
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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In the silence

In the silence
To be still and hear
the calling of my soul

To be touched by the light
that infuses my body
with life

Light that gives me strength
as I allow myself
to tap into a knowing of truth

In silence I can hear
the quiet whisper
of love itself

I can hear
the laughter of joy
as it encourages me
to open myself
ever so gently to touch
the heart of another

In silence I can hear
the message from my own heart
beating in time
giving the breath of life
that makes way for energy,
movement and expansion
of my truest Self

A Self that is embraced,
honored and loved

Living in faith

Surrounded by hope

Protected by the light in fact,
the essence of what is

It is in the silence of my soul that
I am able to fully connect to the divine light
That lives within,
shines through and connects us all…


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Spiritual Reality: Near Death Experiences (2010)

There is a spiritual awakening going on right now in mass proportions and is growing exponentially. By the end of this video, you’ll have no doubts about our true, divine reason for being here. You’ll feel uplifted and re-energized! Please share this with others!

© 2010 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Audible Life Stream

The author, Alistair Conwell, was born in India and grew up in Australia. He has two psychology degrees and has travelled widely. His articles on spirituality and meditation have been published internationally. O-Books is a publisher of books on body, mind and spirit themes.

© 2010 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Light, the Enlightenment

In the typical near death experience, right after becoming aware of being out of body and floating around, a light appears far off down a tunnel. The experiencer begins to gravitate towards that light, enter the tunnel and start going faster and faster toward the light. In the tunnel may be seen others going toward the light also.

The Light is very bright, but doesn’t hurt the eyes to look upon it. Entering the Light the experiencer is surrounded, permeated by the golden Light. The Light has substance, texture, and as it envelopes the experiencer love, caring, and compassion are felt. Total love, unconditional love is heaped upon the experiencer along with total acceptance. The experiencer feels at home, the place he has always belonged, and never wants to leave again.

Questions begin to flow from the experiencer: “Where am I; What am I doing here; Am I dead; Is this heaven; Where is God?” All these questions are immediately answered in a consciousness to consciousness transfer, to ask is to receive. As each question is asked, it is answered, the knowledge of the whole universe, and its full meaning are available. Huge amounts of knowledge pass from the Light to the experiencer. This is the enlightment part of the near death experience. However, when the experiencer returns to his physical body, not all of the knowledge given can be brought back with him. The physical dimension doesn’t have the language, nor the concepts to explain all of what the experiencer learned in the spiritual dimension. But while all is not remembered there is enough retained to change the experiencer’s life forever. His perception of physical life will never be the same again.

Some believe the Light is God, and some don’t. There is a realization that the Light contains everything, all consciousness including themselves, all energy, everything that exists, in both spiritual and physical dimensions. It is All-That-Is, and some call the Light by that name. Some call it the Oneness of all things in which they are a part.

Next, the experiencer will notice “Beings of Light”, coming toward him.

See “Beings of Light.”

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