
Forgiveness is for the forgiver and not the forgivee. Many times have I heard people say: “I will never forgive him/her for what they did to me.” Holding back forgiveness is to hold the anger, hate and guilt of the past event. You can not afford the pain of withholding forgiveness. In the spirit world, strong emotions tie people together. Strong love will keep two persons together and enjoying similiar experiences forever. They may come back into the physical together many times. Strong hate will do the same thing. It will tie you to the hated person until the hate is resolved.Forgiveness cleans the slate of negative emotions and allows a new start. If you forgive someone and they say: “I don’t accept your forgiveness.” Then know that, if you have been sincere, you have done all you can. Shake the dust off your feet and walk on.

God has no need to forgive, since He never condemns or judges. But God can help you to learn to forgive. Pray for the knowledge of how to forgive everyone and everything that bothers you, He will answer your prayer.

God does not punish anyone for anything. But man, in fear and ignorance, believes strongly in punishment. And because man believes in punishment so intensely, man brings punishment to himself.

In my NDE, I learned from God that: “Man punishes himself, and not only does he punish himself, but he chooses the form that punishment will take.” Now, is punishment necessary: of course not. If man chose Love in everything he did, punishment would disappear.

Every day use the affirmation above: “I forgive you world, for all the wrongs, that I believe you have done to me.” Then forgive individually each and every person you may be having problems with. Release the past daily and walk into the future in freedom.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Love’s Child

Cool website. I agree, the lasting impression from an NDE is profound.When I was 11 years old, I got a sore throat that didn’t go away and because I come from a family of 10, going to the doctor was a luxury. The sore throat, left untreated, was discovered to be strep and since it cannot go away with antibiotics, the strep infection settled in my kidneys and I then had a kidney infection/diseased called Nephritis (Bright’s Disease). The second night in the hospital, I started to cry when my Mom and Dad were going home after visiting, because instinctively, I knew I would never see them again. Because I was a kid, I knew they were keeping this from me; however, the body and the mind KNOW. They left wondering why I was acting so strange. Eleven year olds don’t cry like that when Mommy and Daddy leave. Well, at 11 p.m. that night, the hospital called to tell my parents that it wasn’t likely that I would survive the night. Last rites were given and they monitored me all night, every 15 minutes.

In between the blood pressure monitorings, I remember being in the corner of the room, near the ceiling and looking down at my body as the nurse took my blood pressure. I wondered, hmmmmmmmmm, what the heck am I doing down there? I’m obviously up here! Seemed strange, but I didn’t worry about it. All of a sudden, there was a suction and I was moving through a tunnel at very, very, very high speed. When I came to an abrupt halt, I noticed 8 lighted beings off to my right and a big, beautiful white light directly in front of me.

Wow, I thought, and started heading towards that white light. I remember feeling a lot of peace, not sick, and the light seemed to have a “personality” or “essence” to it. It wasn’t just a big ‘ol floodlight. Felt great and I loved it. Just as I was walking towards the light, the lighted beings (angels–no wings) called me over to the side and told me to wait for a more superior being to arrive. I waited. The being arrived and then showed me part of my past and some of my future.

In particular, my little brother, Tim. Well, Tim is very hyper and a bit of a brat, so my response to the angels when shown some “footage” of Tim acting up and not being nice to me was, “Well, yea, Timmy’s a brat.” as if everyone in the Universe already knew that and there was nothing more to know. I was told by the angels, “Do not make their problem, your problem, Dear One.” OK, I thought and thoughts are how you communicate here, not voice. It didn’t make much sense, but OK. I was then asked if I wanted to go into the light or back to the body. This seemed like Sophie’s Choice to me, so I looked back down the tunnel and then turned my head and back to the light, back down the tunnel, back to the light, back and forth, back and forth.

I understood that there were boundaries there and that if I went into the light, I could not come back and visa versa. I also understood that what I could have there I couldn’t have here and what I could have with my body, I couldn’t have there. I was told that I would be ill and that was not negotiable. I was also told that they would never leave me and all I had to do was ask for their help and help would arrive. At that point I said, “I want to live.” and as I finished the thought, I felt that same strong suction grab me again and carry me back down the tunnel. I did not re-enter the body gently. It was like a big BAM! and I opened my eyes and the nurse was standing next to me taking my blood pressure … again or still? Well, I looked up at her and said, “I’m going to be OK, now.” She looked at me as if I was delusional, but then I started healing in leaps and bounds leaving the docs and staff with their heads spinning.

I remember they wheeled me downstairs to get an EKG the next day and I thought, “You’re a day late and a dollar short. It has been decided. I’m fine now.” Well, the doctor didn’t really understand why I was healing all of a sudden, but attributed it to the penicillin shot I got. I’m sure it helped, but well, no. He kept me there for 2 weeks and then released me. I healed completely, but at 31 years old, almost exactly 20 years later, I was diagnosed with a form of Muscular Dystrophy, which is incurable.

I remembered that I came back because in the moment I decided, I thought even if my body doesn’t work quite right, I will always have the help of these angels and I want to come back for my shot at love. I understood that everything was worth it for love. I wanted it that much. Even though love was in the tunnel, clearly and abundantly, love with a body and in the physical world was a gift and I knew it and was willing to do so with a body that wouldn’t work right. This was not negotiable. It was dictated to me and I needed to choose if I would return, not what kind of body I could return to.

Ironically, even though I was cured of the kidney disease one year later, the diagnosis 20 years later meant my family would be tested in ways I couldn’t imagine. I always asked for help from my angels and I did not hide the fact that I believed in angels. This labeled me as “nuts” for my family to ridicule and my brother Tim and sister Jenny has refused to allow me to see their children. They don’t want them to have “my influence.” On Christmas, when I was in the hospital for surgery, they all brought me a figurine of an angel to the hospital, but then refused to let me see their kids.

Strange. So, the advice that the angels gave me, “Do not make their problem, your problem, Dear One.” now makes sense to me, many, many, many years later. There have been days I have regretted choosing to come back, but overall, I am challenged to discover my place in this world and yes, I have been asked to marry. I have said no to all. They would have provided security, etc., but not the love I stood in when I went to that white light. I know that it is out there and I am not afraid of my family members telling me that I am some loser for not marrying.

When I go back to that tunnel with a white light, I do not want to have to say, “Yes, I know you taught me what love is when I was here last, but I had a little peer pressure, so I married Mr. OK. I didn’t want to be the last kid to get married, you know.” I can handle the ridicule. I want what I experienced in that tunnel with a white light or nothing at all. I was a kid though, and acceptance of my illness and my body in this culture has been brutal. I have been told many reasons why I am ill ranging from “got myself sick (and supported by the Bible).” to I must have eaten the wrong foods, been depressed, or am trying to get attention.

None of the above are true and I don’t feel the need to prove that to anyone. My values are different from my family’s and when people meet me and my family, they swear I was not raised in the family I have. Some other guidance has been there …. healing me and loving me.

Love and Light, mnspiritsoars.

© 2007 – 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


I was 16 when I had a NDE. It was in the mid 70’s. I took a few to many careless risks and ended up having an accident. After the accident I found myself looking down at my body on the ground from a position maybe five feet above. There was no shock or fear, it was sort of like leaving a house that you had lived in for years. As I starting noticing my surroundings, I discovered that I could perceive so much more than when I relied upon my physical senses. I was at the same location but there was so much more. What stood out most was the way everything vibrated with light.

I was then engulfed in a pure white light while still at the same position. The light was like an aura of a being who was pure peace, love, understanding, and also enlightenment itself. I remember seeing all of the events of my life almost simultaneously. I felt a great shame at many of the things that I had done that were based on selfishness, pride, greed, fear, and etc., but no condemnation from the light. I really can not seem to remember much more of the life review or the being of light, but I know that a lot more occurred. I think that I am either blocking it out because it was painful or that maybe I was not intended to remember it because it would hinder my progress.

The next thing I remember was being with a group of beings like myself with one being who was the guide or was in charge of us all. Our bodies were transparent multicolored light and we appeared to have some sort of white robe like garment. It was also made of light. The only communication that I remember was by direct thought and feeling. As soon as another being would think a thought directed towards me it would just enter my consciousness. We were all sitting in space looking back at the earth in silent meditation. There was still such a great feeling of love and peace that words can not describe, but coming from the Earth was an strong feeling of conflict. You could sense the millions of battles being fought and the lack of peace.

I was then told by the being that was acting as the group guide that I had to return. I did not want to return to the conflicts and leave the peace, but somehow I knew that I had to return. As soon as I had the thought that “yes, I have to return” it all ended.

At the time, I thought that I had to return to perform some great deed, but after almost 25 years I think that I had to return because I have so much more to learn.

It was five days after the accident that I regained consciousness.

The experience has made a tremendous difference to my life.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

The Beginning

There is a lot of concern about our beginnings these days. The debate between creation and evolution is heating up. I don’t really know how this world began, or how we humans began. I do believe the Bible creation story is mostly mythology, and I dismiss the science explanation as not logical to assume life started by random, then became ordered out of nowhere at some time undetermined. Or the universe was created by a big bang randomly, then became ordered out of nowhere at some time undetermined. Did you know that all the fossil remains used to described the accent of man will fit into the back of a pickup truck.

I just need more before I believe, I need personal experience, I want to see it happen.

Here is another thought from a different dimension. I am a spiritual person in contact with the spiritual dimension of life. I am told by the spiritual world that we created this earth and universe, then came to live on it for a physical experience, it was supposed to be fun, but we forgot who we were, got lost in the intensity, and well, one thing led to another.

© 2007 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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