
Science would have us believe we are accidents. A random mix of chemicals that produced life, a big bang that produced the universe. We just happened through an event of natural randomness. There is no higher purpose to life, no particular meaning, no goal to achieve. Our awareness is the product of our brain. Our mental state the result of chemicals. Our emotions controlled by our chemicals interacting with the chemicals of others. We are powerless pawns of fate.

Science would also have us believe the universe is controlled by law. The law of gravity. That nature follows natural law. We study these laws in school. Newton’ s laws, Bernoulli’s principle, etc., there are numerous laws taught by science. So science believes in order, yet also believes we and our world are random accidents. Big contradiction, the world is ordered or it’s random, can’t be both.

Religion would have us believe we and our universe were created by an intelligence called God. This God created us to do His bidding. We must worship Him.  We must hold certain beliefs to be true, we must perform certain rituals, we must behave in certain ways in order to please this God or He will punish us severely with fire and brimstone for all eternity. We are the powerless pawns of God.

Religion would also have us believe we have freewill to make the choices we wish, that God loves us, that God wants us to be happy, that God is our Father. Big contradiction, either God loves us or He don’t. Love does not inflict pain and suffering. 

Is there a path without contradiction? I think there is, millions of people have had near death experiences. This experience is really a death experience, since most experiencers were clinically dead during the event. What they experienced in the light was a “higher intelligence” in a totally different way, most say they were in the presence of God.

They felt unconditional love, caring and compassion beyond what they had ever known. There was knowledge of everything, their questions answered instantly. They understood the whole of everything. They were a part of the whole and the whole was a part of them, everything connected to everything. The whole was God. He was the Oneness of all creation.

No punishment, only self correction, being part of everything the deeds of the individual are returned to the individual. Good choices and deeds bring joy, and peace. Bad choices and deeds bring sorrow, and fear. It is a perfect system of self correction.

The physical earth is our school where others mirror our actions so we may learn to grow in love and compassion. Do no harm to yourself and/or others. Be quick to help others. Don’t judge others, and forgive their mistakes. Follow the path of love.

We are not powerless, we are the masters of our soul. We are creators of our own reality. Choose wisely. 

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Spiritual Perfection

Everyone will admit God is good, perfect, and never makes mistakes. So if God created us in His image, we too are good. But we do make mistakes because we are still children. This earth is a school for us to learn from our mistakes, to grow in wisdom until we understand who we are: the sons and daughters of God. We are not here to accumulate money or things. We are not here to correct or judge others. We are not here to change the world around to our liking. We are here to change ourselves and grow in love and understanding. We are here to help others, for in helping others we help ourselves. We are here to learn the truth of all things.

Knowing that all others were created good helps us to forgive their mistakes. To forgive is holy, the holiest place in the world is were two former enemies meet in love as friends. Forgive your enemies and love those that hate you knowing this is the path to wisdom and truth.

Walk the path into spiritual freedom and truth through love. Love yourself, for you were created good, and worthy of God’s love. God loves you always, you do not need to believe in doctrine, nor do you need to do or be anything other than who you are now. His love, and grace are your birthrights, you are eternal now and forever. Such love can not be explained, only given and accepted. Accept His love today, let love guide you in all things.

This world will pass away, and all the things within will turn to dust. But you will live forever in the world of spirit which is your home.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Good Read

I ran across a near death experience on another blog that is really great. I would like for you to read it when you have the time, it is long.

A Near Death Experience

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


We gain knowledge by personal experience, sometimes called learning by doing. It is a great way to gather experience and knowledge at the same time. But it is not without drawbacks. It is best to learn under the guidance of someone who already has the experience and can walk you through it. This keeps the “trial and error” part of personal experience to a minimum.

We can get this “knowledgeable someone” by reading their books, and learn at our own pace. If you wish to study near death experiences for instance, read a lot of books on the subject. You will find that the authors don’t always agree, and that is why it is important to read as many as possible.  After reading a number of books on the subject you will notice there are things that most authors do agree on, and those things are the basic truth of near death experiences. 

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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