Easily understood or recognized creations of the mind.
Manifesting is done with thought. As you think, so shall it be. If you would be love, think thoughts of love. If you would have wealth, think thoughts of wealth. The thoughts that entered your mind yesterday are the realities of today. You control your thoughts, you decide what your life will be, and what you will experience. You create your own reality with your thoughts. Exercise discipline on your thoughts, chaotic thoughts produce a chaotic life. You can change a thought by replacing it with another thought. Affirmations help us do this. Look upon your thoughts as clouds, while you are the sky. You are not your thoughts, but you will reap suffering or joy from them. It is your choice.
“Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.”
Lao TzuChina taoist philosopher, BC 600
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Spiritual Growth.
Walking the path of unconditional Love.
Why? To become more like the Father, our Creator, to share His love and light with others, which in itself is the greatest reward we can ever receive. God is unconditional love. We walk the spiritual path to learn how to love unconditionally as He does. It is not an easy path, many times we must decide for love against our feelings of anger, jealousy, or self-righteousness. But the more we do choose love, the easier it will become. Our task is to forgive, return good for evil, and to go the second mile. Every small task of kindness we give is noticed by the One who cares the most. Learn to love more today.
“Lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved
only through persistent exercise of real love.”
M. Scott Peck
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Faith in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.
People usually build Self-Confidence through experience. The more you practice the piano, the more confident you become in playing it. But some things in life can’t be practiced before undertaken. So confidence becomes faith. Faith in yourself, that you can do what you know, and learn to do, what you don’t know.
Every day you are confronted with opportunities to do new and different things. Don’t be afraid you will fail, because you probably will the first time. Failure is learning to succeed. Keep trying. Keep embracing change in your life and your confidence will grow and grow.
First a leap of faith, then work, learn, and understand your way to the mastery of self-confidence.
“Self-confidence is two-thirds of success.”
Anonymous (Proverb)
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The process of learning to love yourself.
You are OK. You are where you are supposed to be in life. If you were supposed to be somewhere else then you would be somewhere else. Accept who you are right now, this moment, don’t look ahead to tomorrow. Self-Acceptance is Self-Love. God is love, unconditional love, He accepts you today just as you are, you don’t have to do, or believe anything different than you do right now as you are reading this paragraph. So, if God is willing to love you and accept you, why wouldn’t you accept and love yourself. Love is the beginning of all knowledge, practice loving yourself today, now.
“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”
William Shakespeare, Dramatist and poet
considered to be the greatest English playwright, 1564-1616
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