
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Think of Self-Confidence


Faith in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.

People usually build Self-Confidence through experience. The more you practice the piano, the more confident you become in playing it. But some things in life can’t be practiced before undertaken. So confidence becomes faith. Faith in yourself, that you can do what you know, and learn to do, what you don’t know.

Every day you are confronted with opportunities to do new and different things. Don’t be afraid you will fail, because you probably will the first time. Failure is learning to succeed. Keep trying. Keep embracing change in your life and your confidence will grow and grow.

First a leap of faith, then work, learn, and understand your way to the mastery of self-confidence.

“Self-confidence is two-thirds of success.”

Anonymous (Proverb)

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