What are Near Death Experiences?

Near death experiences are a collection of events that happen during the time the experiencer is either near death or clinically dead. There is some controversy as to the number and nature of these events. Skeptics will say the NDE can be explained by natural occurring events, and proceed to describe how these happen. However, they only list a small number of near death events leaving out many that can not be easily explained as natural happenings.

“A Measure of Heaven” is a book written by Vince Migliore, a market research analyst and statistician who also holds a nursing degree. This book is a study of over 700 near death experience reports. It is full of statistics about near death experiences, and I urge you to read it.

In order to provide some accuracy in understanding NDEs I am going to list the statistics on what happens during a near death experience. These are the events that make up the average near death experience.

Out-of-body: the experiencer goes out of body and looks down upon their body laying below them.

Seeing the light: sometimes the light is at the end of a long tunnel and sometimes they just enter the light immediately. The light is unconditional love, surrounding the experiencer with caring and compassion.

All Knowledge: any question is immediately answered in the light. The knowledge of all existence is available for the asking. But upon returning to their physical life much of this knowledge can not be remembered.

The presence of Spiritual Beings: there are Beings that meet the experiencer and talk with them. Some are deceased relatives and loved ones. Usually one or more of these Beings tell the experiencer that they “must go back” into their physical bodies and finish their lives.

Events out of keeping with beliefs: the experience of the light and knowledge given, almost always counters the beliefs an experiencer has before the experience. In my case, all former beliefs about the world were changed. My perceptions were completely new. It took me over three years to integrate what I learned from my NDE into the physical world.

Boundary: There is a boundry beyond which the experiencer can not go. This boundry may be represented by a fence, closed door, an abyss, or gate of some kind.

Landscape or city: some experiencers are shown a park or crystal city. There are many experiencers that say they were in a park or city made from crystal. The city contained libraries, museums, schools, and other structures.

Life review: a life review is like seeing your past flashed before your eyes. Not all experience this, it is a form of showing how well you did so far. As you see your past, those people you may have harmed are there and you experience whatever pain and suffering you caused them. You trade places with them to see how it feels to be in their shoes. The same is true for those people you have helped in your past life. You feel the appreciation and joy they felt at being helped by you. Some think this is a form of judgement, but it is really for understanding yourself and how you interact with others.

Vision of the future: some see the future events of their life. Others may see the future events of the world. These events are not for certain, the choices one makes along the way affect them in positive or negative ways.

Darkness or voids: some near death experiences start with darkness or a void. These usually change into the light later on, especially if the experiencer asks for help after being afraid of the dark.

I have added my experience and research to the above near death experience events. I believe this is a good account of what happens in the average near death experience. However not all events will happen in all experiences. The near death experience is unique to the individual who has the experience. I hope is helps in understanding NDEs better.

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