
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Think of Forgiveness


To give up resentment, and claim to retribution for a loss or insult.

Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. When you forgive, it is you that receives the blessing. Practice by saying: “I forgive you world, and all people, for everything harmful I believe you have done to me.” Forgiveness releases the emotions of fear, anger, hate, and guilt we build up in our relationships with others. It allows us the put the hurt behind and go bravely into the future. The person who most deserves your forgiveness is yourself. Forgive yourself frequently for all those things you believe you screwed up. Say: “I forgive myself, I accept myself, I love myself.” Say it often.

“Forgiveness is the final form of love.”

Reinhold Niebuhr,
American theologian, 1892-1971

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