The lady, I will call her Ann, became psychic through a near death experience 25 years earlier. She held a weekly spiritual meeting at her house. I was invited to attend. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. There, over the next few years, I learned to integrate my near death experience into feeling comfortable about living a physical life again.
At the meetings we practiced meditation, guided meditation, and prayer. We worked with our belief systems. We learned to notice how our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs colored our actions, and learned to direct those actions into positive pursuits. We read spiritual books, and often had someone with knowledge to come and talk with us.
The spiritual path is easy to understand, but not so easy to walk. I will outline the path for you.
Love is the ultimate goal, and fear is what you leave behind. On a scale of one to ten, put fear at one and love at ten. Your goal is to overcome the fear in your life and move toward love which casts out all fear.
All negative thoughts and emotions are the result of fear: depression, anxiety, hate, jealousy, and all other negative thoughts and emotions are the direct result of fear. The method of overcoming fear is love, it is the only method that works forever. Near death experiencers feel great love and compassion, they come back with no fear of death or life.
Now, the only way to get love is to give it, and the methods are simple. You will recognize them as spiritual principles.
Forgive others, all others, of all transgressions or hurt they may have caused you. Do this now, without them having to ask you for forgiveness. Forgiveness frees you from negative thoughts and emotions, cancels the past and frees your future.
A non-judging attitude keeps you free of negativity. Here we are talking about condemnation judgment. Allow others to be different than yourself. There is room in this world for all religions, races, political systems, etc. Science and religion can co-exist. One is not better than the other. Wise men and women are able to utilize the best in both belief systems. If everyone realized how little truth we know about our world they would understand.
Love, the more you own it, the less negative you are. Love is an energy, a force, and owning, using, giving, and receiving love is what life is all about. Do random acts of kindness, open doors, smile, help others, you learn by doing, it is the only way.
Whether you realize it or not, your daily thoughts and emotions create your future. Positive thoughts create a good future for you, and negative thoughts create a bad future for you. The old saw “you reap whatsoever you sow” is spiritually and physically accurate. You make your own luck, you are responsible for the direction of your life. No one “gets away” with anything. Whatever you do boomerangs right back to you. You are eternal, you can not fail, but you can make your own life miserable or joyful, the result depends on you.
Next about healing.
© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
The light contains it all, every thing created in the entire universe is held in the light. It is energy, knowledge, love, and all life contained in Oneness. I felt it as I am a part of it.
The energy I received from the near death experience stayed with me. So much at first I didn’t sleep for three days, didn’t need to sleep. More experiences followed, in the form of visions, and lucid dreams. Some nights a spirit guide would come and take me on trips to see and learn new knowledge. The goal was to learn to love, always to love, because love is the path to wisdom and growth.
I found strange things happening around me during the day. I could read the thoughts of others, answering their questions before they asked. I remember touching a light bulb that came on without being attached to electricity. Watches no longer worked on my wrist. I hugged a co-worker because she was having a really bad day. The next day she told me how her head and neck pains disappeared with that hug. I learned quickly to not talk about my experience or to acknowledge the strange happenings.
I needed answers, so I became a regular at the local metaphysical bookstore. I read spiritual experience books until patterns became to form about what happened and why. It was a fun journey discovering new ideas daily. I remember reading a “Seth” book by Jane Roberts at work. One of my employees said she was worried about me reading such strange material. I was on a page where Seth described God, so I asked her to read the page. At first she was reluctant, thinking it might harm her in some way. Finally she agreed to read it. Some 40 minutes later I found her at her desk crying. Alarmed, I asked “what happened,” she replied “I read about God, and He is so beautiful.” That small reading changed her life.
Eventually I looked for another book store and found one in the Yellow Pages. I was not prepared for what happened next. When I walked up to the door of the book store a lady approached me. She said “I have been waiting for you, we need to talk.” That was the beginning of a wonderful friendship that has lasted over 20 years. She was a psychic and help me beyond anything before to understand what had happened to me.
Next time the Path.
© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
I can’t speak for others, but I will tell you what it’s like to come back from a near death experience.
It’s like seeing the world for the first time. Everything looks backward, not literally, but in a sense of actions. While people should be doing things that aid, and help their lives, just the reverse is seen. Most are performing actions harmful, and detrimental to themselves.
It was the light that changed my perspectives and my life forever. It is far from light as we know it in the physical. Many near death experiencers think the light is God, or the presence of God. I have no argument with that, just think the light is Oneness containing all things. I am a part of that light, as well as you and everyone else. There is knowledge in the light that is passed to the experiencers, and love, caring, compassion exceeding anything felt before or since.
The new knowledge shakes out all of your belief systems replacing them with clear, logical systems that really work for you instead of against you.
It took me about three years to come to terms with the experience, I would say that’s about average, however some never do. My family was patient with me, and I owned my own business so could do somewhat as I pleased there.
I will go into more detail in subsequent posts. If you would like to hear about a particular subject let me know.
© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
The brain seems to be the key to understanding our spiritual nature. There are currently two very different models on how the brain works and its importance to consciousness.
The scientific brain model endows the brain with creative powers. It creates human personality and is responsible for logic, decisions, thoughts, emotions, and memory, as well as movement of the body. In other words we are our brain and will cease to exist when the brain ceases to function.
The spiritual model of the brain is very different. Here the brain is merely an interface between the spiritual self and the body. When the body dies the spiritual self continues to live.
Which model is real, or closer to being the correct model. I think we can find the answer by reading the material published by the proponents of each model.
The scientific model proponents claim we are all physical, that spiritual ideas are nonsense, but they can not show even the tinest bit of physical evidence. Where is the physical memory? If all our experience is recorded as memory in the brain, that storage area would be huge and very easy to pinpoint. Now, where does cognitive thinking take place, and where are the emotions located? Attempts at answering these questions lie in “brain mapping.” But if you read the various studies about where things take place in the brain you will quickly notice a lack of consistency. There was an excellent study on Brain Mapping at UCLA. This study will help you to understand the inconsistencies. Our brains are not hard-wired. When the brain is damaged in one area, another area can take over the function that was lost. This indicates some intelligence higher than the brain directing its functions. Either the brain has a brain or that director is our spiritual selves.
On the spiritual side, many studies are now being done by qualified research scientists. These studies show consciousness survives the death of the brain. There is real solid evidence in these studies. I will not point them all out, but will show one or two.
People Have NDEs While Brain Dead
Is There Life After Death? A Cardiologist Believes He Can Prove It!
My intention here is to challenge you to read the studies and make up your own mind as to whether you are the creation of a body organ or something greater.
I am a believer because I experienced the spiritual world. I hope you will want to know about our spiritual nature enough to read everything you can find on the subject.
© 2007 – 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.