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Torch Bearers of Light…

We are each holding the divine Light within as LOVE, this we have eternally always been and will never differ.

But as souls journeying in this physical earth plane
our remembrance of our true selves are often well veiled at birth.

To fully embrace our physical density, unforgiving and tight fitting it often might be

Yet this then becomes our reality for all the moments of living,

so that we may experience all that we can imagine, dream or encounter.

For the purpose of learning, growing, reaping all the benefits of joys, pain or sorrow,

while achieving our goals and purpose agreed upon before coming.

But as a grace when we may be lonely and miss our true home, there are sparks of recall, nudgings of small voices within, gentle touches from other souls crossing our paths…

That we let us realize we are so much more than we seem and our remembrance is rekindled,

little by little or sometimes in huge waves of blissful ignites..
nevertheless, we know and it becomes a second birthing.

With tears of joy, gladness and warmth and not of cold shock as in the first arrival.

We notice then there are many siblings all around, some awaking some still in a haze.

And we love them so much because we remember our Oneness, our dearest eternal friends.

Seeing in them ourselves, their light, our own light, their loving essence, ours.

So we pass on this burning desire to share, this remembrance of LOVE so perfect and rare.

A beautiful jewel aglow within each, to be discovered and behold

A light so bright, so pure, so inviting beautiful,

we boldly can’t help but reach out to touch, embrace and merge with our own,

thus allowing full participation to all, with all, in unity we are much more afire

Burning, expanding, flamingly alight for the divine conscious awareness for all siblings.

As we strive in oneness for ultimate ascension to our highest potential, racing towards heavens ordained blessing of true Being.

As olympians bearers of this divine light, we each bring a unique energy of love vibration that must be shared and passed on.

For in the perfect wonderful law of our Creator, the more you give, the more you get back.

In so many ways we do this, in kindness, in prayers, in thoughtful deeds, in friendship, in encouraging ways, in being LOVE and letting others Be.

And accepting All exactly where they are in their path and walking gently, ever present,

Along, beside with respect for the unique expression of their souls in what we see with our opened hearts and open arms…

Let us all rekindle our fire as we keep on…being the lights that we are, and letting our Love reveal itself in all the ways that it needs to be…with each other, within our personal lives…with the world at large.

This truly is the passing on of the torch that is not only our privilege to do but a joy and responsibility to each other and what we came to do…

So the more we pass our light on to others, the more we shine

The brightness is immense for all to clearly see with their hearts

their paths becomes joyous with peace and not lonely in oneness knowing,

Each realizing their own beautiful magnificent soul self, always cherished, ever eternal.

Rekindling their light and then too, passing it on, in endless ripples of LOVE till all hearts are aflame with remembrance of loving Oneness Light.

Thank you for reading, blessings & hugs, gisl

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