(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).
I was just thinking how in our physical world, so many are afraid of spirituality. As is often the case, many of the NDErs are often hesitant in sharing their NDEs for fear of being labeled crazy and definitely not understood. Thus even though their messages and their experiences are so profound, it often takes years before their story is ever told.
Of course, perhaps it took them awhile to understand the whole experience, to even make sense of it, and I do notice that since science, awareness, NDE studies and medical intervention is better now, there are newer accounts told sooner rather than years later.
Fortunately, the experiences are so clear and don’t change, so at least the details are clear. Yet, how much more we could all have benefited if people as a whole were not so fearful of expressing their spirituality, thus allowing those who have wonderful NDE messages to share, feel more comfortable to share them?
I have often tried to bring out NDE stories from others I know have had them, and they just will not speak of it. To me, it is a beautiful jewel to be shown to whoever is interested, or even not, as we never know when someone may benefit later. I truly believe these are gifts to us all. NDErs are today’s messengers of hope, meant to bring loving change, and purpose to us all, particularly the experiencer.
But I do understand cuz when I start to speak of spirituality to people in any form, they start being uncomfortable. Sadly, it is all the superficial things that many want to hear, not the stuff that truly matters.
So as we have come a long ways, and there are many NDErs now, I applaud them all for their courage to share when they do, and I thank them all for the gifts within their message. It is not an easy task they are here to do, but every share counts, and does make a difference, somehow.
So I ask everyone, if you have had a NDE, please dont be afraid to speak of it, to any who will hear as it just might be the thing they need to hear, but do not know just yet. It is the seed that will blossom, but whether or not you see its bloom, does not matter, for the one that hears, that bloom can make all the difference in their life’s outlook. Your share is a gift of LOVE.
Thanks for reading, hugs
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).
Thank you for your kindness. I’m very science-oriented — I love science. The thing that these NDE skeptics don’t understand is that the credible, CONCRETE evidence is right there — right in front of them. I’m baffled by these folks. Truly.
I have a Ph.D. and was quite focused on neuropsychology. Two things I absolutely know — anoxia does not have the power to change a person profoundly — for the rest of their lives. It only has the power to damage their brains! To argue that anoxia produces this experience is ridiculous, and has no scientific validity.
The other thing is that when a person is clinically dead, there is NO WAY they can have the perspective of looking down on the scene, recalling discussion, activities, instruments, etc., and see what is going on with family members in other locations, etc. How on earth do those folks wish to explain that?
I’m now a professor. I don’t do clinical work any longer, other than helping out individuals on a voluntary basis as they occasionally come to me. My students know I am rock-solid science-based. And I make it clear I am not qualified to teach theology. Then I tell them about NDEs and the solid evidence that these experiences are REAL. I tell them there is no way we can explain NDEs as brain functioning, brain failure, response to medication, etc.
And you know what? I don’t really care what people think. I know they are real — they will learn about this eventually. And I know I’ll have that experience — maybe tomorrow — maybe when I’m 101. Who knows? But knowing about these wonderful experiences is so thrilling and comforting. Strange juxtaposition, but I know you understand. I tell my students about them to give them hope and comfort, to illustrate some of the limits of skepticism, and to encourage them to be open minded. And you know what? Once in a while, one of them has had such an experience. Lovely!
I hope I am doing something good. I hope I am helping people to be the best THEM they can be. I hope I am motivating and encouraging and inspiring them. If I can do that, I will feel my life was well spent.
Peace and love to you — thank you for your kindness. You’re doing some great things.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).
Supposedly there are a lot of us around, but we seem pretty
scarce to me. I do know one man not too far from me who had a much more in depth NDE than mine. We have been in touch occasionally and that is a help. My NDE happened 9 years ago this April after heart surgery. It was brief as the nurse taking care of me had atropine close by and restarted my heart in about one or two minutes. I have gotten advice and counsel from such as PMH Atwater who responds to emails. When I first got home from the hospital, the light bulbs in our house began to blow out and would blow again as quickly as we would replace them. She helped with that craziness. Since then, I have had many other after effects. Dr. Greyson suggested that I choose carefully the people that I share these with. His explanation is that some people are more opened up by the NDE. It’s these things that I have wanted to talk with other experiencers about. I am a RN but my first degree was in psychology. It sounds crazy even to me. I found a wonderful psychologist who was not scared by the NDE and has been such a help to me, mainly by telling me that I am sane. I share my NDE with anyone who wants to hear about it, but I keep the rest to myself. Does any of this sound like what you have gone through?
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
What causes a near death experience.
We are individual spiritual consciousnesses enjoying a physical life created for the purpose of self learning. Picture yourself standing on the edge of two dimensions. One spiritual and the other physical. If you look outward from your physical body (which is only a communication tool) you will focus into the physical dimension. If you look inward through the physical body you will focus into the spiritual dimension. Christians will remember reading when Jesus was asked where the Kingdom of God was, He replied: “The Kingdom of God is within you”.
Unfortunately, many are focused so intensely in the outward physical dimension that they can no longer feel or believe in the inward spiritual dimension. However, when the physical body dies, the individual consciousness returns to the spiritual dimension which is home.
If you direct your point of consciousness inward and hold it there. After a time, the physical world will begin to fade, dimmer and dimmer. Eventually you will see the light and feel the love that NDEers do. You may also meet deceased friends and experience other NDE-like events. You will have entered the fringe of the spiritual dimension. This process, I have described, is called meditation. Meditation is the safest, most reliable way to visit the spiritual dimension, and there are many, many varieties of it. If you read the literature on meditation you will find an abundance of NDE-like events mentioned. In fact, some Yogi masters warn their students to ignore the lights, and things they may see because they believe it is a distraction from the purity of the meditation.
However, meditation has one very large drawback. It may take many months, even years of daily practice to learn how to lower the physical senses (focus) to the degree necessary to experience the spiritual dimension. And, for one reason or another, some practitioners are never able to reach the spiritual. So, over the centuries, man has devised, and discovered shortcut methods.
These methods included anything that could diminish, or fade the physical senses. Sweatlodges, dancing in circles for hours, staring into crystal balls, watching pendulums swing, and of course a wide assortment of drugs. Peyote, loco weed, hash, opium, and now Ketamine. The drug Ketamine, along with numerous others, diminishes, lowers the physical senses (focus) of man and allows the spiritual dimension to be experienced. The real NDE is caused by the death of the body which temporarily cancels ALL physical focus, thereby producing the intense spiritual experience that it is. A severe warning about drugs is needed here. The use of drugs to enter the world of spirit can be very dangerous for those who are unprepared emotionally for the trip. The results can be disasterous to the personality of the individual.
In summary: the world of spirit is alive and well. The drug Ketamine, and any others that may be developed in the future, only allows the spiritual experience, and does not cause it. The Near Death Experience is very real, and is, exactly what it appears to be: man encountering his Creator at the time of his physical death. The NDE is a wake-up call. It is time to return to our roots of Love, and Compassion for ourselves and others.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.