts, and the parts contain the whole. We live within God as God lives within us.

Creation is top-down. First becoming in the spirit world and moving down into the physical world. All things being spiritual first, we are created spiritually, then when our time comes, given the opportunity to incarnate into the physical for further growth.

We are created in the spiritual world as a “spark” of consciousness. Our task is to grow our vernal consciousness into a wise spiritual “Being” capable of helping to expand the perimeters of the spiritual world, pushing back the darkness (void) with light, and co-creating with God as part of the Oneness of all things.

Now if you are reading this you have incarnated into the physical world for further growth. You have free will to choose the path you will follow. You will use the tools of your consciousness, namely your thoughts and emotions.

There are only two paths, but the ramifications of each path number in the trillions. The paths are love and fear. The love path is positive, full of kindness, caring, and compassion. The fear path is negative, full of anxiety, anger, and suffering.

Most walk a bit in both paths, usually favoring one over the other. The physical world is a classroom for learning about using your thoughts and emotions to choose events beneficial to yourself and others. You get feedback in the form of peace and calm for the positive path; worry and turmoil for the negative path.

The idea is to become who you already are, thereby knowing yourself. You are the invisible “I am” consciousness inhabiting a physical body. A spiritual Being having a physical experience. You are also part of the Oneness of all things. This means others are also a part of the Oneness. To harm another is to harm yourself. That is the reason for the golden rule. “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

In order to grow spiritually one must treat others honestly, and kindly all the time. This requires control of thoughts and emotions. Not suppressing them, but understanding them, you can’t fake spiritual growth, just doesn’t work.

Read the master teachers, read self-help books, do affirmations, make friends with others on the spiritual path. But most of all understand you are creating your own reality everyday with your thoughts and emotions. If you don’t like your present reality then change your thoughts and emotions, and wait for your reality to change with them.

© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Magic Brain

The brain has been studied by researchers for over 100 years looking for consciousness. I know I am conscious, aware of myself, and my surroundings. I believe my consciousness would need to have, and use memory, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and maybe other things yet unknown. But, brain research has revealed no such physical memory, thoughts, beliefs, or emotions. How can this be when some researchers believe the brain is responsible for creating consciousness, and without the brain, consciousness would not be possible. What if they are mistaken, it just might be the reason for them not finding consciousness in the brain.

I believe I am not only conscious, but consciousness itself. “I” (me, myself) being something greater than the brain and body. Now there must be evidence for this, and I will provide it later in this writing. In order to study this “I” that we call ourselves, we need to determine exactly what this “I” is as close as possible. One way to do this is by the process of elimination. Those things that can be eliminated without eliminating “I” will allow us to focus closer on the “I.” “I” being mine or your consciousness.

Earlier we said consciousness would need to have, and use memory, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Now would “I” be lost if any of these parts of consciousness were lost or changed. I don’t think so because many have lost their memory, even severely, as in amnesia, but retain their “I.” They still know they are themselves. The same with other parts of consciousness. Thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can change, and even be forgotten without loss of the “I.” These are the parts and tools of consciousness: memory, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and maybe other parts yet unknown. We (being consciouness) use these tools to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around us enabling us to live, and survive. However, these tools are not us. We (“I”) are still greater than the tools of consciousness we have learned to use.

To bring this into better focus, think of being in a room full of people. No one in that room will have any difficultly in ascertaining themselves from the others. They may have forgotten their own name, what they are doing there, where they came from and most anything else, but they will still know “I” am, and can easily distinguish themselves from the others. They may even be mentally ill, and believe they are God, but they will still be able to conclusively distinguish themselves from the others. I have never heard, or read of a single case where someone lost his/her “I,” and confused themselves with people standing nearby. Everyone knows “I am” and “you are” even if they don’t know anything else about themselves or about others. This is a critical understanding for learning about yourself.

Now consciousness is unique for each person, like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike, even identical multiple births don’t have the same consciousness. They may look alike, but they don’t act, and think alike. So if consciousness is a product of the brain, why don’t identical babies have identical consciousness’. Another thing about consciousness is, no one can see it, it remains invisible to the human eye. We can’t measure it either, how big, how much does it weight, what color is it, are all unanswered questions.

From what I can understand brain research is all about brain activity. The brain activity is studied with many different machines in many different ways. But what is brain activity? Is it consciousness, or only the footprint of consciousness, the end result of having an active consciousness, and not consciousness itself. No one can tell from just looking at brain activity what is happening. Is the activity a thought, an emotion, or just a dream? No one knows what is taking place merely by looking at brain activity. Now the brain may be artificially stimulated in a certain area, or areas, and the person the brain belongs to may see a light, or a scene, or something else. It is therefor thought that this part of the brain controls whatever the patient saw. But is this true. This has been called Brain Mapping, and it is far from being accurate.

Consciousness is not produced by the brain, but is a separate invisible entity that controls the brain and body. An entity that separates at death to continue living without the brain and body. This entity has been called by many names: psyche, mind, consciousness, soul, and spirit are some of the names or labels put on the “director” of the brain and body. I have decided to call this entity “the director” because this word has less emotional baggage than some of the other words that could be used. The director being the “I” that still stands after the parts of consciousness (aka the director) that have been deemed changable were eliminated. We have discovered the “I” and it is us. The “I” that is the essential you, the essence of your being.

Now the brain did not produce/create the director. We know this through the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences, and the research being done on Near Death Experiences by many universities in the United States and abroad. If you are not sure what a near death experience is then you may want to read A NDE, what is it? Those reading only news, and other media accounts of the experience may be surprised to find out what the experience really contains.

One near death experience account stands out from the rest due to its thorough and rigorous documentation. That account was the surgery of Pam Reynolds. There is no need to explain as the video linked here will tell about the details of the surgery. You will see the surgeon that perfomed the surgery validate Pam’s experience as she tells it.

The next link will be a broad one, it links a lot of the research that has been done on near death experiences. There are about 100 sub-links available from the first link. You may not have the time to follow all the links, and read all the material, but this first link can be a source of material on near death experiences for those interested in further study. This link explains veridical NDEs, and examines skeptical arguments.

Now we will set up a small outline model of how the director, (conscious “I”) and the brain/body interact to allow us to enjoy a physical experience here on planet earth. During most near death experiences the experiencer relates how he exited his body through the top of the head. Later to reenter the body in the same manner. So we will begin at that point before the body is exited.

The director controls the body through the brain. The director receives signals from the brain. These signals originate in the five senses of the body as well as the network of nerves. The brain is like a central information clearing house. The director decides what area of the brain receives what signals. The director “programs” these areas for receiving and sending, so appropriate actions may be taken in response to the incoming signals. The director (conscious “I”) uses the tools of thought to do this programming. Emotions provide the thoughts with intensity, and duration as well as polarity. As long as the brain/body are healthy things go along swimmingly. But the task of the director is large, and complicated. There is much to go wrong. Imbalances, drugs, diseases, trauma, poisons, etc., can, and do affect the health and stability of the brain/body. When the brain/body is sick, drugged, or damaged the signals can become erratic and unstable, causing missed or scrambled incoming signals and inappropriate response signals. The director will try to fix or compensate for these problems. In the case of a stroke that paralyses a limb, the director will try to relocate the area of control so with exercise the brain/body can regain control of the limb. Without a director this would not be possible. At no time is the director (the invisible consciouness “I”) harmed or damaged in any way by the illnesses, and trauma of the brain/body. When the damage to the brain/body is great enough to ensure death the director will exit out of the top of the brain/body and look down upon the clinically dead body it once inhabited as happens in the typical near death experience.

The magic continues with The Magic “I”.

© 2009 – 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Another Brain Thing

Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was urged by his family to seek psychiatric evaluation. His insistence the human voice could be sent great distances through a wire caused them concern over his mental health.

If Bell’s family had seen a television set in operation they would have really been surprised. This form of transmitting and receiving data without wires was yet to be discovered.

Alexander Graham Bell, and his family would have believed the television set was the source of the pictures it presented. That the images were stored somewhere within the TV and different groups shown when the position of the “channel knob” was adjusted. Bell might even have removed the cover to look for them, trying to discover how the thing worked. But, no matter how hard or long he examined the television he would not have found the images and sounds produced stored within it.

Science has a similar problem with the human brain. The body is only a “tool of communication” for your spiritual consciousness (the real you) to use while exploring the physical realm. No matter how hard or long scientists look in the brain for things like consciousness, memory, mind, personality, dreams, NDEs, OBEs, etc. they will not be found. The brain is not the source of these life’s events. There is no proof that the NDE, or any other event for that matter, originates within the brain. Nothing has been found stored there. Stimulating the brain at different points to produce different events doesn’t prove any of those events are stored within the brain. Just as adjusting (stimulating) the “channel knob” on a TV doesn’t prove the images it produces are stored within the TV.

Albert Einstein was one of the most intelligent and prolific contributors to the field of science in the twentieth-century. His brain was donated to science for studies of how he acquired such great intelligence. But researchers found that Einstein’s brain was smaller than normal and contained nothing unusual. It did, however, contain a larger number of synapses, a minute space between a nerve cell and another nerve cell, a muscle cell, etc., through which nerve impulses are transmitted from one to the other. He had more “connections” than the average person, more “channels” for his spiritual energy to use. The more you use your brain, the more synapses you will develop.

Scientists are looking for a biologically-based trigger to explain the NDE and other spiritual events. They often say; “We know it is there, we just haven’t found it yet.” The truth is, they don’t know it’s there. Obviously, in order to know it’s there, it would need to be found. So, without any biological evidence whatsoever, some scientists continue to publicly declare NDEs biological. This behaviour is unfair to Near Death Experiencers, characterizing them as witless, while passing misinformation about NDEs to the general public.

The search for a biological basis of spiritual events has been going on for more than a hundred years without any results. I wonder how many more years will pass before science realizes the brain is not the source of mankind. The brain did not create humanity.

So, if you’ve had a Near Death Experience and someone tells you it’s just a local brain thing, be sure to ask them for proof. There is no evidence NDEs originate in the brain. Then explain to them there is considerable proof the NDE doesn’t originate in the brain. That it happens independent of brain and body during clinical death. An example of this proof is shown in FAQ #05 and continued in FAQ #12. There are more examples of this proof on site; hundreds of examples in the Near Death literature; and thousands of them in the broader field of metaphysics.

However, this site was not created to post arguments on the reality of NDEs. Its purpose is teaching the significance of Love as demonstrated by the Near Death Experience. When one reaches the state of unconditional Love (in the presence of the Light) they achieve their highest point of wisdom and understanding. It is known no organ (brain) of the body creates individual consciousness, any more than a child creates its parents. They know because they’re in the presence of the Creator, the Light of Love that permeates all things, called by many names, but best described by the word Love.

NDEs prove there is meaning and purpose to life. That all individuals are responsible for their spiritual growth, and accountable for their thoughts and deeds. Perfect justice is achieved through perfect Love — what you do to others returns to you. Positive deeds return Love; negative deeds return “challenges” for spiritual growth. “You will reap whatsoever you sow.”

In summary: There is no proof that Near Death Experiences, or any other experiences, originate within the brain. While there is proof that NDEs happen independently of the brain and body during clinical death. Therefor scientists, and/or anyone else, have no reason to say Near Death Experiences are biological in nature. NDEs are exactly as the experiencers describe them, real spiritual events.

P.S. It might correctly be asked what proof is there of the “spiritual consciousness (the real you)” talked about in the fourth paragraph above. The answer is: the existence of spiritual consciousness is evidenced by that which remains alive and gathers information during the clinical death of the brain and body. The second part of the argument proves the first. For more information go to FAQ 18.

© 2007 – 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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