Placebo Effect

Saw this article on the Placebo Effect a few days ago while browsing the Internet.

Spiritual people know the placebo effect is nothing more than the power of thought. The reason prayer works. The reason affirmations work, and miracles happen. You create your future with your thoughts. Change your thoughts, (beliefs) and you will change your life. Yes, it is really true. It works for those who work it. When changing your thoughts through affirmations be open, true, and say them with sincerity. Extend your faith in yourself to become a positive person.

I do believe placebos are getting stronger, and there is a reason for it. The planet earth is upgrading, the life force energy that drives the placebo effect is getting stronger. This will make it easier to achieve your positive goals, easier to find peace and joy in life.

I worked for awhile at a plant manufacturing ranges. The assembly line consisted of teams of employees, each team had a part of the range to assemble. I worked on the team that wired the electric ranges as they came down the assembly line. On occasion the line would shift to gas ranges making our team inactive. So our team members would help other teams on the line. One person would stay behind to clean and resupply the bins we used to hold the electric parts for the ranges.

When the line shifted back to electric ranges we returned to our team position to do the wiring. On one occasion we came back to find our place on the line spotless, the team member who stayed behind had done an excellent job of cleaning, organizing, and refilling the parts bins. While everyone was complimenting the way our position looked, one member blurted out “why didn’t you fill up the wiring harnesses bin.” True, it was only about 90% full, but extra boxes of harnesses were stacked neatly close to the bin for quick access.

Evidently this person had to look hard in order to find something to criticize, while the rest of us were being complimentary. You have heard of the “half glass of water”, and how some people will say the glass is half full, while others will say the glass is half empty. Well, this person had to look really hard to find a bin 10% empty in order to complain.

Don’t be a complainer, look for the positive things in life. They are there, everywhere you look people are doing good deeds, and helping others. Join them, and find the happiness positive thinking will bring into your life.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Ancient Education

It’s been sixty years since I was in grade school. K-9, is how it was divided. Kindergarten through the sixth was considered elementary school, and seventh through the ninth was junior high school. Our school was build in a square, with the playground in the center. It covered a whole city block, and taught about 900 kids while I was there. On the corners and in the middle were gates to enter and leave the school. This was during WWII, so there were guards on the gates making sure only children and teachers were entering the school. If parents wanted to come into the school they had to go to the main gate and be identified before they could enter.

Our classes were large by today’s standards, 40-45 in each class. We also had auditorium classes for large groups on subjects of health interests. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, type of schooling. Occasionally we had auditoruim classes just for fun, I can remember Professor Backwards who could write a word backwords as quickly as he could forward. Then after school we could attend serials if we wanted. Flash Gorden, Perils of Pauline, and Zorro.

We did play football and baseball between the classes, but there were no after school practice sessions. We just played for fun. I can remember hardly any homework, we couldn’t take the books out of the class. Sometimes we were asked to write a page on some subject. We could go home and play with our friends until supper. No television, so we read magazines, newspapers, or books, we even talked about family things and played games like monopoly.

We had a wide choice of classes beyond English, Math, Literature, History, Geography, and Physical Education, these were mandatory. Boys could take Electricity, Woodworking, or Metalworking, while the girls could take Cooking, Sewing, or Home Economics. Classes for everyone were Band, Music, Art, Typing, Social Studies, and Science.

We had time to use the playground during lunch and recess. There were several organizations that were promoted by the school, YMCA, YWCA, if you joined the “Y” you could go swimming at their facilities downtown. Don’t know much about the YWCA. Boy and Girl Scouts were discussed also. The Boy Scouts were learning to shoot rifles, 22’s, The troop I belong to went to the finals in target shooting, but didn’t win. The war, remember.

The school also had a guard organization you could join after the eighth grade. They would watch the bathrooms and halls, also guard the gates. I joined early and finally made Captain of the Guard, which gave me the priviledge of starting the flag salute each morning by blowing a whistle. Each morning we started school with a prayer, and a salute to the flag of the United States of America.

We prayed in class sometimes and always in the auditorium. Those were times of uncertainty, fear of atomic bombs, and fear of losing friends and family in the War, which many did.

Schools helped in the war effort. We collected newspapers, metal of all kinds, we put them into bins at the school. Every evening I would spend time gathering newspaper from the neighbors to put into the bins at school. All too often, I would collect money for flowers to help those who lost family in the war. Gold stars adorned a lot of windows. We all dreaded seeing the Military car in the neighborhood bringing bad news to someone.

While I am not a religious person, I have no regrets of praying in school. It was a great comfort to all. I believe my generation did their job and turned out well.

In my talking to young people today I don’t see the range of understanding that my generation shared. They know a great deal about science, but not much else. It may be my age talking, but then, maybe not.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Prayer, giving thanks

Prayer is talking to God. It can not succeed until you realize that it asks for nothing. God knows all your questions before you ask; supplies all your needs before you request. Pray, then, to receive what is given; to accept what is already there. Real prayer is a melody of thanksgiving and love. Forget the things you think you need, and let them go into God’s hands. Prayer is a time of stepping aside; letting-go of the world; a time of peace and solitude; a time to speak of love and thanksgiving. God will answer you from the vastness of forever. His answers are for all of eternity, yet contain the specific knowledge you need.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Think of Prayer


An expression of gratitude to God in word or thought.

Prayer is our personal expression of thanks to God for all the goodness He has bestowed upon us. We don’t need to ask for His love, we already have it. We don’t need to ask for His forgivess, it is already given. We don’t need to explain our condition, or desires, He knows them all. There is no case we can plead for ourselves or others of which He is not already aware. That is why He is God. Keep your prayers simple and full of thanks and gratitude, ask for guidance and wisdom.

“Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth.”

Philip James Bailey

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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