
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Beautiful and Courageous

“Beautiful and Courageous You” by The Love Foundation. A video of affirmations full of courage. Good music, good thoughts.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Heart Stopped

A wonderful inspiration video, with excellent music. Seven hours in surgery with their heart stopped brought insight and love.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Incredible Brain

The Boy With The Incredible Brain

This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few savants. He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week. This documentary follows Daniel as he travels to America to meet the scientists who are convinced he may hold the key to unlocking similar abilities in everyone. He also meets the world’s most famous savant, the man who inspired Dustin Hoffman’s character in the Oscar winning film ‘Rain Man’.

As you watch the video notice that Daniel suffered some brain problems when very young. This was critical to his genius ability. Note also than “Rain Man” Kim Peek was born with brain damage. There is a pattern here that covers many such people with genius ability in some part of their life. It is also true of some psychics such as George Anderson and Uri Geller. It seems that when the brain is damaged in some people a genius talent emerges. This tends to make the brain a limiter of consciousness rather than a creator of consciousness.

Near death experiencers know this to be true also. Many experiencers go through a part of their experience where they are able to access all knowledge about all things. Their consciousness expands after they leave the confines of their body and enter the light. At this point their brain, left behind in their body, has no part in their experience, they become pure energy, sometimes called spirit. I am thinking that brain damage in some instances takes the brain, or part of the brain, out of the physical loop, thereby allowing the individual to become what we humans call a genius. They become individuals that can somehow access the spiritual realms, and are no longer limited to the physical realm by their brains.

I experienced this expansion of consciousness in my own near death experience, and know what it feels like. I describe it as: “like an earthquake to my beliefs; shaking, crumbling them to dust. I would never be the same again, the experience changed my perception of life forever.” All previous knowledge and beliefs that I held about my life, and this world, just didn’t matter any more. My consciousness expanded beyond the duality of this world into the Oneness of all creation. Then upon reentering my body most of this knowledge could no longer be accessed due to the limitations of my brain and body.

Below I have gathered quotes from a few near death experiences showing the effects of this “all knowledge” phenomenon. Clicking on the bold “lead-in” will take you to the whole near death experience.

There was total peace. I was surrounded on all sides by a black void. I was no longer frightened. I was comfortable and content to be where I was. No fear…no pain…just peace and comfort and amazingly undaunted curiosity. Immediately the blackness began to erupt into a myriad of stars and I felt as if I were at the center of the Universe with a complete panoramic view in all directions. The next instant I began to feel a forward surge of movement. The stars seemed to fly past me so rapidly that they formed a tunnel around me. I began to sense awareness, knowledge. The farther forward I was propelled the more knowledge I received. My mind felt like a sponge, growing and expanding in size with each addition. The knowledge came in single words and in whole idea blocks. I just seemed to be able to understand everything as it was being soaked up or absorbed. I could feel my mind expanding and absorbing and each new piece of information somehow seemed to belong. It was as if I had known already but forgotten or mislaid it, as if it were waiting here for me to pick it up on my way by. I kept growing with knowledge, evolving, expanding and thirsting for more. It was amazing, like being a child again and experiencing something brand new and beautiful, a wonderful new playground. As each second passed there was more to learn, answers to questions, meanings and definitions, philosophies and reasons, histories, mysteries and so much more, all pouring into my mind. I remember thinking, “I knew that, I know I did, where has it all been.”

I said to the Light: “All this Love for me?”, without words of course. You only need to think there, and you know they know. In fact, I seemed to know everything. I felt as large as a galaxy. Knowing everything. I did not need to turn away from the Light but could see the whole world going on behind me, past, present and future. I always wondered what it was like for our ancestors coming across on the ships and I could see clearly a vision of a ship sailing on rough seas, mixed in with my life scenes and the future which was a bit foggy.

I floated along slowly, I would float in the background. At one point I would see other people greeting the other floaters in the corridor, they hugged and held hands and some walked hand in hand towards the light. I did not recognize anyone. I asked a lot of questions, but it was strange, I thought of the question in my mind, but they were answered before I thought of them? I started to panic, I realized this was death, I started to get scared, “what was happening to me,” at that moment a boy came through the tunnel fog. He was probably 12, (I have no idea who it was) he smiled and waved to me. All my fear then disappeared.

A feeling of extreme peace and joy came over me as I began to realize I was home again. I was where I belonged and I was not interested in returning. Then my mind cleared and finally I understood everything I had ever wondered about. All the mysteries of the world were right there in my mind. Not that I asked about anything or that she told me anything, I just remembered! I just thought, “oh well, I just forgot everything while I was there.”

I had all knowledge.

Hello! I just discovered this message board today.

I feel that I had a NDE after a car accident 2 years ago. It was like one minute all my questions were answered and when I woke up I could barely remember what I was told. I do remember asking if I would remember.

In my choice to live or die, the consequence of coming back was not having the knowledge and the open-mindedness. I tried to remember something anyway. I think all that I remember is that people waste so much energy on small issues that really have no purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, I hope this helps. — L.H.

Then there was a beautiful glowing pearly white light. I was completely absorbed in it. It was all love, all knowledge, all happiness. We have nothing to compare it to here. Just think of the happiest most loving time you have ever had and multiply it by a million and you still couldn’t come close to it. I was absorbed in all knowledge. I knew everything there ever was to know and it was good. I thought of two pastors I knew and it made me laugh to know how surprised they were going to be. I also knew it didn’t matter one bit that all was as it should be. I saw my children’s lives ahead of them, saw they had much to learn and many hard lessons but it was all good and that our lives…

These quotes are only a tiny part of the NDEs available on the Internet and in the media. I have over three hundred of them on my web site. I hope this writing will further the understanding that the brain is not the creator of our consciousness and/or personality. That this writing will evidence the need to use the knowledge gathered from near death experiences to make our lives better and broader here in the physical realm.

© 2009 – 2012, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Merged with Loving Being

Another video of a near death experience.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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