Self Acceptance

Our unique physical shells?
Can be our own personal hells?

When we let the perceptions of others?
Over ride our own wise inner druthers??

And we cater to their perspectives?
Forgetting our own objectives??

Being blind to our true inherent beauty?
And neglecting our purpose and duty??

Or reasons that we chose our shells ?
To experience all within these cells??

Including the ability to see beyond?
The temporals of worldly brawn??

So please remember this truth?
We are more than this physical booth??

Let not the opinions of another?
Be the cause of our souls smother??

Or prevent us from living our life?
To our soul’s wondrous learning delight??

So please be kind to our precious selves?
And see the grandeur inside exterior shells??

Encased within all are chosen temporal cloaks?
Magnificently created by the Master’s strokes.

Thanks for reading, hugs,


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Hi Leroy..
With so much insidious hatred being spread around…here is a little poem to share with you to perhaps balance with love instead…


Forgive, some know not what they do

Forgive, some know exactly what they do

But either way perhaps we might just see

That they are in desperate need for kind reprieve

If God can offer such a supreme sacrifice of love

Can we not offer too the peace of a dove

If we cannot but turn the other cheek

Or be the first to give others the final speak

Especially when they are aching to fight

Can we not be the one to show them our Light

Perhaps theirs have been beatened, its flicker now quite dim

From so many hurts or tears of pain inflicted from anothers whim

Can we not be the one to stretch out first our hand

Take a purposeful step of peace towards where they stand

Or give them a more compassionate understanding

From our hearts eyes that sees beyond their gang branding

For in each instant we avert a hatred with our love

We may be just what their soul was aching for sent from above

And isnt true that what we see in our brothers

Is perhaps our own reflection as we are really One with all Others

So let us strive to Forgive…

Some may know or not what they do

But you have a choice in what you choose too.

Thanks for reading. Am so Grateful for You and the Love that you are and share, always.

Hugs, gisl

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Think of Peace


Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.

No one can grant you peace, you must allow yourself to receive it. If your mind is in a state of turmoil, wracked with confusion, and angry thoughts, how can peace find a home? Peace is something you allow yourself to own. The fastest path to peace is to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Forgive yourself, let go of the blame, and guilt sequence; forgive others, let go of the anger, and hate sequence. Practice exchanging negative thoughts for positive ones. Stay away from things that upset you as much as possible, if not possible try to keep a picture of peace and love in your mind. Read good books on attaining peace. Do something today to bring more peace into your life.

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
American lecturer, poet, and essayist, 1803-1882

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