My Humble NDE

A friend fell asleep while driving and the car left the freeway. As a front seat passenger, I awoke to what looked like footage in a safari film; I remember the grass moving by quickly and the “picture” shown in the windshield was bouncing up and down. Instantly time seemed to slow down to almost a standstill as is usual with a person experiencing shock. The car began to flip over and I experienced an explosion of light in my head like fireworks.

This I would later interpret as the subjective effect to my head hitting the top of the car. I felt the sense of tumbling and repeated flashes of light. The sense of terror and complete helplessness was voiced internally as “Is this it?” It was a shocked sense of having one’s life, that which one holds familiar and precious, coming to an end and with a suddenness which is unimaginable. With this sense of disbelief, I had a strong sense of wanting the tumbling and explosions of light to stop.

The separation of “self” from the identity with my body was not a mental event that seemed unusual, now that I look back at it. Like slipping into an immediate dream when one lies down to sleep, but then snaps back to normal wakefulness, I did not have an awareness of any event of separation. What was totally unique was a strong sense of movement, that is, the “self” as a conscious entity was moving toward somewhere. I had a very clear sense of movement to another place. I had a sense that this place was inhabited by others and that it was a place with physical dimension but filmly as I now picture a subtler reality. The most important sense I experienced was the familiarilty of this movement. My experience was that of having made this passage before. There was a super- or hyper-real quality to this experience. At the moment of experiencing this sense of movement, I knew it was familiar. It seemed an instant later, the car came to a stop as if it were dropped from the sky. I was back in my pre-tumbling reality.

From this experience I have taken a view of the separate “self” of mental continuum as well as an appreciation of the idea of previous lives.

I offer this to you simply with the hope that it might reinforce some good quality mind.


© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Living in Truth

The most important thing in life is to live in truth. Everyone knows what truth is, but don’t always live up to walking the path. “Do the right thing,” is another way of saying live in truth. If you are honest with yourself, and your motives, life will be more understandable and pleasant. Don’t gossip, or repeat negative things you hear about others. If you are unsure what to believe, research it, ask, find out for yourself. Don’t make assumptions, or jump to conclusions. Take things at face value. Above all, seek truth with love, for without love nothing matters.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

God is Light

God is right before your eyes every moment (if there is such a thing as a moment while contemplating God). As our physicists journey deeper into the realms of the atom, they continue to find only smaller packets of energy they classify as particles. I don’t understand why they call them particles when they are just another level of energy. I suppose it has something to do with the need to quantify an experience for the purposes of duplication.

Interesting…. the need for duplication.

I, and others of greater or less worth, have contemplated life. Hmmmm…. here we have energy forming itself into a situation where it contemplates itself…. Then it attempts to duplicate itself. The story goes on and on.

Consciousness flows and renews itself all the time.

A river will have it’s way even if you remove it’s bed.

Each of us are our own specific branch of that river. If we don’t supply the nutrients to our surroundings then we don’t get the shade necessary to keep us from being absorbed by an even stronger flow of energy.

There’s nothing really wrong with being absorbed because nothing is lost to God. Since you are energy… you are God. So you can’t fade away.

It’s interesting that we, as God, struggle to understand this. By the same token, I’m not surprised.

There is much more to God than we suspect — which is exactly why we exist. We are God’s questions about Itself to Itself.

…Points of view with many questions… Heroes for those who greet us on the other side to extract whatever answers we may offer in God’s timeless search to know Itself.

We are, indeed, the fold. The fold that looks back upon itself to know more of what it is.

…… ‘scuze me… I got a little carried away… 🙂

Bart Scott

© 2007 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Interesting Experience

It happened to me more than once. The first time was actually silly when  I look back on it. I used to play sports on weekends from morning to night. The first time with a NDE was when I played basketball over a 12 or 15 hour [forgot] stretch. With one group in the morning, another in the afternoon, and another into the night – full court, lots of running. Felt fine, but very exhausted, until my heart gave out later. I was very fast and always running. Never thought about over-doing it back then, that was for old people.

There is a lot of stuff I left out of my essay. The initial experience. How it felt to look down on my body and feel happy I wasn’t trapped by it anymore. How it felt to see for the first time empty space was something else. I was able to look at objects in the room and see them receding backwards in time  Stretching backwards into time. Noticing the future was more fuzzy, breaking into different paths, new senses of a sort. I felt THOUGHTS supporting REALITY, but not like the fragile ones which occupy our minds, a deeper type of THOUGHT. I could see THE ESSENCE OF THOUGHT, how it couldn’t be worn down by time [another thought-relationship]. I remember thinking how it was so obvious now that only something like it could endure eternity without wearing away. These underlying THOUGHT STRUCTURES construct REALITY. SOULS were what PURPOSE was really all about. I looked into the fabric of what was, down into the smallest parts, seeing it floated off NOTHING. And looking around me, all around me, into what seemed outer space, sensing the pulsing of an infinite mind conjuring it all up. I also noticed my soul was attached to something much bigger than what I thought I was, going back into what I fully was [don’t ask]. I was into the white light, but rudely felt my death had come too early by accident, I was pushed bad. I struggled to remain, but couldn’t force it against whatever it was, I really was, and the others I sensed around me who were watching.

Somehow I was able to sense beings who were so advanced they could walk the spiritual and physical worlds at the same time. And what now seems strange to me, but not then, they had an ability to re-structure the physical laws of any physical body they occupied so they could adjust to different universes with different physical laws.

I saw at the bottom of all reality was NOTHINGNESS. But what was, was always growing and new places were always being created. And the creation was always working/creating. Reality will always grow. Spirits follow it.

Another time I saw where I would be buried someday, zoomed into the ground where my body [this one] would be, expecting to see just dark dirt underground, I did, but then I zoomed through the body into the white light, I was thinking with same clarity and control you have when you’re awake, no different than what I have now as I’m writing this. The WHITENESS was so super white and it felt so good. I saw something like/was my own soul looking at me in amusement, remembering the experience from a backward perspective. Time doesn’t run the same in the white light as it does here.

Another time when I went into the white light, I heard conversation in my mind that my genes were too strong, my body would survive. That I wouldn’t be able to remain.

The first time I experienced the white light, it was many years before I wrote MAYBE – when I knew I couldn’t stay – no matter what. I sensed anger with me when I wanted to stay in the white light.

The last time was after. And I felt that MAYBE was somehow a good part of what I was supposed to do. But not all of it. Not yet. The anger was a lot less.

At the bottom I felt all spirits/souls came from the same source. Some are just further along the journey. But since the journey never really ends, where you are in life doesn’t really matter in the long run, just to those around you and how you effect them during a moment. Like Jesus advised, let the future take care of itself. Souls return to take care of their own times. The far future will have their souls to cope with its problems. Except today for the first time, before we become too mature or stable to not do it, we’re in position to self-destruct as a species. We have the weapons to destroy the human race. This time is more critical than most. For human souls that is.

Many who read this will have a difficult time with the imagery put forth in these experiences. But having seen some of these thoughts in my experiences all I can say is WOW. Don’t try to analyze, just enjoy.


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