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Letters 06, affirmations

(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).

I did something a little spontaneous this morning. I tried to do some affirmations a little different. Kinda like….how would the Holy Spirit talk to me.

Example…………I always come out on top. I make good decisions and am in tune with my inner voice. I have overcome much guilt and have forgiven myself. I go from thought to thought easily and am comforted by the knowledge I am guided and blessed. I feel the ONE who walks with me and draw on HIS strength when I am in need.

Things become easier as I relax and trust myself. I am a good person. I have talents. I am intellegent. I forgive myself easily when I make a mistake in thought and just continue with my peace as before. I am learning to love myself and my choices. I am learning to be grateful for and love my mistakes and error prone decisions. I can turn back time when I forgive because it never happened in God’s mind to begin with.

I have all the time I need because I am eternal and have the ability to heal anything with God’s help. I am powerful because God created me powerful and is always with me. I accept the Holy Spirit’s help in thinking loving thoughts. I accept God’s bounty and comfort. There is no greater gift than God’s peace, and I have it. All things are secondary to Love.

If I have Love I have everything. I am invincible and eternal but I accept my changing body given me for a learning purpose. I accept my decision to come here and love myself for being brave enough to do it. I can hear God’s voice if I listen. I can feel God’s embrace if I stand still. I can accept God’s love and forgiveness if I close my eyes and become one with Him.

I am an extension of God. I have a high calling. I am a healer. My life is blessed. I have only one enemy, myself, and I know how to forgive myself and change. Love trumps all pain, death, illusion, sadness and time bound ideas. More and more love is the way of the Universe.

Love is infinite so it never stops multiplying………………..


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