At the present time or moment.
Living in the “now” or present is the only place you can live. Why fill your mind with past regrets, lost opportunities, or guilt? The past is finished. Why fill your mind with things you need to accomplish in the future? Just endless worry about whether you will succeed, or whether you will get, or whether you will live. The future is yet to be. Keep your mind in the now, doing the very best you can. Learning as much as you can. Understanding as much as you can. The choices you make now will be your future, so focus and make those choices the best ones for you without harming anyone else in the process. Choose for yourself, and others, the best path, and do it in the now.
“Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.”
Roger Babson, American statistician,
business forecaster and author, 1875-1967
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Expectation of fulfillment or success.
St. Jude Tadeo is considered the patron saint of hopeless causes. Many pray to him for comfort and help. But there is no such thing as hopelessness. We may believe in hopelessness because our vision is blurred, our knowledge limited, and our faith weak.
We forget we are eternal children of the Father, and will live on after the death of our bodies. All those opportunities we thought we missed, the tests we failed, all the things we didn’t do will still be waiting for us to try again.
Friends and loved ones we thought were gone forever will reappear in the eternal moment of life after death. Our Father loves us more than we can ever know here on earth; He holds us safe and secure at all times; He never harms us in anyway. Don’t dispair, the mistake you made, the loved one you lost is only temporary. Hope is eternal, because we are eternal.
“Desire and hope will push us on toward the future.”
Michel de Montaigne
French writer and philosopher 1533-1592
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The quality or state of being friendly.
If you want a friend, be a friend. Real friends are priceless, they care about you, they help you, and ask nothing in return. Relatives, acquaintances, the people you work with, go to church with, go to school with are not necessarily friends.
Friendship like marriage takes time to develop and is a two way street. Never ask a friend to do something for you, that you wouldn’t be willing to do for them. The best way to friendship is to treat everyone you meet with respectfullness, fairness, and kindness. If you’re honestly seeking a friend, and are willing to be a friend, it will happen.
“Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”
Socrates, Ancient Athenian philosopher, 470-399 BC
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To give up resentment, and claim to retribution for a loss or insult.
Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. When you forgive, it is you that receives the blessing. Practice by saying: “I forgive you world, and all people, for everything harmful I believe you have done to me.” Forgiveness releases the emotions of fear, anger, hate, and guilt we build up in our relationships with others. It allows us the put the hurt behind and go bravely into the future. The person who most deserves your forgiveness is yourself. Forgive yourself frequently for all those things you believe you screwed up. Say: “I forgive myself, I accept myself, I love myself.” Say it often.
“Forgiveness is the final form of love.”
Reinhold Niebuhr,
American theologian, 1892-1971
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