
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Changing Thoughts

People like to control their own destiny. They need the mental and physical freedom to become the kind of person they admire. They want a successful career, a loving family, enough money to be comfortable, and that is possible through the proper understanding of thoughts.

Thoughts are self-fulfilling, they will bring you what you most think about whether it’s good for you, or not, depending on the intensity. That is why understanding thoughts is so important.

Thoughts themselves are neither true nor false. We make them so by the value we place upon them. The thought “I am too fat,” is harmless unless taken to the extreme dieting of anorexia. Karen Carpenter was 35 pounds underweight when she died of anorexic complications. I loved her beautiful singing very much, and was greatly saddened.

Some entertainers have taken their own life at the peak of their career. What were they thinking? Was the pressure of success overwhelming? Did they feel trapped or hopeless? What thoughts cause young people to take their own lives? We need to find answers quickly and help them overcome the intimidation of their own thoughts.

Below are a group of thoughts that are ninety-nine percent counterproductive the second they enter the mind. Only those who entertain them are not aware of that fact. This is all of the noxious thoughts I could think of at the time, I am sure there are hundreds more.

: “No matter how much I do, it is never enough” : “”Nobody loves/cares about me” : “I can’t do anything right” : “I do it all, nobody helps” : “I gave up everything for you” : “My life is hopeless, there is nothing left for me” : “I am all alone” “I am helpless” : “I can’t take any more” : “All you do is belittle/criticize me” : “I can’t do that, I can’t do this” : “No, no, I don’t want to try that” : “I wish I was dead” : “I hate you” : “I hate my job/house/(whatever)” : “I feel guilty about (anything/everything)” : “I’m sorry (many times a day)” : “I am too fat/skinny/dumb/(any negative word)” : “I can smoke/drink/do drugs, nothing bad will ever happen to me” :

Negative thinking produces negative results. The more you think about a negative outcome, the more likely it is to happen. It is important to think about yourself, and  your life in a positive way, even if it seems unreal to you at the time. The more a thought is repeated the more real it will appear. Finally, thoughts become beliefs whether they are true or not. Then they become habits that are really difficult to change from negative to positive. Examine your thoughts carefully, keeping only those that are positive.

The best way to change unwanted thoughts and habits is to replace them with wanted thoughts and habits through the use of affirmations. When I was a teenager I smoked cigarettes. I knew the dangers of smoking, but did it anyway. When I needed to quit. I made up some affirmations and started to practice them twice a day, once In the morning, and before going to bed. It was between two and three weeks that I started to lose my desire to smoke. One morning I vowed this would be the last day I smoked a cigarette. Well it wasn’t. But I kept on with the affirmations until one day it was the last day. Below are the affirmations I used. It is easy to make up your own.

: “I don’t like smoking cigarettes“ : I don’t smoke anymore” : “I quit smoking” : “I’m through with smoking” : “I have no desire for a smoke” : “I am finished with smoking” :

If you have trouble writing your affirmations, send me the details, and I will help. There are general affirmations and spoken affirmations that are very good for anyone to use anytime.

Now remember how long it took you to develop a habit, for it will take a while to change those negative thoughts into positive ones. Don’t give up, try to say the affirmations on a regular basis and then go on with your life. Don’t try to judge whether they are working.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Suicide Sadness

How do we stop people from killing themselves? I believe negative thoughts held by troubled people may finally overwhelm them and turn into suicidal action. They need help to change those negative thoughts into positive ones.

There must a million reasons why people become potential suicides. Sickness, style of life, acculturation, bullying, isolation, alienation, etc., etc. But, it is far more important to ameliorate the condition than to study it.

Thoughts are the path to human activity. We think first and then we act, even if sometimes that seems impossible when noting the outcome of some of our actions. Thoughts are powerful inducements for action. If you never consider suicide you will never commit suicide.

If you connect with a thought often enough it will become a belief. Beliefs are frozen thought. Then beliefs become the knowledge which forms our outlook on life. Whether thoughts, beliefs, or knowledge are true or false is our take on them. I suspect everyone has some knowledge that is true and some false, without knowing which is which.

Changing negative thoughts into positive ones will, over time, create new beliefs with a more positive outlook on life. This process will allow you to cope with the problems of life. Life is neither negative nor positive by nature. We make it negative or positive through our attitudes. How we choose to react to a given problem shapes that problem into a minor annoyance or a major crises.

The most common way to change negative thought patterns is to do affirmations on a daily basis. The idea is to develop trust and confidence in yourself and others. It will sometimes be necessary to do affirmations that you believe are false. Here you consider the positive value of the affirmation as opposed to your negative belief, and choose your path. That path will determine the outcome.

Another method that may help is reading about “Near Death Experiences.” Between ten and twelve million Americans have experienced NDEs. These experiences have the ability to change lives overnight. Reading them will increase your knowledge of what happens after death.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Vice Versa

Those who believe
they are superior,
are actually holding
thoughts inferior.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Magic “I”

This writing begins where the “The Magic Brain” leaves off. When the damage to the brain/body is great enough to ensure death the director will exit out of the top of the brain/body and look down upon the clinically dead body it once inhabited as happens in the typical near death experience.

At this point the director, which is you (the invisible consciousness “I am”), finds itself outside the brain/body looking down upon the lifeless physical shell it once inhabited, wondering what happened. This is almost always a surprise. Something unexpected which begs the question, “am I dead?” Then a slow realization sets in that you are dead, yet still somehow alive at the same time. Not only alive, but feeling free and happy to be out of the heavy, cumbersome physical body that you believed such a short time ago was you.

As you look down upon the activity below, you are in a hospital, you see, and hear the doctors frantically trying to revive your lifeless body. “Hey.” you yell at them, “I’m up here,” but they don’t look up, they can’t see or hear you. You are invisible consciousness (“I”) of pure energy operating in a different dimension. While you can see into their physical dimension, they can’t see into your spiritual dimension.

A light appears, first at a distance, then growing rapidly until it reveals a tunnel. You are drawn down that tunnel faster and faster until you are completely surrounded by brilliant light. The light is essence, you are loved by this light. Held and revered as the most precious of all things. You are accepted as you are, no judgement, just total caring, and compassion. As a loving father would hold his only child, you are complete, worthy, and totally perfect.

The light contains knowledge, each question that comes into your thoughts is answered instantly as you think it. Nothing is held back, all knowledge of all things is only for the asking. You want to stay in that light forever. You know you are part of the light, and it is within you, and you within it. You are truly home at last.

Then you notice some Beings coming toward you. Some you know. They are people you loved dearly that passed on before you. They are surrounded by light, some more brilliant than others. You are greeted with open, outstretched arms that embrace and love you. You talk to them with your thoughts.

Another Being is coming to meet you. The light surrounding this Being is more brilliant than all the others. His love for you can be felt at great distance, long before He arrives in your presence. You may know Him as Jesus, or some other great Master Teacher, but the name is unimportant, the presence of His great love flows before Him, announcing His Eminence.

The great Being speaks to you with His thoughts, answers your questions, and then unexpectedly says: “you must go back and finish your physical life, there is still much to do and learn.” You are stunned with disbelief, sadness, and you argue to stay with Him. But to no avail. He kindly and gently sends you back to your body.

The pain that sent you to the hospital in the first place is back with a vengeance. The doctors look relieved to see you back into your body. But you feel sad, even angry at them for their role in bringing you back into the physical world. You know you will get well, healed by your experience.

Changed for life, your old beliefs and perceptions dismantled by the experience of the light has granted you peace, calm, yet you feel more alive than ever before. Your consciousness expanded, became more enlightened. Material things just don’t matter as much as they used to matter. You really don’t sweat the small stuff any more.

While you feel alienated you are not alone. There is much to do, others must know so they can feel better about themselves and the world they now live in. Find ways to reduce the fear, bring peace into life.

The best way is personal, walk the path of spiritual love. Become more like the Master, work with your own thoughts and beliefs so others may see the Master’s teachings unfolding in your life and want to become more like the Master themselves. Your purpose is clear, the meaning of life crystal clear. Your journey begins anew as you integrate your rebirth into good deeds, thoughts, and actions.

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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