Everyone knows what Love is, or do they? People tend to confuse Love with all sorts of other things. That is because Love is not an event, not something you do. It is something you are, it is a state of mind, an attitude, a way you live your life. The meaning and purpose of your being.
Love is hard to define because it is not an event. A group of us guys were sitting around the lunch table. The subject of sex came up, and I explained sex was not love. Just as most of the group were trying to make me eat my words, one of them said: “Hey, do you guys love your parents?” Consensus was yes, that they did love their parents. “Do you guys have sex with your parents?” An immediate outcry of disgust was expressed by all present at this suggestion. “Then Love is not sex, it is something greater than sex,” remarked my rescuer.
One of the best descriptions of Love I have come across is the one given by Paul in the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians in the Bible. It is often called the Love chapter.
“Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love doesn’t demand its own way. It’s not irritable or touchy. It doesn’t hold grudges and will not notice when others do it wrong. It’s never glad about injustice, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends”. — Paul.
God is Love. Love is unconditional. Love heals all things. Love is the force that creates, and holds everything together. Love is caring, and compassion. These are some more of the many ways to accurately describe Love. Love is so ubiquitous, and so powerful it resists any simple definition put to it.
But, it is not enough for us to define Love, that does not really help us to enjoy life a whit more. We must find ways to gain access to the power of Love, and allow this power into our daily lives in order to grow strong spiritually.
We know we are created in God’s Love, and we are Loved. Why then does Love seem so distant at times? So hard to find when we are alone, troubled, and seeking answers.
The reason is two-fold. First, we agreed to incarnate into the physical world, a world of dualism. Part love, part fear, for the purpose of learning to love, and second, we have not finished learning yet. Fear is a strong motivator. It is easy to become lost in the teachings of fear. Some of our authority figures (parents, teachers, professors, politicians, etc.) teach us fear, while others teach us love. That is as it should be, our task is learn what is fear, and what is love, opting for love each time we recognize it.
Fear is pervasive, it can be seen most everywhere in our society. Wars, violence, murder, and mayhem can be found in our books and magazines, our video games, our television programs, and reported on the daily news. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, forest fires, mud slides, avalanches, tsunami and other natural disasters seem to be with us on a daily basis. Then there are plane crashes, train crashes, and car crashes, as well as many other accidents. Don’t forget the recession and the suffering it has brought to so many people. It is no wonder many are depressed, have anxiety attacks, feel suicidal, or are mentally disturbed.
Love is also pervasive, but not as apparent. Love is less spectacular than fear, because it is more common. There is more love in this world than fear. For those that kill, there are more that comfort; for those that harm, there are more that heal; for those that destroy, there are more that build; for those that steal, there are more that give; for those that lie, there are more speaking truth; for those that cheat, there are more that are honest; for those that condemn, there are more that uplift, for those that criticize, there are more that encourage; and for those that hate, there are more that love.
You are in a classroom, what you will learn is your decision, no one can do it for you, will you learn to love? Love has the power to heal, love can bring peace into your life, and compassion into your heart. There is nothing to lose, it is a win, win, decision.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
“Death” is the most searched word on this blog. A lot of people are very interested in death. Maybe very afraid of death, or at least the uncertainty of it.
Near death experiences show us death doesn’t exist. We don’t die, we go on living in spirit/energy form. We are eternal.
The knowledge of living after death can actually cause us more fear and uncertainty about what happens after death. So the main question is: “What happens after death.”
What happens after death is directly connected to our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. This is true in the physical also. We create our own reality in the physical as well as the spiritual.
The spiritual world is much like the physical world, yet different. There are libraries, museums, schools, houses, and great buildings made of crystal. There are parks, lakes, forests, and meadows of flowers. Some activities include painting, music, learning, teaching, creating, and building among many others. There are levels based on spiritual growth. Those with little or no spiritual growth inhabit the lower levels, while those with great spiritual growth are on the upper levels.
You achieve growth by learning to love. Love increases your consciousness which will increase your power of creation. Love is the building force of all things. The more you love the more powerful you become. This is true in both the spiritual and physical. Consider the most powerful men in history and note their great love for others. Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and others moved billions of people to love.
There is no need of the judicial in the spirit world. No policemen, lawyers, politicians, judges, or such. Order is kept by the rule of “whatever you do to others will be returned to you.” Unlike the physical, everyone in the spiritual world understands the truth of this precept.
Since there are no physical bodies, there are no sexes, marriage, or babies. Creation of “spiritual babies” or “sparks” is done on the highest level of the spiritual world with much thought and great care.
In the physical world you have many judges in parents, teachers, peers, the law, and government. The only judgments in the spiritual world are you judging yourself. However this will be a true judgment with no facade, no rationalizations, or justifications. This not punishment, it is for teaching, so you can see your mistakes and correct them. The goal being to love one another.
You can never be anyone but yourself, you can not escape your problems and troubles by suicide or hurting yourself. Only you can solve your problems, and learn to love yourself with or without the help of others.
And what is it like beyond this world?
It is very different.
It is much the same
for you take yourself with you.
Those who find the thought
of traveling through eternity with themselves
have important work to do.
It is the work of self-love.
You are your best companion
and you accompany yourself always.
That is the only structure I can give you
for the entire universe
is predicated on love
creating itself.
What about Heaven and Hell, constructs of thought spawned by the dualism of the physical world. The places do exist, but not as places of eternal punishment or eternal worshiping of God.
Believe it or not, there are some people who feel they are so bad they must go to Hell, and so they shall, but not for an eternity. Hell comes equipped with teachers who work with those so down on themselves they feel they belong in Hell. In time those who go there will be taught how to love themselves, which will remove them from hell. There is no eternal torment, fire, or punishment anywhere in the spiritual world.
Those who wish to go to heaven may do so. They find all that they expected to find. Streets of gold, grand churches beyond beautiful. They worship until they become bored then leave. There is no requirement to worship. God is our father not our Ruler. He is our example of a loving, caring, compassionate Being, the whole of it all. We strive to be like Him.
When one enters the spirit world through a near death experience He enters the light and immediately feels loved, cared for, and accepted. That is the real nature of God.
There is no downside to the spirit world, but there are rules and measurements. The rule is whatever you do to others you will receive back. No exceptions. The measurement is love and you are the measurer. You are the one responsible for your spiritual growth, and the one who judges it.
The greater your spiritual growth the more powerful, and bright, you become. You create with your thoughts, both here and there, so be careful what you ask for and mindful of your thoughts.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Hi, my name is Britney and I am going to be 20 in July. I feel like I have learned things so early on, that for some people takes a lifetime. I have gained so much spiritual wisdom from Lekatt and others, now it’s all about practicing and living those principles. It is easier said than done but not impossible. We have all the time in the world and we are eternal. We all get bad thoughts but that doesn’t mean we should give up hope. Nothing is ever too far gone. There is hope for you yet!
I wrote this essay because I needed to hear it myself. I am preaching to myself because I am still in the process of thinking positively. So I need to take my own advice! My writing is my gift to the world, so I am glad to help you!
Positive thinking is like exercising a muscle. Only it gives you a mental workout. The more you use it, the better you will be at it. It’s not possible to think positive all of the time, but you want the majority of your thoughts to reflect good and happy things.
People may not think positive because they might not know the right tools to use for becoming a positive person. Some things that will help you be positive are: coping skills, building up encouragement, changing your thoughts by developing good habits, surrounding yourself with positive people, and being spiritual.
Real positive thinking works by implementing coping skills. Here are some of mine. Pray, think positive thoughts, write poetry and letters, read the Bible, draw or color, listen to music, socialize, sleep, and take walks. Something any of us could try: hold on to the good in life, reflect on what God has done for you, think of funny movie lines, sing a happy song in your head, or go to your happy place.
I would also evaluate, think through, downplay, examine, and analyze your problems. Pick apart your problems and try to see what really matters, and what can be tossed aside over your shoulder. You can see what is important now, and what can wait till later. You can say, “I’ll deal with that when the time comes.” As a result, coping skills will help your problems be more manageable.
My dad said, “you can’t choose if a bird flies over you, but you can choose where it builds its nest.” If a bad thought comes into your head, just let it go right out again. “Put those thoughts in a drawer,” said Uncle Don. Coping skills involves self-talk. Here are some thoughts to think about: you can realize it’s your responsibility to be happy. Think how can I make this a positive?
You can become in love with life by thinking of life as an adventure. Every time you step out of your house is an adventure! Think about how the possibilities are endless. My Grandma Betty said, “The sky is the limit.” If you keep that perspective, nothing in life will seem dull or boring. You won’t even have time to worry or think negatively, because your mind will be so focused on the good in life.
Build up encouragement in your heart that you can store so God can bring it to your mind when you need it most. If the economy goes into a recession and you suffer a loss, you will have things stored up that you can draw on when you need to. Encouragement is like free checks that you can cash in anytime you want. You could either have a journal, scrapbook, binder, or something you can look at and remember when you need that extra boost of encouragement. You never know when catastrophes might strike next. People’s lives are constantly being uprooted by family problems, weather disasters, you name it. The reason why it is important to have encouragement that you can live off of until you fill your love tank again.
Changing your thoughts by developing good habits is important. Some things can become an obsession. Frodo Baggins in the “Lord of the Rings” became obsessed with the ring and the longer he had it the harder it became to resist it. It’s easier to break a habit when you first notice it, instead of waiting years and years to stop. People like my grandma who smoke find it hard to break the habit.
My Dad stopped smoking before he became addicted to it. The Bible talks about strongholds. It is anything that builds itself up and is keeping you from being free. I like the song by “Rush of Fools” that says, “Turn me around, pick me up, and undo what I have become.” This is saying that you can reverse what habits you have now. A conversation I had with a friend, “It takes time and a lot of affirmations to dim the old habits. So be patient with yourself,” said Leroy. “But I get into the old habit of talking to the voice in my head,”
Britney. “You have chosen the habit in the past and now you are struggling with it. To release it takes forming good habits where there were sad ones before. Therefore, having good habits will make you struggle a lot less in your life. You will save yourself a lot of mental pain.”
Have at least one positive person in your life because the people you are around most, are what you’ll become. You want to be a person that others can look up to. I picked up the habits and mannerisms of speaking of my friends, and my parents. I also started to sound like my mentor, with the words I chose and what I believed.
People who travel to different parts of the country that speak different accents will start sounding like they have the accent. I started sounding a little countryish when I went to Missouri after staying there a week. It is important to watch positive shows, listen to positive music, and speak positive things, because it becomes a part of who you are.
I am very sensitive to things, so it is crucial for me to remember this. The saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil,” is very true. Whomever you associate with will affect everything else in your life. If you associate with good positive people, you may save yourself from going down the wrong path, and/or dying a premature death.
“Do not imitate what is bad, but what is good,” 3 John 1:11.
“Be imitators of God, as dearly loved children.” Ephesians 5:1.
Even if you are friendless, you will always have your Creator with you. He said He will never leave you nor forsake you. That’s something to be positive about! I read an article that it is proven that people who go to church live longer and are more happy. I think the reason why they are happy is because they are connected in a community of people, their time is filled up with a good activity, and because they have people who look after them.
When they see someone suffering they step in to help. I think being spiritual removes the fear of death, and gives you peace about it. If you know that one day you will see your loved ones again and that they are safe with God, it makes the loss easier to bear. Even though the fear of public speaking is the number one fear, I am guessing that the fear of death falls closely behind it. It is not impossible to remove your fear of death. I still worry about it sometimes, but you can learn to accept that death is a part of life, and not the end to existence. Thus, spirituality helps you cope with life’s uncertainties.
Positive thinking changes your life by giving you skills to lessen your problems, gives you the strength to go on, helps you to lower conflict in yourself, because you have formed good habits. Positive thinking helps you be that person others can follow as an example, and spirituality adds a dimension to give you hope.
If you are looking for a makeover why not try positive thinking? If you are on drugs for mental problems you should go to the root, (which is your thoughts), and take that on first. I think medicine (for mental problems) needs to go to the back bench, and let these five steps act as a runner to send you on the road to victory.
© 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Now if you will kindly spend the time, here is part of my heart. A mere glimpse of my story. It may not be understood by you, and that’s ok. Those unscathed by lifes sorrows, or living above human suffering will be lost. Life is not a bed of roses for all. Some must trudge through the peaks ‘n valleys mostly alone for the large part. And that is another deeper story.
Here’s Why!
The childhood part wasn’t cool. At a young age I started using alcohol and drugs (same thing). I grew up to be something I told myself I would never be like. I developed into something full of hate and rage, with a using tolerance and dependency to match. With no religious or spiritual upbringing to speak of. My only safe places were in the woods or being on the river here. (Well, back then the waterways were half-way clean compared to now.) I felt a real kin to nature until all feelings became unknown and repressed except for that anger and rage, the rest were put on. School was pure hell, I was terribly over weight and withdrawn. Teased by teacher and students alike. Bullied and struck/beat as such on a daily basis. I finally just had to quit. Damage done.
Military time was a mess. I just learned how to drink anything with alcohol in it, and found new drugs. Discharged.
Also, failed at my attempts to be the peaceful Hippie type. To much Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde. Finally at this point I was a fully functional addict. Now finally realizing I had to be just as crazy and violent as the rest of the world, so not to be harmed ever again physically. I done a mighty fine job of it. That was my claim to fame — to out do, out drink, out use, and act out of total insanity and hate. Have ya seen those movies about the crazy biker types? Well, that was me to the max. Be the first to show up to the party and the last to crawl to my bike and leave. (sold the bike)
So for years I didn’t see a totally straight day. It was all fun I thought, “until”, it wasn’t much fun anymore. People all around me were dying, suffering and losing it all. A socially environmental norm.
So life went on as it does for people like me. I tried to quit but could not. As I was told by most and even those “loving highly educated pro’s,” “you’re a lost cause, no hope for you”. Twelve step groups had nothing to offer at the time because I was not willing or open minded enough. Too much of that God stuff. And me being a faithful hater even of the word was not about to listen, or try to. (ego, vanity) So more pain and despair.
I was now in another time of more serious suicide attempts. But now I was going to take some folks with me. Some I thought who were causing my pain. It was all going to happen on an upcoming week-end back in `89’. But God had other plans for me. It wasn’t going to happen. I found myself in jail that Friday. Saturday morning I was forcefully, yet gently accquainted with God.
I was a withdrawing mess, suicidal, full of hate. Alone in the holding, or so I thought. Then it happened. In short, the cell took on a different light and color. There was a sound and intense feeling of rushing water, but it was not wet or physical, it was alive, moving and with voice, “living water”. This gentle loving voice said it loved me and called me by name. By this time I was pressed back on the bunk and could not move. Physical breathing became nil. These waters intensified, at a seemingly high vibrating rate penetrating every fiber of my being. I found myself basking in this ocean of love, still held in total awe of what was happening to me. (there are no proper words to use here)
To the Point — the message; “to love one another”. That is what I am to tell people, especially Christians, and their leaders, also to government officials. But, again few to none will, or have the ability to listen. Who am I to them? Just another tithe, a vote, a number, etc. (It seems our leaders have their own agenda). He said to tell you to “make straight the path of the Lord”, “there should be no divisions but to love one another”. I am to tell you that he “is coming soon”. That we have “all gone astray”. I don’t know anyone in Ireland, but he said to tell them “to seek peace, stop fighting”. And that we are to be “specific in prayer”.
There is much more but for the purpose of this I hope it will suffice. Now, several years later I am understanding more of why and what was said to me, or shown. I asked the Lord who do I follow? What church do I go to? He said “none teach the true gospel, but to love one another”. Starting my new Christian walk, unaware of all this denomination stuff, I found myself caught up in all the hatred, various “cults”, materialism, power mongers, contol freaks (like, we will help you “if” you believe this, or do that), the so called best or biggest, the celebrity manure, and all the rest of the typical arrogant, superficial stuff. Plus being told by so called preachers that God would not use such a person as myself for such a message. Don’t know much do they? He can and will use anyone he desires.
So I think you see I’m definitely not into the mainstream, or have a head full of the herding instinct, just to please, or to fit in. I don’t “fit” in. I’m not a good game player “now”, so don’t expect me to be one to play that kind of game. Status or no.
The Miracle
That being the new person I am now. There is no trying to explain it. Either you know God, (not in a box) or you don’t. I walked out of that little cell a totally changed man in body, mind, spirit, and character. Remarkable personality changes had gone on there, some intense spiritual surgery. From atheist to firm believer, with no signs of any form of withdrawal. I was over-flowing with an intense true (agape) love for everything and everybody. I had to really contain myself, I just wanted to touch, hug, and kiss everything and tell them/it that I loved them/it so very very much.
I couldn’t wait to tell my story. Well things sure didn’t go the way I thought they would. My very first encounter was with the “preacher” man that was going cell to cell. Wouldn’t ya know he didn’t believe in that stuff, and really acted strange and in a big hurry to get away from me. He left me in a sorely confused state of mind, it just didn’t figure. And I’m supposed to “shout what happened to me from the roof tops”????
So again I had to learn the hard way. I didn’t have a clue to all of this religious stuff, and all the divisions, the arrogance, bickering, and hate. All I really knew is what happened to me and I just had to isolate and feed my overwhelming compulsion to read the Bible, and whatever else spiritual I could lay my hands on. I was held in awe again to find the exact same words that I had heard in that cell laying there in black and white, some times in red, before me. And it was with new eyes I was seeing this. It wasn’t the same stuff I had read a little about or tried to use to mess with peoples minds in recovery circles prior to this.
I was on this spiritual type high for about a year. But now again I couldn’t find my way, no acceptance, no understanding, no support, no love. Atheistic counselors I had been seeing were of little help, and did more damage than good. The same for the so-called church Christian counselors, as well as other scientific/academic minded characters. (I’ll be nice.) Now I’ve found a few sincere folks out there, regretfully not in my area of the country. My greatest help came from a Christian therapy center. Now don’t get me wrong. There are some good, sincere and well meaning people here, and elsewhere, but we just don’t click. Plus after all, I’m only human too and have my character flaws. Not to mention all the various experiences on my Christian walk making it difficult to tolerate certain situations. And with my past, I’m not real keen on the idea of this “do this to fit in” control stuff and all that goes on, like being accountable: to who and what? Or, subservient and yielding “without question”. Again, to who and what?
After hearing the holy voice of the “Living Waters”, am I to obey men/women instead of God? Was Martin L. King wrong? No! He was there in my so-called “vision.” And I used to be a very predjudiced white boy. He had his dream/vision, and that’s one I’ll buy, “now”. I don’t know why it is if you’re not in a clique, in their status, their partner, in perfect agreement with “their” doctrine, then you/I will not be heard. We/I will be cursed, accused of being an accuser of the brethren, or a blasphemer. At the least ignored, or not made to feel welcome at all. The older folks and others set in their ways refuse examination on all levels, have created untold harm out of their perfection. (Don’t make the mistake of being new and sit in the wrong pew either). Too many talk the talk, but can’t or won’t walk the walk. Preachers remain silent in the pulpit to please, and stroke. Oops, don’t speak too hard, might upset a wolf. Introspection, and truth hurts. Pharisees may topple from their high pedestals. Folks may hear the truth through their own ears, realizing they have been lazy and dependent on another’s truth. Yet, if one speaks of individual truth, and questions, we are treated and talked to about terribly. Am I to expect that to be Christian?
What’s really horrible is that I do not have all that “healthy” support. I don’t have much family, no-one to really talk too. You know someone that has been there, done that, or that can at least try to understand this bitter/sweet passion of mine. Someone that won’t say “I can help but it will cost you $400.00 an hour”. Or the ones according to their religious beliefs say I am to remain silent, not utter a word about it. It has really been tough to find my path in this thing. If you can tolerate a little honesty. That’s why I say I just do not fit in. Seemingly around here anyway. That’s why I belong in this rain forest. Away from all the games and hate. Oh, and concrete!
Dating has been a thing of the past. Been searching for that elusive soulmate to no avail. And I am not that bad of a guy now at all. I have to look at what our culture is breeding too, as well as all the superficial stuff, and what is called successful. Success to me “now” is not celebrity status, high scale living, having the most toys, women, drugs. Nor is it in our levels of education, pop culture, and etc. “We have all gone astray”. It’s not all that trendy, cultural stuff. But in love and charity, true compassion.
Now don’t think I’m a shining example of Christianity, or some Saint, I’m not. If I hit myself hard with a hammer I’m not jumping up and down, flopping around like a cat fish on the sand bank saying — Thank Ya Jesus!! Nope, not yet. heh heh 🙂 I’m human (God it feels great), I know what I do Know and Know what I don’t. I’m open and willing to talk about the spiritual path with anyone.
This story may be used, but not for profit. Also, it is not intended to be twisted (as I have seen before) to suit any one particular dogma, or belief.
Some parting thoughts for you to consider. What if you had something like this happen to you? What and how do you really think you would react? Would you be awe struck, or be acting goofy like some claim? Think you would be able to get a word in edgewise if the Lord was talking to you? Would you really walk away with a hate, or disdain for others of his creation? Think after that you could live above human suffering, and ignore it? Think you could just give a little money and feel content in doing God’s wishes? Not the giving of yourself? Think you would be perfect all the rest of your days here? I really think it’s time people take a good close look at things beyond their comfort/convenient/fitting in zone.
And really ask yourself minus other’s interpretations of it….What Would Jesus “Really Do” — T.
(This experience came to me anon, it shows the struggle an experiencer goes through after being introduced to the spirit world. Everything is real again, the mind is clear. But it takes a bit to integrate back into the physical. Took me a little over three years to do it. You learn to live in the physical but not be of the physical.)
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.