I decided to post a list of things that skeptics claim cause near death experiences, or can duplicate a near death experience. These “causes” were taken directly from skeptical articles and writings. In truth, skeptics know very little about near death experiences, I have never met one that did. The one important fact that they ignore is that NDEs are really caused by clinical death. We have good, solid research on this, showing that consciousness continues after the death of the brain and body. Nothing physical can cause a classical near death experience. But on the list below are only physical causes because skeptics still falsely believe that the spiritual world is nonsense. That is their loss.
Hallucinations caused by trauma
Ketamine, a general anaesthetic and tranquilizer
Anecdotal nonsense
Fizzing neurons in my oxygen-starved brain
Anesthesia awareness, in which a person is conscious but can’t move
Fighter pilots experiencing rapid acceleration in a centrifuge
Psychosis, due to severe neurochemical imbalance
Sluggish brain activity
Sound transmission through the operating table itself (love this one)
Dimethyltryptamine, (DMT) a naturally-occurring tryptamine and psychedelic drug
Electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe
High levels of carbon dioxide (hypercarbia)
REM intrusion
Cascade of electrical activity in a dying brain
LSD, psilocarpine, and/or mescaline
Altered blood levels of carbon dioxide and potassium
Pineal gland, home to this “spirit molecule.”
Recollections, consisting of fragmented and random memories
Delusions while using drugs or alcohol
Tricks of the mind
False memories
Brain states that occur due to a dying
Neural noise, the effect would be a light at the center
Cerebral anoxia, the lack of oxygen to the brain
Dissociation, a typical reaction to stress
Rapid firing of neuronal mechanisms
NDE accounts may have been contaminated
NDEs are the work of Satan
Telepathic communications from doctors, nurses
Overheard while in a groggy state
Use of Ouija board while stoned on marijuana
Septic shock, from myocardial ischemia (Cardiogenic shock)
Temporolimbic epilepsy
Dreams, just dreams
Near-Death Experiences are in the Mind
Nothing more than neuronal events
(Now which one is it, or it is all of them, or part of them, that a rational person is supposed to believe. Skeptics speak nonsense.)
After looking through this list if you see anything I have missed, please add it as a comment to this post. I will thank you for it.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
In a near death experience after the person has entered the Light, he may notice “Beings of Light” coming towards him. Some experiencers see only one Light Being while others may see large numbers of them. These Light Beings are individuals living in the spirit realms. The experiencer may recognize some of them as deceased loved ones or relatives. While others will be perceived as high spiritual Beings such as Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc. Each near death experience is unique to the individual having the experience. No two are exactly alike, but all have similar characteristics.
There are several different levels of interaction between the experiencer and the Light Beings. The experiencer may meet his deceased relatives and loved ones with hugs, even his deceased pets may be present. There will be conversation, and some of the conversation may be verified upon the return to physical life by the experiencer. There are NDE accounts were a deceased relative revealed where he had hidden his Last Will, or a sum of money, or other valuables, and upon returning to physical life the experiencer was able to find these items where his deceased relative said they would be. Sometimes the experiencer will meet deceased relatives unknown to him, and upon returning able to verify they were indeed relatives previously unknown to him.
The experiencer’s interaction with the Light Beings perceived as some religious figure can be manyfold. The perceived religious Light Being may tell the experiencer he must go back to his body. That it is not time for him to enter the spirit world. That he still has much to do and learn before his physical life is over. Usually this starts an argument, the experiencer does not want to go back to his body, and continue physical life. But with a gentle nudge, or push the experiencer is forced back into his body.
The experiencer may be “shown around” the spiritual world. Here there are accounts of seeing “The Park”, and the “Crystal City” behind it, where museums, libraries, schools, and residences can be seen. This event may be most any type of scenery, but the Park, and the Crystal City are the most common.
Now the experiencer may go through a “Life Review” where his whole physical life passes before him in a critique. Here he can determine how well he lived the physical life, and what he learned from it.
Then some experiencers are shown the future of their physical lives, and the future the world will take on some events. A young girl may be shown her future children, and who she will marry. Upon returning the experiencer watches these events come to past. One experiencer said it’s like living your life twice.
The interactions with the preceived religious Light Beings can be anything and everything. Each experience is unique. I suggest the reading of near death experiences to better understand them. There are literally thousands of them posted on the Internet. I have over 300 hundred of them on my web site.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
The typical near death experience starts with going out of body. If this happens in an emergency room on the operating table the patient experiences himself above his body floating near the ceiling of the room. If he is in a car wreck he will be floating above the wreck observing all the activity going on below. The location doesn’t matter.
While out-of-body the experiencer will be able to observe all the activity below and around him. This is usually a great surprise to the experiencer and he tries to contact people around him, but soon finds they can neither see nor hear him. It is at this point the experiencer realizes he is dead. Dead yet fully alive with all the faculties of his consciousness intact.
This is no dream, illusion, or hallucination, we know that it is real due to the years of research done, and still being done, on near death experiences. While science can’t measure the out-of-body sequence because it is a personal experience, they can measure the accuracy of the observations of an experiencer while he is out of body. This has been done hundreds of time. These experiences are called veridical near death experiences. They are experiences that have been verified by attending surgeons and staff.
In a veridical near death experience, the patient dies on the operating table, and goes out of body. While out of body the patient observes the doctors frantically working on his now dead body in an attempt to bring it back to life. While this is going on the out-of-body patient observes the doctor’s and staff’s behaviour, and hears every word the doctor and staff say. He may even notice unusual things like someone knocking over a stool or dropping an instrument. When he is brought back to life, he re-enters his body, opens his eyes, and tells the doctor what just happened to him, and describes what he saw while out of body. The doctors and staff verify as accurate his description of what happened while he was clinically dead. This accuracy verification is what makes the experience a veridical near death experience.
These veridical NDEs were responsible for starting the research into near death experiences. More than one surgeon gave up his surgical career to devote full time to researching near death experiences. Now after over 30 years of research at dozens of universities with hundreds of doctors participating, the evidence clearly shows that our consciousness will survive the death of our bodies. We are spiritual people inhabiting a physical body, and that we do not die.
I will show some links below to much of this research for those interested in reading more about this subject.
A recently published book outlining the research on near death experiences.
A link showing more links to many of the studies and research done on near death experiences.
A well documented veridical NDE of a surgery.
Some documentaries on near death experiences.
Another writing on veridical NDEs.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Car Wreck/Becoming a Spirit
The best moment I know of, was when I died, and went to our real home. Coming back to this world and dealing with it is the worse. It is not (earth) my favorite place any longer!
I did not remember the wreck, so this is heresay, but my account of my visit as SPIRIT IS FACT.
Taking a ride in a 1969 convertable corvette in South Jersey, we hit a tree at 80 mph. Driver went out his door window before car flipped over. I went half out the roof as car flipped and slid 100 ft. down the road. Police set flares up, but could not get the car off of me. Another car did not yield for the flares and ran over me knocking the corvette off me. (Wow I was lucky).
Amazingly, I woke up a week later, I had been in a coma, in the hospital. As my eyes opened I didn’t have any idea what is going on.
The feeling I felt of love was so strong; never felt unconditional love before. The only thought I had was this is the dimension of our lord.
In this dark place, looking around, I noticed I had 100 percent of complete thought as normal with no body. I knew I was at the gate to heaven, the love I dwelled in was so intense. The place was so beautiful, tranquil, the best.
This bright, pearly light was to my right. I wanted to go to my father. Then in front of me, two large white translucent hands appeared; palms up, together, offering me the light. Then, to my left, an arm waving for me to come to the light. Then they pointed to me. I said: “THERE IS SOMETHING IN LIFE I HAVE NOT ACHIEVED YET.”
After that, I have more energy, so strong and life is different. People don’t understand; can’t help my confusion; they laugh sometimes; they make me feel bad. But I know I am good, and can not wait to leave this world and go home to my father! B.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.