Think of Prayer


An expression of gratitude to God in word or thought.

Prayer is our personal expression of thanks to God for all the goodness He has bestowed upon us. We don’t need to ask for His love, we already have it. We don’t need to ask for His forgivess, it is already given. We don’t need to explain our condition, or desires, He knows them all. There is no case we can plead for ourselves or others of which He is not already aware. That is why He is God. Keep your prayers simple and full of thanks and gratitude, ask for guidance and wisdom.

“Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth.”

Philip James Bailey

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Think of Listening


To hear something with thoughtful attention.

Good listeners are rare. They are always in demand at social gatherings. Good listeners bring their full attention to the speaker. No butting in, no thinking of what your reply will be, just open, honest listening. When the speaker is finished there will be time to formulate your reply. Patience is the key: understanding the lock it opens. All our lives we learn from others, and the more we learn the more we grow. This is serious business — listening — become an expert at it. You will be in great demand, as well as gaining wisdom in the process.

“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.”

Jimi Hendrix
American rock guitarist, singer, and composer, 1942-1970

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Think of Inspiration


The action or power of moving the intellect or emotions.

Some people are inspired by fear. “If you don’t do your (homework, job) I will (flunk, fire) you.” But fear is such a terrible way to inspire others. They never do more than is necessary. Some are inspired by their parents, movie stars, sports figures, people that they want to become. This is a better way providing the inspiring person is a good example. However, the best inspiration is Divine inspiration. Look back at the famous people of the past and you will see Divine inspiration at work in their lives. Ask yourself: “What inspires me?” If you can’t answer, look for your own personal vision, the one thing that keeps you going when everything else is in chaos. Look for love.

“No one was ever great without some portion of divine inspiration.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, writer and orator 106-43 BC

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Think of Focus


A state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding.

Focus is selective perception. There are more things in this world than we can possibly learn in one lifetime. People annoy us with ads, wanting our attention for numerous reasons. But we can’t learn it all, do it all, experience it all, we must be selective on how we spend our precious time. As you choose those things you wish to focus on, ask yourself if it will serve you and others. Focus also allows us to go deeper, see clearer into those things we wish to learn. Start today making a list of your activities, separating those that really serve you and others from those that don’t. Then focus on the ones that do. Don’t become a jack of all trades, but a master of none.

“Focus on the journey, not the destination.
Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

Greg Anderson

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