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Hi Leroy..
With so much insidious hatred being spread around…here is a little poem to share with you to perhaps balance with love instead…


Forgive, some know not what they do

Forgive, some know exactly what they do

But either way perhaps we might just see

That they are in desperate need for kind reprieve

If God can offer such a supreme sacrifice of love

Can we not offer too the peace of a dove

If we cannot but turn the other cheek

Or be the first to give others the final speak

Especially when they are aching to fight

Can we not be the one to show them our Light

Perhaps theirs have been beatened, its flicker now quite dim

From so many hurts or tears of pain inflicted from anothers whim

Can we not be the one to stretch out first our hand

Take a purposeful step of peace towards where they stand

Or give them a more compassionate understanding

From our hearts eyes that sees beyond their gang branding

For in each instant we avert a hatred with our love

We may be just what their soul was aching for sent from above

And isnt true that what we see in our brothers

Is perhaps our own reflection as we are really One with all Others

So let us strive to Forgive…

Some may know or not what they do

But you have a choice in what you choose too.

Thanks for reading. Am so Grateful for You and the Love that you are and share, always.

Hugs, gisl

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


…a little kitty poem

Since you love kitties so tenderly….I thought I might share this poem with you in remembrance of a little friend of my own…Blessings and hugs, gisl

Once there was a kitty who needed a home
And no one wanted her so she had to roam
She was in need cuz she waddled a big belly
Unto my door she meowed, ragged and smelly

I gave her food and invited her in
She purred thank you and settled quickly within
Eating and drinking like it was her last meal
Yet pausing in between giving nudges to my heel

Quickly the days passed and it was her time
She paced and whined into her box she did climb
I readied the towels, blankets and knelt by her side
Thru painful efforts she bore four kittens with courage and pride

That was my sweet Susie who was thereafter a very loyal friend
Whether on my lap or for companion i could always depend
So just because i fed her and gave some kindness and care
Susie showered me with love and affection beyond compare

Such a simple sharing and not much of a drain
One soul affecting another both receiving gain
That is my story with a most beloved creature
A sweet life experience from a most loving teacher

For Susie, a most beloved friend, gone back to God, but her paws and love forever imprinted in my heart…gisl

Imagine how our world would be if we could give one another the same sort of loving exchange that an animal, who does not speak with our same words, readily is able to do, just by its presence exemplifying unconditional love in the simple act of loyal grateful friendship….

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



Souls: Beautiful Strands of Divine Light, Energy of Love

We are beautiful eternal lights of love

Each with a a unique energy imprint

A spark of God encoded in each divine strand of light

Every strand has its own special color within the spectrum

Making the love fabric that weaves itself thru out the universe

Requiring every single filament within collectively to ensure completeness

Thus accomplishing and expressing the splendor of the Weaver Creator

Each soul is embedded with a unique light essence

But holding the same magnificence as the original ecclesiastic strand

Yet diverse that each may self discover, and enjoy its glorious own significance

Every light free to express, learn, grow, explore, with endless potential, choices

All with blessings and encouragement of Supreme Creator

Each fibril never entirely apart from the original Source

Threads of light, always maintaining connection, part of divine framework

Love bindings connecting souls in the perfection of universal construction

This is why Oneness feels so right…like Home

This is why we miss our true Home when we forget who we are

And our connection to each other and Source

This is why we rejoice when we remember

There is peace when we find within, our Source, once more the Home we seek

This is why all answers are right there, within

But because we are pure energy, we can never die, we are immortal

We endlessly transform to please ourselves and the Creator spark within us

We are constant perpetual expressions of ourselves everywhere

Forever expanding, uniting, gathering, changing

But never completely separating from our Source or even each other

This is the Law of the Universe

It is the Law of Love

It is the essence of God

God is Love, God is Light, therefore, we are LOVE, we are LIGHT

As LOVE, we are each beautiful unique LIGHTS

Making and completing the color spectrum of the universes

Woven and united as pure white light

Ever expanding and everlasting

Existing forever in Oneness as everything.


Hugs4Peace to your and yours always my dear.

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Musings . . .

Musings for the moment, by Gisl

Musings for the moment…How many times can we be rejected and still reach out to others in Love? As many times and as often as it takes… until we take our last breath…the pain of rejection is felt for the other too because they do not realize the loss in the beauty and joy there could be in Oneness remembered. But with Love, we will always seek to be, expand, unite, and gather back unto our eternal Oneness with the Light, and so it is our destiny to reach out, again and again to when there is no such thing as rejection, but complete Oneness.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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