Musings . . .

Musings for the moment, by Gisl

Musings for the moment…How many times can we be rejected and still reach out to others in Love? As many times and as often as it takes… until we take our last breath…the pain of rejection is felt for the other too because they do not realize the loss in the beauty and joy there could be in Oneness remembered. But with Love, we will always seek to be, expand, unite, and gather back unto our eternal Oneness with the Light, and so it is our destiny to reach out, again and again to when there is no such thing as rejection, but complete Oneness.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Heart Stopped


A wonderful inspiration video, with excellent music. Seven hours in surgery with their heart stopped brought insight and love.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Reversed Thoughts

One of the things I learned from my near death experience was to reverse my thinking. All my life I believed in certain “truths” that were now reversed by my near death experience. My experience left me changed in my understanding of relationships with others. My thoughts are now known to be powerfully important, after once being of little consequence to me. Forgiving was a gift I gave to those who offended me, now it has become a gift I give to myself. The same with non-judging others.

I understand Love is unconditional, or it isn’t love, but before my experience I thought love came in different forms, and degrees, because my knowledge of love was deficient. So many things have I learned. I learned about reverberating emotions. How they go from myself to others where they can cause a reaction of the same emotion. Then these reactive emotions spread out like waves of water from a dropped pebble. Angry emotions from one person can infect an entire crowd with anger. Causing them to act in ways they would not think of individually. However, it only works with those in the crowd holding anger within themselves. There are always those who remain unaffected, who hold no anger within themselves.

Do you know what emotions you hold within yourself? Are you angry with someone or something, can’t get it out of your mind. Give yourself a gift and forgive, both yourself and the object of your anger. Anger, like acid, eats away at you all the time you hold it within yourself. Let it go with forgiveness and feel better. Get on with your life.

Learn to hold love within yourself, and turn anger aside with a soft voice filled with love and caring. Practice being kind, caring, and compassionate. You will personally feel better for it. You will find peace, and joy in holding love within yourself to share with others.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

An Inspirational Video


You are an eternal spirit living a physical life, you are greater than you know. You have the unlimited power of choice, unlimited possibilities.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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