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Letter from Joost

I watched your videos on youtube. Saw you’ve posted another video in June about our society. You talked about the fact that so many young people seem to get depressed or even commit suicide. You say that these people could be helped by knowing about their spiritual nature. I fully agree with you. In general I think our world suffers from what you might call demystification, we think everything is known, and that everything can be technically or evolutionary explained. The spiritual is ruled out. But there’s another important problem about our world which I think is directly related to this. By all the information we get through all the media the society we live in seems to be so big, that we as individual human beings seem to have little or no significance. We’re more or less ‘told’ by all these images in the media that if you want to mean something in this big machine the world has become, you must meet impossible demands. You must be a superstar, a genius, a hero, rich, famous, etc. If individual people feel meaningless and insignificant, they will regard other individuals as equally insignificant and treat them as such. Hence the violence, the shooting etc.

For an adolescent growing up and only just discovering him or herself, it is very scaring and depressing to know that they’re expected to live in a world like that. That’s an important part of the problem I think. I’ve felt the same and still do sometimes, even though I am over 40. The world has become more individualistic, and yet the individual seems to have lost its significance. And it’s very sad of course that young people have to find their way in a world like that. And you’re right, they and we all need a deep feeling of spiritual belonging to cure ourselves and the world. And I I think we can will cure ourselves and the world, in spite of everything.

Love and All the best for you

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