Learn from the physical what the meaning of life really entails. We are here for a purpose, the learn the lesson of love.
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httpvhd:// Learn from the physical what the meaning of life really entails. We are here for a purpose, the learn the lesson of love. © 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Brahman means different things to different people. The Upanishads reads, “All other beings are but an expression of Brahman,“ Hopfe, pg. 87). At different points of your life you may need different parts of Brahman. For instance, if you are sick you would call upon Brahman as your healer. If you are in battle, you would call for Brahman as your protector. I think the names for Brahman are just different parts of yourself. Just as there are three parts of humans — spirit, soul, and body. Maybe Brahman has these different qualities in him. ‘The Upanishads say, We are part of the great ocean of souls that make up Brahman,” (Hopfe, pg. 88). Maybe God is experiencing human life through us. There are systems that represent the “way of knowledge.” The Sankara system acknowledges no personal gods and may be thought of as an atheistic method to life. The Yoga system teaches that one should attempt to attach or join the individual spirit to god, the Atman, to Brahman, (Hopfe, pg. 102). The most important part of yoga is meditation, (Hopfe, pg. 103). The Mimansa system is all about the prevention of re-birth. This is done by obeying the laws and performing rites. The Vaisheshkia system that there is no reality except Brahman, (Hopfe, pg. 104). The Nyaya system is all about being involved with logical analysis as a means of reaching truth about the world, (Hopfe, pg. 105). The Vedanta system holds that this world doesn’t exist, only Brahman. Human’s problem is ignorance. Some of Hindu’s devotional practices are: worshiping at the temples, offering sacrifices, praying, and supporting priests at the temple, (Hopfe, pg.98). This means that Hindu’s give a lot of their time to their gods and goddesses and it is fundamental to them. Three important gods in the Hindu deities are: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. Brahma is the least one acknowledged to. There are only two temples in honor of him. Shiva is the god of death, destruction, disease, and dance. Not only is he all of those things but he is also the god of vegetable, animal, and human reproduction. (Hopfe, Pg. 98). The third god is Vishnu the god of love, benevolence, and forgiveness. Vishnu has tenderness for humanity which he showed by coming to the earth in nine forms. (Hopfe, pg. 100) They have some valid points. The idea that there is only one God makes sense. But can One God govern the universe all by himself? Maybe that is why there are angels, to be his messengers, since the appearance of angels have been seen in all cultures. Can one God be in charge of trillions of souls and still be personal and answer your prayers? I wonder if God has a quota of the day to meet of responding to human’s needs. Maybe that is why there are healing crusades, those healing evangelists are like God’s way of heaven meeting earth. It reminds me of Bruce in Bruce Almighty. God must get billions of prayer requests a day! Does God ever have slow days? If the individual is truly unimportant and the world an illusion, what are we doing here? Why should we bother with the physical if none of it will even matter in the long run? Are we just like a game of chess, where God moves us wherever he pleases? There seems to be some sort of order in the universe and some certainties, but if the world does come to an end like major religions predict, then what’s the point? I guess Brahman or God won’t let things get too out of hand, which is why Brahman or God may have incarnated in different religious forms to get humanity back on track. Is life just a dream? I think we are here to learn and that it is ok to enjoy physical things because after all we are in a physical body. Some of us though, lose sight of our real nature, and become too attached to the physical. People who are too physical minded may need a rude awakening to help them be less concerned about the materialistic world. I think our spirits are from God and all return to him. I wonder if Brahman knows what he is doing by sending us to earth with all of its pain. I think there is a universal plan for the earth, but people make their own choices, so that is why we have pain. If we really do forget our true nature, I think Brahman gives us glimpses of who we are, through nature, our conscience, dreams, and spiritual experiences. If life is a dream, or an illusion, or just a passing thing, I want to make the most of it. © 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Speaking of us humans, could an individual with a low IQ still be a genius? The answer to this question is yes. While that sounds rather impossible, it does exist. Such people are called idiot-savants. I have a video on one such individual. He was the inspiration for the movie “Rain Man.” Kim Peek can read a page from a book in eleven seconds, and remember every word. He has committed nine thousand books to memory. He has a broken brain, the right and left hemispheres of his brain are not connected as our brains are connected. Here is a quote about his brain:
When I read about individuals like Kim I have to wonder how a broken brain can in some ways be able to do things a whole brain can not do. While main stream science still believes the brain creates the individual, I do not. Having been out of my body I know that I am not the product of my brain. During my near death experience I learned I existed before this body I now control, and I will live after this body has died. Since Kim’s brain does not allow him full control of his body, he (his mind/spirit) connects more to the spirit world than does ours. Allowing him to access some of the unlimited aspects of that dimension. Kim seems to be able to access any knowledge asked of him. Edgar Cayce had similar talents, but, unlike Kim, needed to go into a trance to provide the knowledge. There is a Hall of Records in the spirit world that contains all the knowledge of the universe. It is easy to access in spirit form, but near impossible to access while in physical form. There has been no physical memory discovered in the brain, no thoughts, no emotions, or any other aspects of the mind. The brain is only the interface between mind/spirit and the body. I think we can learn more by studying damaged and broken brains than we can by studying whole brains. Identical multiple births, and even conjoined twins raised in the same environment by the same parents, sharing the same DNA, do not have the same personality. All people are unique individuals and do not get their personalities from their brain. They were, who they were, before the body they control was formed. httpvhd:// The definition of idiot-savant is: “Psychiatry — a mentally defective person with an exceptional skill or talent in a special field, as a highly developed ability to play music or to solve complex mathematical problems mentally at great speed.” For more information on this subject go here Out of body experiences, and near death experiences indicate we are separate entities from our brain and body. Research and documented veridical near death experiences show good evidence that we will remain alive and well after the death of the body. © 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved. It’s been sixty years since I was in grade school. K-9, is how it was divided. Kindergarten through the sixth was considered elementary school, and seventh through the ninth was junior high school. Our school was build in a square, with the playground in the center. It covered a whole city block, and taught about 900 kids while I was there. On the corners and in the middle were gates to enter and leave the school. This was during WWII, so there were guards on the gates making sure only children and teachers were entering the school. If parents wanted to come into the school they had to go to the main gate and be identified before they could enter. Our classes were large by today’s standards, 40-45 in each class. We also had auditorium classes for large groups on subjects of health interests. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, type of schooling. Occasionally we had auditoruim classes just for fun, I can remember Professor Backwards who could write a word backwords as quickly as he could forward. Then after school we could attend serials if we wanted. Flash Gorden, Perils of Pauline, and Zorro. We did play football and baseball between the classes, but there were no after school practice sessions. We just played for fun. I can remember hardly any homework, we couldn’t take the books out of the class. Sometimes we were asked to write a page on some subject. We could go home and play with our friends until supper. No television, so we read magazines, newspapers, or books, we even talked about family things and played games like monopoly. We had a wide choice of classes beyond English, Math, Literature, History, Geography, and Physical Education, these were mandatory. Boys could take Electricity, Woodworking, or Metalworking, while the girls could take Cooking, Sewing, or Home Economics. Classes for everyone were Band, Music, Art, Typing, Social Studies, and Science. We had time to use the playground during lunch and recess. There were several organizations that were promoted by the school, YMCA, YWCA, if you joined the “Y” you could go swimming at their facilities downtown. Don’t know much about the YWCA. Boy and Girl Scouts were discussed also. The Boy Scouts were learning to shoot rifles, 22’s, The troop I belong to went to the finals in target shooting, but didn’t win. The war, remember. The school also had a guard organization you could join after the eighth grade. They would watch the bathrooms and halls, also guard the gates. I joined early and finally made Captain of the Guard, which gave me the priviledge of starting the flag salute each morning by blowing a whistle. Each morning we started school with a prayer, and a salute to the flag of the United States of America. We prayed in class sometimes and always in the auditorium. Those were times of uncertainty, fear of atomic bombs, and fear of losing friends and family in the War, which many did. Schools helped in the war effort. We collected newspapers, metal of all kinds, we put them into bins at the school. Every evening I would spend time gathering newspaper from the neighbors to put into the bins at school. All too often, I would collect money for flowers to help those who lost family in the war. Gold stars adorned a lot of windows. We all dreaded seeing the Military car in the neighborhood bringing bad news to someone. While I am not a religious person, I have no regrets of praying in school. It was a great comfort to all. I believe my generation did their job and turned out well. In my talking to young people today I don’t see the range of understanding that my generation shared. They know a great deal about science, but not much else. It may be my age talking, but then, maybe not. © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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