Reflections or to guide others in contemplation.
Meditation is listening to silence. It is clearing your mind of the clutter left by expectations, worry, and fear to bring into focus the peace that is yours for the asking. Meditation doesn’t have to be formal. It can be done anytime there’s a lull in your daily routine. Make it a practice to empty your thoughts, and rest in the stillness for a few moments. If you find it difficult to empty your mind, then replace the thoughts you have with one more appealing to you. A sail ship slowly making way on still water. A gentle wind moving through a lush green forest. A person you love. Whatever brings you to peace. Meditation is a path of balance, use it often.
“Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.”
Benjamin Franklin, American printer,
writer, philosopher, scientist and inventor, 1706-1790
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Meeting People
The reason these experiences are called “Near Death Experiences” is due to the interaction with people which the experiencer meets while clinically dead. The experiencer may meet deceased relatives, friends, or loved ones, as well as persons unknown to the experiencer. These individuals may be called Light Beings, Angels, Guides, or Teachers.
The one most remembered by the experiencer is the one who tells them they must go back into their body and finish their physical lives. This person could be a relative, loved one, religious figure, or someone unknown. Usually the experiencer resists going back, wanting to stay in the spirit world. But they are reasoned, or forced, back into their bodies to finish their life in the physical.
While this is the most common experience there can be variations of it. Sometimes a choice is given to remain in the spiritual, or to go back into the physical. Here the experiencer must decide what to do. Each experience is unique to the experiencer. No two are exactly alike.
Since no two experiences are exactly alike many other things can happen in the interaction with people met during the experience. Relatives can tell the experiencer things previously unknown. In one experience a relative told the experiencer where to find their last will. In another where to find some hidden money. On occasion the experiencer will meet a relative unknown to them and verify the relative was real after coming back to life, or meet a relative they didn’t know was dead.
Experiencers may be shown buildings, art, the hall of records, the crystal city, among many other things. Colors, music, flowers, and fauna they had never before seen.
Some will be given a life review. Their life will pass before them on a screen while they review how they interacted with others during their physical life so far. They will feel what others felt during the process. If they harmed an individual in any way the experiencer will feel the same pain felt by the person they harmed, and conversely, if they helped an individual in any way the experiencer will feel the same joy felt by the person they helped. This is sometimes call the judgement. It is judged only by the experiencer though light beings will be present to help if asked. Life reviews are teachings that help us to change our attitudes and feelings toward others so we may be more loving individuals.
There may be other things happen that I have not remembered. I hope this writing will encourage you to read a lot of near death experiences. The more you read, the more you will understand the nature of this phenomenon. There are over 300 experiences on this site, some small, some large. I posted them exactly as I received them with only a spell checker run on them and words that were mispelled corrected.
This is what makes experiencers know their experiences were real. You may have heard skeptics say near death experiences are just hallucinations, delusions, and such, that can be reproduced by scientists using drugs or electical stimulation techniques. This, of course, is totally false. The research now being done on near death experiences is showing that consciousness does indeed live after the death of the brain and body. I hope you will read the current research as well as many near death experiences.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Evolve, to open out gradually to the view or understanding, become known.
Everything, including yourself is unfolding before you. Who knows what the next fold will bring, maybe something expected and maybe not. Life is a mystery, don’t take things for granted. Assumptions have no place here. Our lot is to watch with loving care the evolution of ourselves. So many today leap to conclusions before the whole is known. Unfolding teaches us the whole can never be known, so move through life as a child in a toy factory. Laughing, playing and learning all about ourselves.
“Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.”
Ray Bradbury, American science-fiction,
short stories, and novels writer, 1920.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
The Light
Near death experiences are unique to each person, as each person is unique. No two are exactly alike. However, there are many similarities in the experiences. One of these similarities is the Light, I believe it is the most common of all similarities.
Not all near death experiencers see the Light, but most do see it. It usually starts as a small light in the distance and grows into a “brighter than the sun” Light that doesn’t hurt the eyes. The Light surrounds and permeates the experiencer. It is not just a Light, it brings with it knowledge, understanding, and unconditional Love. The experiencer is surrounded by love and compassion. The Light conveys knowledge of all things, understanding of self, and the importance of meaning in life.
Some believe the Light to be God, others the presence of God. The Light may also be seen as Pure Consciousness, that contains all creation within its eternal endlessness. There are no words to adequately describe the Light. I believe the Light to be even more than all these thoughts. To me the Light is the Source of all things, and within it all things have their being. We are within the Source and the Source is within us. The Light is also a force, the life force, that enhances the life force of the experiencer after they return to the physical world. This force heals, loves, and removes all fear from the experiencer.
This Light/Source/Force can be called God, or any other name for Divinity. Though it is universal, it is also personal. I don’t think its important to worry about a name.
When the experiencer returns to physical life they bring with them an enhanced life force. This is the reason for the “crazy” things that happen around, and to them. Some can’t wear watches because they stop running shortly after they put them on their wrist. I had several things happen to me. The first thing I noticed was feeling an electric-like vibration through my body. I couldn’t sleep for the first three days I was so energized. I started to replace a light bulb and it came on without being connected to any electricity. But the main thing was the healing, I was told I had only six months to live, that was 21 years ago. When I touched or hugged others they remarked how their pains vanished. I was approached by strangers in public who asked questions as if I was someone they thought would know the answer. But the energy or life force does diminish as time goes by. Now I can still feel the energy but not anything like right after the experience.
I will never forget the Light, it is a part of me, and I of it. I will try to explain more about other parts of the experience in a later writing. If you wish to ask questions, please do so.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.