Hanging Accident

When I was about one and half years old, I was given up for adoption and placed in foster homes after foster homes. There were always older children who were mean to the younger kids.

 Anyway, I guess from the experiences being traumatic, I remember stuff at a younger age than most people do because I have asked others off handedly their first memory and most people’s first memory is between three and five. I had to be around two or two and half because I was adopted when I was three.

I remember some older kids taking me into some woods and putting a rope around my neck. There was like a gully and they swung me into the air. The next thing I remember is feeling like I was twirling in light. Then suddenly I was standing in bright warm sunshine in a field of flowers and a lady was talking to me, a beautiful lady, and exactly what she was talking about I cannot remember all only that she told me it was time to go back and I told her I wanted to stay but she told me I had important things to do and that when the time was right I would know what to do and that I would remember always of being there.

I wish I could remember the whole conversations because I feel there was more important things I was suppose to remember. She did tell me I would be back and see her again. I just remembered that. I have never ever told anybody about this experience maybe telling you about it has opened up something. It seems I remember a bigger someone telling her it was time for me to go back and she seemed rushed all of the sudden.

Then I remember coughing and kids were taking the rope off my neck and they were scared and crying and a girl was crying over me and telling the others that she had told them not to swing me with the rope around my neck and then someone was carrying me and that’s all I remember.

I remembered this event when I was a little older, I am not sure at what age.. My mother told me I was adopted when I was eleven and she told me that when she first saw me I had what appeared to be a bad rope burn around my neck.


© 2007 – 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Q & A – 10 Why are NDEs in the Media Different?

Question: Why are the Near Death Experiences in the News Media so different than the ones on NDE web sites?

Answer: Good question. The news media reports mainly the skeptical view of near death experiences. Explaining how drugs cause NDEs, or how NDEs are just a misfiring synapse in the brain, or an illusion due to dissociation. They have a list of standard “physical” causes of the near death experience. This list only works with some of the aspects of near death experiences, but not with others. So they name only the NDE aspects their list can explain. If they named all the elements of a full-blown NDE, their physical causes would look rather lame.

Some of the things they don’t usually mention are:

After being revived, the individual will give information of what happened while he/she was dead. Not only local information from around the body, but sometimes information gathered from miles away, information that is later verified by doctors, friends, or relatives. These are called veridical NDEs.

Talking with deceased relatives and receiving information that proved accurate in the physical world. Such as a deceased relative telling the experiencer where their last will was buried or other helpful information later verified by the experiencer and others.

Seeing and talking to a Spirit Being who is very loving, and kind. This Spirit Being tells them they must go back into the physical world because they have not finished their lives. The experiencer often protests and wants to stay in the spiritual, but is forced back into their body anyway.

Experiencing a Life Review: A Spirit Being shows them to a place where their life is reviewed on a screen. Literally “having your life pass before your eyes”. Here the experiencer feels the result of his actions to others. This experience can be very difficult. Danion Brinkly said this part was so difficult for him he could barely talk about it. He said he felt the pain of a man he had killed, at the same time he felt the pain of his wife, children and friends. One experiencer said she never felt so humilated in her life. Another said she was so embarrassed she could do nothing but cry after seeing the way she had treated others.

Being taken to a hall or cathedral and shown future events in the form of pictures and icons. Then coming back to life and seeing these things come true one after the other.

Feeling intense energy, and upon returning not being able to sleep for days, having strange things happen, like touching a light bulb, not connected to electricity, and watch it light up, touching people and having them remark that their aches and pains had just stopped. Feeling so peaceful and full of joy, indescribable in words. Small electrical items fail around you, watches stop, batteries go dead, etc. Pictures appearing in a camera not taken by the NDE user. This intense energy does lessen with the passing of time.

Being shown the Park, the Akashic Hall of Records, Schools, and Libraries, a partial layout of the crystal city so many experiencers talk about.

Seeing the Bright Light, knowing it is God’s presence and His unconditional love. There is the knowledge within the light of all things available for the asking. When one thinks of a question, the answer immediately pops into conscious thought. No wonder no one wants to leave.

Not all of these events will happen in all NDEs. But they have all happened in someone’s near death experience posted in the web sites that study this phenonmenon along with other events not mentioned here. Remember that the near death experience is personal for the individual experiencing it. They each will be unique as each person is unique.

Please read the actual experiences as posted by the individuals who had them if you really want to know what they contain. There are over 300 experiences on this near death experience site, and the links page will take you to hundreds more of them. Good reading.

© 2007 – 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

My Take V — the End

Near death experiencers know there is no end. When the door to physical life closes, the door to spiritual life opens. We are eternal beings. This is a place of learning, a school. Do the best you can.

This is a quote from Emmanuel’s Book II, The Choice for Love by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton. Emmanuel is a light being, living in the spirit world. He once walked the earth as you and I do now.

And what is it like beyond this world?
It is very different.
It is much the same
for you take yourself with you.Those who find the thought
of traveling through eternity with themselves
have important work to do.
It is the work of self-love.
You are your best companion
and you accompany yourself always.
That is the only structure I can give you
for the entire universe
is predicated on love
creating itself.


© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

My Take IV — Healing

One thing often overlooked by the skeptics of near death experiences is the healing that takes place. NDEers are healed by their experiences. Many were told they would never make it. I was told I had about six months to live, that was over 20 years ago. The love we experienced was healing love. I knew I was going to live and get well after my experience.

All healing is spiritual. Everything that exists is energy, spiritual energy. God is love, and love is spiritual energy. Love heals all things.

If I told you that on the top of a certain mountain was a vast treasure chest filled with precious gems, gold, silver and expensive works of art would you climb that mountain to get at it? Depends on whether you believed me or not, right. Would you have the trust and faith in me to climb that mountain?

Spiritual growth and healing begins with trust and faith. You will see the growth and healing when you believe it. That was the title of a book by Wayne Dyer, “You will see it when you believe it.” I highly recommend it. You must act first, and accept responsibility for your actions. It is necessary to light a fire for heat on a cold night. Just as it is necessary to change your thoughts to improve your life.

A good way to start is by doing affirmations. They work well over time because our thoughts matter. We create our own reality through our beliefs and thoughts. The idea is to change negative thoughts into positive one. I wrote these affirmations many years ago and they have been used by thousands of people. You might want to give them a try.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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