Life After Death


Can we know that we will live after the death of our bodies. Current research indicates that we will continue to live after death. Knowing this, what will you do with the rest of your life?

© 2010 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



I stand here in the moonlight. I close my eyes. No thinking. I need to be in silence, that´s the way I find peace. I need to meditate in God. Because there are no sounds from cars honking on the street.

I open my eyes to sunshine, and I feel you’re all around me (God). That I can see God reveal yourself to me. He knows how many hairs are on my head. He knows how many words that I speak. He knows how many times that I breathe in one day.

I open my arms to let You in. You give me strength. Fill my body with your peace. God reveal yourself to me.

Oh Lord, I just want to be alone with You.


© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

The Source

The Source is the Creator of all things everywhere, the Source has many names in many different cultures. Here we call the Source “God.” There are no accidental creations, all things have purpose and meaning. We have taken a physical body in order to learn this purpose and meaning. Our bodies may be fragile, become weak, feel alone, and fearful, but we are not our bodies. We are not weak nor fearful, as long as we remember our Source.

We are born of God, we are His children, and in His image. That means we existed before our birth to physical parents, and we shall live after our mortal body ceases to be. We are eternal beings born of God, and reborn into the physical life of man.

God is our real Father. His love for us is unconditional. He loves us for who and what we are, His children. Our future is safe and secure, God’s love does not waiver for any reason.

There are many in the physical who say we must do this, or we must do that in order to be worthy of God’s love. They are wrong. God’s love is our birthright, it is our’s freely given by God. There is nothing we must do or not do to achieve His love. God accepts us just as we are. We were created in His perfection and will remain perfect whatever happens during our physical journey. His love is always there, no one can take it from us, nor can anyone deceive us into believing we have lost God’s love. God’s love is greater than any mistake we will ever make. His love is unconditional, it is given asking nothing in return.

However, there may be some that don’t feel God’s love, and safety, some that can’t find their connection to the Source. Their physical body is full of fear, pain, anxiety, and depression. They wrongly believe they are their physical body not allowing love to enter for fear it will hurt them. They hold tightly onto the hurts of the past instead of forgiving those hurts and dismissing them. They falsely believe others don’t like them when it is they that don’t like themselves. Yet it is unknown to them that it is love that completes the connection to the Source. It is your love of God and His creations that connect you to the Source.

Allow your heart to open and receive God’s love for you, it is totally free, no strings attached. Love yourself as God loves you, just the way you are, no need to change anything, love yourself for who and what you are, God’s child whom He loves dearly. Love all of yourself every beauty and blemish, every good habit and bad, every good deed and bad, every good thought and bad, accept all your past and love it. Forgive those who have hurt you, for they know not what they do.

Carry an attitude of love wherever you go, into whatever you do and say. Become the love you desire. Pass that love to others and watch it return to you doubled. Hold your head up, you are not your body, you are God’s child.

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Feelings, Feelings, Feelings

My Near Death Experience, we live forever, our hearts, feelings, and minds continue on, therefore we must control our thoughts. For on the other side, there is timelessness, loving force, and an end to this illusion.

Nothing is more important than the intelligence, and imagination that the loving energy brings forth. This Loving force equals omniscience and omnipotence.

Find the truth for yourself, look deep within your hearts, and trust your inituition, for there in your feelings are the depths, protection, and comprehension of this omnipotent energy, I have acknowledged as the loving force.

Trust that nothing in this world is worth learning, acquiring, or working for unless it carries the energy of the loving force.

Find Freedom, Truth and Love. Trust your feelings, let your feelings guide you through this world, not your mind, your mind is worthless unless it agrees with your heart, therefore, feelings are the way out.

So the ultimate lesson I want to teach is, your feelings are what will ultimately guide your destiny, even on the other side. Pay close attention to your feelings for therein lies the seat of God. God’s Mind and Omnipotence.

by Icharlesss

© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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